The enemy was in a state of panic, but the enemy was still alive.

With Den-Ci distracted, Ning Hao launched another attack.

"Inferno, use Jet Flame to finish it off!"

Finally, Raichu was taken away by Inferno's Jet Flame.

"Come back Raichu, go Raichu!"

[Pokemon: Raichu]

[Level: 41]

Ning Hao vaguely remembered that Den-Ci's first Pokémon was Pikachu, but he was not sure if it was this one.

At this time, Den-Ci's fighting spirit had been ignited, and his momentum was completely different from before.

"Inferno, use Jet Flame!"

"Raichu dodges with Lightning Flash, and then uses Charge Beam to counterattack!"

Raichu was well-trained and had an advantage in level, easily avoiding Jet Flame and then counterattacking.

"Inferno uses Will-O-Wisp!"

"Raichu uses Charge Beam!"

Raichu didn't have such good luck this time. It was hit by Will-O-Wisp and fell into a burning state, but Inferno was also taken away by this attack.

"Come back Inferno, come on, Arcanine!"

"Arcanine uses Stomp!"

"Raichu uses Lightning Flash!"

Arcanine successfully restricted Raichu's performance with a Stomp, but Raichu barely avoided damage with Lightning Flash.

"Arcanine uses Great Indignation!"

Arcanine rushed towards Raichu with fire all over his body, with an imposing momentum and a speed that left Raichu nowhere to hide. After a Great Indignation, Arcanine fell into a passionate state.

"Arcanine continues to use Great Indignation!"

Although Arcanine would suffer greater damage at this time, the best defense was attack, so Ning Hao directly let Arcanine attack.

Under the powerful destructive power of Arcanine, Raichu lost its fighting power, leaving it no chance to show its strength, and it died a bit aggrieved.

"Come back Raichu! Go, Roentgen."

[Pokémon: Roentgen]

[Level: 43]

[Gender: Male]

[Attribute: Electricity]

[Classification: Eye Pokémon]

[Qualification: Gym]

[Feature: Fighting Spirit]

[Personality: Bold]

[Skills: Thunder Fang, Ice Fang, Flame Fang, ...]

It must be said that Roentgen's appearance is still very handsome.

"Roentgen uses Thunder Fang!"

"Arcanine continues to use Great Indignation!"

At this time, Arcanine has fallen into a frenzied attack state. Although Roentgen attacked Arcanine, it was also thankless. Fortunately, Arcanine's enthusiastic state caused it to suffer greater damage.

"Arcane uses Stomp!"

"Rentinus uses Thunder to move away!"

"Arcane uses Flare Charge!"

Seeing Rentinus move away, Ning Hao quickly asked Arcane to use Flare Charge to get close to it, otherwise Thunder alone would be enough to make it lose its combat effectiveness.

In the end, Arcane successfully hit Rentinus, and Rentinus's Thunder also hit Growlithe, and both Pokémon died together.

"Come back, Arcanine, go Zoroark!"

"Come back, Roentgen, go, Electabuzz!"

[Pokémon: Electabuzz]

[Level: 45]

[Gender: Male]

[Attribute: Electricity]

[Classification: Lightning Pokémon]

[Qualification: Gym]

[Feature: Electric Engine]

[Personality: Bold]

[Skills: Lightning Fist, Flame Fist, Ultimate Impact, ...]

"Electabuzz uses Lightning Fist!"

"Zoroark uses Shadow Sneak Attack!"

Zoroark's whereabouts are uncertain due to the illusion feature, and Electabuzz is completely unable to lock its position, making it impossible for Electabuzz to start.

"Zoroark uses Shadow Ball!"

At this time, in Electabuzz's world, it saw countless Zoroarks around it preparing to attack it.

"Electabuzz, get out of the way!"

Unfortunately, it was too late, and Electabuzz was knocked out.

"Electric Beast, close your eyes! Use Thunder Fist to attack your back!"

It must be said that Denji's reaction was very fast, and their cooperation was even faster. After receiving the order, Electric Beast closed his eyes and swung his fist full of thunder and lightning behind him.

"Zoroark, dodge! Then use the wave of evil to counterattack!"

But unfortunately, Electric Beast's reaction was very fast, and it still hit Zoroark who was about to dodge.

"Zoroark, use high-speed star!"

"Electric Beast, use fire fist!"

Zoroark opened up the distance again, making Electric Beast's attack useless!

"Zoroark uses revenge!"

"What skill is this? This white fox

What surprise can it give me? "Denci thought. At this time, he didn't know how to let the electric shock monster dodge, so he simply let the electric shock monster take a defensive posture.

"Electric shock monster defensive posture!"

The electric shock monster put his hands on his chest, but unfortunately Zoroark's attack far exceeded its imagination, and finally successfully made it lose its combat effectiveness.

"Come back, electric shock monster."

At this time, Denci took out a lighthouse badge and walked towards Ning Hao.

"Thank you." Denci said.

"You're welcome." Ning Hao naturally knew what Denci meant. This thank you was because he awakened Denci's fighting spirit.

"Your team is amazing, all of them have special skills, which makes me defenseless." Denci said.

"Congratulations to the master for completing the task and getting rewards: God-level lottery*1, points*1000."

"Congratulations to the master for completing the badge collection and using the Xicui team, hereby rewarded, points*100000. ”

“Trigger a new task, appease Arceus's anger, reward: friendship of the God of Creation, travel to the Xicui area.”

“Trigger an option task.”

“Option 1, win the championship of the Lily of the Valley Conference, reward: God-level lottery*10, points*100,000.”

“Option 2, win the runner-up of the Lily of the Valley Conference, reward: God-level lottery*5, points*50,000.”

“Option 3, win the third place of the Lily of the Valley Conference, reward: God-level lottery*1, points*10,000.”

“Trigger an option side quest, win the championship of the Lily of the Valley Conference using only the Xicui team, reward: explanation of the Xicui illustrated manual in the points store, one elf egg.”

“Trigger a new task, let all members of the Xicui team break through to the Heavenly King level before the Lily of the Valley Conference, reward qualification improvement scroll*3. (The highest is the champion)”

“So many tasks at once! "Ning Hao was a little surprised. It was the first time for him to trigger so many tasks and the rewards were so rich.

"Elf egg? I don't know who it will be, but this time this option task seems to be afraid that I can't beat Dakdo?" Ning Hao laughed.

"The Xicui Atlas is unlocked! It seems that Longing Cloud has a chance!" Ning Hao thought. He has a great interest in Longing Cloud.

"What are you doing?" Shirona asked Ning Hao who was standing there.

"Nothing, let's go." Ning Hao said.

"The gym challenge is over. Let's rest here for a day and send Xie Mi home." Ning Hao touched Xie Mi and said.

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