Pokémon: Standing at the Silver Conference at the Beginning

Chapter 511 Princess of Sinnoh, Ice Crystal Lamp!

"I see, the smoke is just a way to set off the surprise."

In the waiting room, Ulala said with a smile.

Xiao Wang immediately came to defend him: "Xiao Guang will never let down the experience he has accumulated so far. This performance is very exciting."

Hear the words.

Ulala turned back and looked directly at her: "I tell you, I will definitely break your agreement on the final stage."

Not to be outdone, Xiao Wang replied with a smile on his face: "That's hard to say."

"Through the dazzling and exciting performances in the three areas, the first review of 108 coordinated trainers and Pokémon has officially ended!"

"The next announcement is about the players who were promoted to the second review and competed beautifully!"

Scoring and accounting are done at the same time as the competition, so the results come out quickly.

For a time, all the contestants and spectators turned their attention to the big screen.

With each head beating, the list of promotions gradually unfolded.

The first one to appear was Xiao Guang, followed closely by Xiao Wang, Urala, Sister Musashi, Shang Zhi and others.


Until the last person to be promoted appeared, Jianwu's expression suddenly changed.

He stared blankly for a while, and finally lowered his shoulders in despair.

In fact, he had already expected this result.

"Okay, for the 32 contestants who have passed the above, the second review will be held tomorrow, please continue to work hard!"

With Miss Lillian's announcement, the first day of the large-scale celebration came to a successful conclusion.

After Jianwu came out, he said goodbye to Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang and others, saying that he was going to prepare and practice for the next large-scale celebration.


The next day.


"Are you going to use Patchlitz and Ivory Pig?"

Lila hugged Pogaman and Pikachu and looked at the contestants prepared by Xiaoguang.

"Yes, continuing the fire and ice from the first round, in the first game of the second round, I am going to use the combination of electricity and ice."

You can tell.

Xiaoguang has now developed his own unique insights in the attainment of gorgeous combination skills.

"I'm looking forward to it, Xiaoguang, work hard, and don't forget the promise of the final stage."

Xiao Wang encouraged from the side.

She and Xiaoguang said they were rivals, but in fact they were more like best friends.

So no matter who wins in the end, they will be able to send blessings to the other party.



There are many people who break the atmosphere.

Ulala appeared behind them, smiling with one hand on her hips: "Everyone is gathered here. I have carefully observed your performance yesterday, especially Miss Xiaoguang, who won the championship just by relying on luck. It’s impossible.”

"What did you say?"

Xiaoguang shouted angrily, but immediately calmed down.

Xiaozhi said that when facing an opponent, you cannot let others lead you.

"But I still hope that you can go to the final stage, so that you can be my foil for winning."

Ulala spread her hands, seeming very confident.

But Lila could tell that the person in front of her seemed to be slightly paranoid about Xiao Guang.

On the contrary, he wanted to win against Xiaoguang more than anyone else.

Just like Xiaozhi and Shinji.

"Don't worry, I will definitely get on the final stage."

Xiao Guang smiled calmly: "Besides, my opponent must be Xiao Wang."

The implication is that Ulala cannot be their opponent.

"You guy..."

Ulala frowned. No matter what, every time she saw Xiaoguang, she would get inexplicably angry.

"I have made everyone wait for a long time. The second review of the large-scale celebration and the gorgeous battle have officially begun!"

The sound coming from the screen interrupted their conversation.

As the lights in the venue came on, Xiaozhi and other judges were ready.

"Then next, the groupings of the three regions will be announced!"

The words fell.

The first area flashed a few times, and Xiaoguang and Ulala appeared in the first round.

"As expected, we are enemies on a narrow road..."

Xiaozhi, who was sitting at the judging table, smiled and rested his chin on his hand.

"Charming appearance, ivory pig, Patchlitz!"

This round, Xiaoguang can still see clearly from Xiaozhi's side in the area Xiaoyao is responsible for.

"It's show time, bite the land shark, fire elf!"

Ulala obviously came prepared and had investigated Xiaoguang's Pokémon in advance.

Excluding the Curly Ears and Fireball Rat that appeared yesterday, she didn’t think Xiaoguang would bring out the ace Pogaman so quickly.

Therefore, the appearance of the ground-type plus dragon-biting land shark and the fire-type fire elf already have an advantage in terms of attributes.

"But Xiaoguang and Xiaozhi have been traveling for so long, and the problem with her attributes should not have any impact on her."

Xiaoyao, who was sitting in the judges' seat in the blue area, smiled slightly.

After all, she has watched a lot of Xiaozhi's reverse-attribute battles, so now she won't be the least bit scared when fighting with others, even if their attributes are unfavorable.

"Pachlitz, use discharge!"

Xiaoguang took the lead, and it was an electric attack.

"A test?"

Ulala raised the corner of her mouth slightly and responded calmly: "Fire Elf, get behind Liebite Land Shark."

A very simple treatment, but very effective.

I saw the majestic electric current surrounding Liebite Land Shark. Before it lasted for a moment, Liebite Land Shark jumped away with a loud roar.

"It is as expected."

Xiao Guang seemed to have expected the result. In a blink of an eye, the discharge had already landed on the Ivory Pig.

"Ivory Pig, use Slam!"

As soon as the voice fell.

The Ivory Pig, which was emitting electricity all over its body, rushed forward and slammed into the body of the Liebite Shark. Even though the opponent held the tusks of the Ivory Pig tightly, it was knocked back all the way!

And Pachirisu continued to release electricity to enchant the Ivory Pig.


The power doubled. The Ivory Pig raised its tusks suddenly, lifted the Liebite Shark and smashed it on the Flame Spirit behind it, causing damage to both Pokémon at the same time!

After all, although the Liebite Shark is insulated, the Flame Spirit does not have that ability.


Ulala was slightly startled. She did not expect Xiao Guang's team to cooperate so quickly.

It was like they had been tempered by thousands of hammers. They had a tacit understanding.

But this little girl is also a strong character. She will not retreat at all.

He started to let Garchomp use Hail of Sand, and Fire Spirit used the Ghost Face method, showing a huge ghost face on the Hail of Sand screen.

The momentum was so great that people were stunned.

And Ulala also took advantage of this momentum to launch a counterattack against Xiaoguang.

After a fierce stalemate, Ulala's attack became more and more fierce, and she scored frequently.

Fortunately, Xiaoguang was polished by two top trainers, and she was not afraid of danger, using the timing and the precise response of the special move instructions.

Just before the end, Xiaoguang finally started to let go!

"Ivory Pig, use Gravel!"

"Pachirisu, use Discharge!"


Ice Crystal Lamp!

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