The old man was in trouble.

"Come back, Steelix, come on, Dragonite!"

[Pokémon: Dragonite]

[Level: 42]

[Gender: Male]

[Attribute: Rock/Steel]

[Classification: Shield Pokémon]

[Qualification: Gym]

[Feature: Sturdy]

[Personality: Arrogant]

[Skills: Metal Explosion, Stone Attack, Iron Wall, ...]

Unlike Steelix, its double defense is very high.

"Inferno uses Swarm!"

Countless fireballs attacked Dragonite, but unfortunately it did not cause much damage.

"Dragonite uses Earthquake!"

Finally, Inferno lost its combat effectiveness after this earthquake.

"Come back, Infernape, go ahead, Owlmoth."

"The color is different again? What a mysterious boy." Winter Melon Pavilion owner thought as he looked at Owlmoth.

"Owlmoth uses Rock Smash!"

"Dragon uses Metal Explosion!"

Dragonmoth, which is four times weak to fighting, was knocked away, but the damage of Rock Smash was too low after all, so it didn't suffer much damage, but this move interrupted Metal Explosion.

"Owlmoth uses Wave Missile!"

Owlmoth condensed a blue ball and attacked Dragonmoth.

The damage of Wave Missile was still good, and it successfully hurt Dragonmoth.

"Owlmoth continues to use Triple Arrow Attack!"

"Dragonmoth, use Stone Attack to counterattack!"

This time, the two Pokémon exchanged a wave of damage with each other, but unfortunately Owlmoth has resistance to rock attributes and didn't suffer much damage. Instead, Dragonmoth was hit in the vitals, and its defense was reduced.

"Sniper Tree Owl, use the triple arrows again to finish it off!"

In the end, Sniper Tree Owl won with his unique skills from thousands of years ago.

"Come back, Guardian Dragon."

"Come back, Sniper Tree Owl."

Then Winter Melon Gym Master walked towards Ning Hao with a mine badge.

"You won, and your Pokémon is amazing." Winter Melon Gym Master handed the badge to Ning Hao.

"Thank you." After receiving the badge, Ning Hao and Sirona left the gym.

"Congratulations to the master for completing the task and getting the reward: God-level lottery*1, points*1000."

"Trigger a new sign-in location: Full Moon Island, reward: Cresselia's friendship, accurate location of Crescent Island. Note: Please go to the dock to find Bomu, he will lead you to Full Moon Island."

"Well? Sirona, let's go to Full Moon Island first." Ning Hao said.

"Full Moon Island? Isn't that where the dream god Cresselia is located?" Sirona said.

"Well, let's go there and have a look."

Then the two came to the dock, and under the guidance of the system, Ning Hao found the home of sailor Bo Mu.

"Hello, Mr. Bo Mu."

"Who are you?" The somewhat haggard Bo Mu asked after opening the door.

"We heard that your son was haunted by nightmares and couldn't wake up."

"Yes." Bo Mu said.

"We hope you can send us to Full Moon Island, and then we will ask Cresselia to help you cure your son." Ning Hao said.

"Well?" Bo Mu was a little excited. At this time, he didn't know whether what Ning Hao said was credible, but for his son, he could only try.

"Okay, I'll take you there now."


Then several people came to Bo Mu's ship and embarked on a journey to Full Moon Island.

I don't know how long it took, the three came to a small island.

As soon as they stepped onto the island, a noble Pokémon appeared in front of them.

[Pokémon: Cresselia]

[Level: 90]

[Gender: None]

[Attribute: Psychic]

[Classification: Crescent Moon Pokémon]

[Qualification: Legend]

[Feature: Float]

[Personality: Bold]

[Skills: Telekinesis, Crescent Moon Dance, Predicting the Future, ...]

"Who are you?" Cresselia asked.

"We are here to seek your help." Ning Hao said.

Then Bomu told him about his son.

After listening to Bomu's words, Cresselia handed Bomu a Crescent Moon Feather and said, "It can heal your son."

"Thank you, Master Dream God!" Bomu shed tears excitedly. He had been to Full Moon Island but Cresselia had never appeared.

"You go first, Mr. Bomu, we will leave later." Ning Hao said.

"Well, if you need anything, please let me know. I'm always in Shuimai City." Bomu said, and then said some words of gratitude before leaving with Crescent Feather.


"Congratulations, Master, for completing the sign-in. The reward will be distributed on Crescent Island."

Darkrai appeared at this time.

Cresselia was not surprised. It appeared here because it sensed Darkrai's breath.

"You are not it." Cresselia said.

"It is indeed not, it is my partner." Ning Hao knew that it was Darkrai on Crescent Island that Cresselia said.

"Well, your breath is much stronger than it." Cresselia said to Darkrai, and then looked at Ning Hao.

"Do you have anything to do on the island?" Cresselia asked.

"I want you to take me to Crescent Island." Ning Hao said.

"Hmm?" Cresselia was a little curious.

"We want to see it and stop it from going to Water Pulse City." Ning Hao said.


Under Cresselia's guidance, they came to Crescent Island.

Darkrai also felt the breath of his old enemy and soon appeared.

[Pokémon: Darkrai]

[Level: 90]

"They are equally strong." Ning Hao thought as he looked at the two's panels.

"Who are you?" Darkrai looked at Ning Hao and Sirona and asked.

"Darkrai, teach him a lesson." At this time, a Darkrai emerged from Ning Hao's shadow.

The overwhelming momentum attacked the Darkrai of Crescent Island.

"This is the elder of the tribe! What a powerful aura!" Darkrai was suppressed at this time and had no power to resist. After all, the gap between the two was like a chasm.

"We hope you won't go to Shuimai City to hurt others." Ning Hao said.

"Okay." Darkrai didn't dare to resist at this time. It believed that as long as it said no, the elder would teach it a lesson.

At this time, Cresselia had a good impression of Ning Hao when she heard Ning Hao's request. After all, it used to stop Darkrai, and now Ning Hao directly helped it solve this trouble.

"Reward: Cresselia's favor has been issued." The electronic sound sounded again.

"Trigger the mission: ask about Darko's whereabouts, mission rewards: God-level lottery*1, points*1000."

"By the way, do you know any other Darkrai?" Ning Hao asked. He did not directly ask about Darko's whereabouts. How could Darkrai know the trainer's name?

"Well, there is another younger generation in the tribe, but it is a pity that it is now training with the trainer." Darkrai said.

"Well? Training with the trainer, isn't that Darko?" Ning Hao's eyes lit up.

"Do you know where they are?" Ning Hao asked quickly.

"They are training on the nearby island." Darkrai said.

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