The enemy was killed.

"Bankira, close your eyes and attack right in front of you!" Unfortunately, Zoroark can't affect the people around him at this time, and can only affect specific targets, otherwise he would be really invincible.

Zoroark was bitten by Bankira before he had time to react, and the powerful attack instantly killed Zoroark.

"Come back, Zoroark, go Sniper Owl!"

"Sniper Owl? Isn't this a ghost attribute Pokémon? Do you want to defeat Bankira with the grass attribute?" Tsukki thought.

"Bankira uses evil wave!"

"Sniper Owl uses wave missile!"

"Huh? Wave missile! Bankira, get out of the way!" Tsukki was very surprised at this time.

But Bankira had no time to dodge and was hit directly by the wave missile. The four-fold restraint was indeed not a lie. Even a strong Bankira was seriously injured.

"Sniper Tree Owl uses triple arrows!"

"What kind of attack is this!"

Tsuki could only watch Bankira fall under the attack of triple arrows.

"Come back Bankira. Go Bronze Bell!"

[Pokémon: Bronze Bell]

[Level: 60]

[Gender: Female]

[Attribute: Steel/Psychic]

[Classification: Bronze Bell Pokémon]

[Qualification: Gym]

[Feature: Floating]

[Personality: Bold]

[Skills: Telekinesis, Heavy Impact, Divine Power, ...]

"Sniper Tree Owl uses wave missiles!"

"Bronze Bell uses Divine Power!"

The two Pokémon attacked each other, but unfortunately Bronze Bell had the upper hand.

"Sniper Tree Owl uses Triple Arrow!"

Although the power of Triple Arrow is not as strong as that of Wave Missile, it has a high probability of hitting the vital point and can also reduce the opponent's defense.

"Bronze Bell continues to use Divine Power!"

The two Pokémon hurt each other again, but fortunately, the Triple Arrow successfully hit the vital point of Bronze Bell, which also caused the current status of the two Pokémon to be basically the same.

"Sniper Tree Owl uses Shadow Claw!"

"Bronze Bell uses Heavy Impact!"

In the end, the two Pokémon died together!

"Come back Bronze Bell."

"Come back Sniper Tree Owl."

"You won." Tsuki said, and then took out a factory stamp and handed it to Ning Hao.

"Thank you."

As expected by Ning Hao, Tsuki also asked about Pokémon, but Ning Hao evaded him with the same excuse.


"It's time to leave." Ning Hao said.

"Well, let's go to Mitina."

Two days later, Mitina welcomed two guests, naturally Sirona and Ning Hao.

"Hello, Miss Sina."

"You are the champion of Sirona and Mr. Ning Hao, right? King Wusong has told me that you will arrive here."


At this time, Dialka and Palkia appeared.

"You are the mythical beasts recorded in ancient books, Dialka who controls time and Palkia who controls space!" Sina said excitedly.

"Yes." Palkia and Dialka responded.

"I feel the resentment of Arceus around here." Dialka said seriously.

"Yes." Ning Hao nodded.

"The resentment of Arceus." Sina murmured.

"Miss Sina, can you take us to the temple?" Ning Hao asked.

"Please follow me." Sina was not on guard against Ning Hao, after all, the two messengers of Arceus were with him.

Then Hina brought Ning Hao and Sirona to the temple.

"Kebin, they are the alliance envoys mentioned by King Wusong." Hina said to the man in the temple.

"Hello." Kebin greeted Ning Hao and Sirona.

Then Hina walked to the center of the temple again. After pressing some switch, a green gem appeared in front of everyone.

Hina held the gem in both hands and walked to Ning Hao and Sirona and said, "This is the life gem of Lord Arceus."

"Can you lend it to me?" Ning Hao said.

She hesitated a little, but after remembering that this was a human recognized by Dialga and Palkia, Hina agreed.

After Ning Hao got the gem, he used the power of super-control to detect it.

"This one is fake." Ning Hao said.

"Huh?" Hina and Kebin's faces changed drastically.

"How do you know it's fake?" The guest asked with a slightly unfriendly tone.

"That's it." Ning Hao then exerted force with both hands, and the life orb shattered.

"How is it possible!"

Bin and Xina were stunned. They couldn't believe that the thing they had guarded for so long was actually a fake!

"That's the truth. If you return this gem to Arceus, it will probably be even angrier." Ning Hao said.

"..." At this time, the two fell into silence. They naturally knew that what Ning Hao said was true.

"What should we do now?" Xina asked.

"Look for it in the temple, or look for the diary left by the ancestors to see if there are any clues." Ning Hao said.


"Then find us a place to stay first. We will stay until we have solved the problem of Arceus before leaving." Ning Hao said.

"Okay." Then Xina took Ning Hao and Xirona away first.


"How do you know it's fake?" Xirona asked.

"I have the power of super-control, and I can feel that there is no power of Arceus in it." Ning Hao said.

"Yeah." Sirona nodded, not surprised. For this strange man beside her, even if Ning Hao said that he had subdued Arceus, she would not be too surprised.

"What should we do now that there is no orb?" Sirona continued to ask.

"Don't worry, the orb is in the temple." Ning Hao smiled.

"Well? Why don't you tell them?" Sirona asked curiously.

"I don't know the exact location, but let them find it themselves. They will find it sooner or later." Ning Hao smiled.


So Ning Hao and Sirona lived in Mitina.

Relying on Palkia, the tool dragon, they often went to different food streets...

A month passed quickly, and Ning Hao did not fall behind in training, but unfortunately the Xicui team has not yet broken through to the King level.

Calculating the time, it has been more than three months since his birthday, and it is not far from the system upgrade.


Another month passed, and to Ning Hao's surprise, the sticky dragon broke through to the King level first.

[Pokémon: Melone]

[Level: 61]

[Gender: Female]

[Attribute: Dragon/Steel]

[Classification: Snail Shell Pokémon]

[Quality: King]

[Feature: Herbivorous]

[Personality: Introverted]

[Skills: Retreat, Water Wave, Dragon Wave, ...]

After thinking for a while, Ning Hao asked Melone to use the Qualification Upgrade Scroll.

At the same time, Ning Hao also received the news that Xiaozhi arrived in the Sinnoh region.

This also means that Ning Hao's good days are coming to an end.

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