The enemy was in a state of panic, but the enemy was still alive.

At this time, under the puzzled gaze of the angel, the dragon stood up and looked completely unharmed.

"Dragon uses Meteor Swarm!"

"Dragonite, get out of the way!"

Unfortunately, it was too late, Dragonite was hit directly, but fortunately Dragonite's defense was not bad, and it took the blow.

"Dragonite uses Flame Fist!"

"Dragonite uses Thunder Fist!"

Finally, the fists of the two quasi-gods collided, and the two Pokémon flew backwards at the same time, but it was obvious that the dragon had the advantage, after all, it was not restrained by the fire attribute, but was restrained by the electric attribute.

"Nanmeilu Dragon uses Freeze Beam!"

"Dragonite uses Reverse Scale!"

"Huh? Reverse Scale? Nanmeilu Dragon uses Reverse Scale instead!"

The two quasi-gods in the field immediately began a crazy offensive!

The collision of the two quasi-gods set off a sandstorm that blocked everyone's vision.

After an unknown amount of time, the sandstorm dissipated, and Nanmeilu Dragon stood in the field as a winner.

"Come back, Dragonite." Ganlang took back Dragonite.

"Well done, Nanmeilu Dragon!" Ning Hao shouted excitedly.

"You won. This golden stamp is for you." Ganlang handed a golden stamp to Ning Hao.

"Thank you."

Then Ganlang asked about Nanmeilu Dragon again, but Ning Hao said that a paper about it would appear after a while, which interrupted Ganlang's idea of ​​continuing to ask.

Then Ning Hao met up with Shirona.

"Let's go back and rest, and go to the Battle Roulette tomorrow."


In Ning Hao's plan, he planned to complete the Battle Frontier Challenge this week and obtain all the stamps, and then leave with Sirona to wait for Xiaozhi's arrival in Mitina.


Early in the morning of the second day, Ning Hao came to the Battle Roulette.

Ning Hao also saw the Roulette Goddess Dali.

"Chief Dali, I'm here to challenge you."

"Come on."

Then the two came to the battle arena.

"Come out, Darkling!"

[Pokémon: Darkling]

[Level: 60]

[Gender: Female]

[Attribute: Ghost]

[Classification: Grasping Pokémon]

[Qualification: Gym]

[Feature: Pressure]

[Personality: Calm]

[Skills: Trick Space, Shadow Punch, Will-O-Wisp, ...]

"Come out, Zoroark."

"What a beautiful Zoroark!" Xi Cui Zoroark's appearance is indeed very high, attracting the attention of the Roulette Goddess.

"Let's get started, Leader Dali."


"Darkling uses Trick Space!"

At this time, Trick Space takes effect, and Darkling is now faster than Zoroark.

"Darkling uses Shadow Punch!"

"Zoroark uses Shadow Ball!"

Finally, in Dali's surprised eyes, Zoroark ignored Shadow Punch and Darkling was knocked out instead.

"Zoroark uses the evil wave!"

"Night Demon uses the will-o'-the-wisp!"

Unfortunately, Zoroark failed to dodge the ghost this time and fell into a burning state, but it still successfully used the evil wave to damage the Night Demon.

"Zoroark uses the will-o'-the-wisp!"

"Night Demon, get out of the way!"

However, the will-o'-the-wisp's hit rate was too high, and the Night Demon failed to dodge and fell into a burning state directly.

"Zoroark uses the revenge now!"

"Night Demon uses the fire fist!"

In the end, the Night Demon lost its combat effectiveness under the double damage of the revenge.

"Come back, Night Demon, come on, Charem."

Ning Hao couldn't help but feel happy. Compared with the Night Demon, Charem is easier to deal with.

[Pokémon: Charem]

[Level: 60]

[Gender: Female]

[Attributes: Fighting/Psychic]

[Classification: Meditation Pokémon]

[Qualification: Gym]

[Features: Yoga Power]

[Personality: Cheerful]

[Skills: High Five Surprise Attack, Mind Hammer, Hold On, ...]

"Zoroark uses Will-O-Wisp!"

"Charem uses High Five Surprise Attack!"

Charem's speed is very fast, but unfortunately this attack was ignored by Zoroark, and then Charem was hit by the will-o'-the-wisp and fell into a burning state.

At this time, Ning Hao thought, "We have to solve it as soon as possible, otherwise Zoroark will be defeated by the burning state!"

"Zoroark uses Revenge!"

"Charem hold on!"


The resentment appeared again and attacked Charem, almost killing it instantly.

"Charem, use Thunder Punch!"

"Zoroark, use Revenge to end it!"

Finally, under the powerful power of Revenge, Charem lost its combat effectiveness, and Zoroark, due to the previous consumption and the damage caused by the burning state, was about to reach its limit.

"Come back, Charem, go for Rakuten Kappa."

"Come back, Zoroark, go for Sniper Owl!"

Ning Hao was very familiar with Rakuten Kappa, after all, it was in the earliest Pokémon captured in the Hoenn region.

"Sniper Owl uses Leaf Blade!"

"Rakuten Kappa uses Ice Punch!"

In the collision between the two sides, Sniper Owl took the advantage.

"Lotte Kappa, continue to use Freeze Punch!"

"Sniper Owl, use Magic Leaf!"

Unlike Zoroark, Zoroark has an absolute advantage in his own battle. Although Sniper Owl has an advantage, it is not big.

Then the two Pokémon started a war of attrition.


"Sniper Owl uses Leaf Storm!" Ning Hao caught the flaw revealed by Xiao Li.

"Lotte Kappa, get out of the way!"

Unfortunately, it was too late. Lotte Kappa was directly knocked away. With a wail, Lotte Kappa lost its combat power.

"I lost." Xiao Li said, then took out a golden stamp and walked towards Ning Hao.

"This is your Roulette stamp."

"Thank you." After taking the stamp, Ning Hao was about to leave, but was stopped by Xiao Li.

Like Ganlang, Xiao Li asked a question about his Pokémon, but Ning Hao used the same excuse to evade her.

After challenging the battle wheel, Ning Hao came to the battle place between trainers. He planned to stay here for an afternoon to see if there were any gifted trainers who could pose a threat to him.

“Is it because there are Darko and Shinji here, so there are no other geniuses?” Ning Hao thought.

Just as Ning Hao was thinking, Shirona came over.

“Very soon, how about continuing the challenge and trying to leave early?” Shirona smiled.

“Not impossible, let’s go directly to the battle castle.” Ning Hao thought for a while and said.

Then the two changed their plan again and came to the battle castle.

Here Ning Hao met Shilan, the butler of the battle castle.

“Mr. Shilan, I’m here to challenge you.” Ning Hao said.

“Well? Come in.”

Then Shilan explained the rules to Ning Hao.

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