Although it was just the Youth Cup, the four kings of Unova and the champion of Adek were all here.

Ning Hao had some ideas. After all, he was not interested in the Youth Cup, but it was still okay to be a king or a champion!

Perhaps because Xiao Ling sensed Ning Hao's thoughts, he issued a task.

"Trigger the option task."

"Option 1: Challenge Wanlong Tianwang, reward: God-level lottery * 10, points * 100000."

"Option 2: Challenge Lingju Tianwang, reward: God-level lottery * 10, points * 100000."

"Option 3: Challenge Lianwu Tianwang, reward: God-level lottery * 10, points * 100000."

"Note: You will get the follow-up task after completing the challenge."

Ning Hao was a little surprised that there was a follow-up task, but the reason why Cattleya did not appear in the options might be because Ning Hao had already challenged her.

However, Ning Hao did not know which Tianwang to challenge. After all, he was not familiar with them, and he might be rejected if he challenged them rashly. He planned to test the tone of the champion Adek before making plans.

Two days later, the game finally started, and Ning Hao also came to the battle hall.

Like the original, Shirona and Cattleya were invited to a public demonstration match.

Sirona and Cattleya naturally sent out their own trump cards, Garchomp and Miss Goth.

Unlike the original, the other three kings in the original will not appear, but all this will not have any impact.

The game lasted for ten minutes. Although Sirona let the water go, Miss Goth's strength should not be underestimated.

After the public demonstration, the first game is about to begin. Alice and the famous Dragon Destroyer Blue Gray will play.

Alice sent out the newly captured Dragonite, and Blue Gray sent out the Tundra Bear.

For Dragonite, which is four times weak to ice, the Tundra Bear brought a great sense of oppression, and Alice also said that Dragonite and she have not yet developed a tacit understanding, and even Dragonite will not obey her command.

Despite this, Alice still won the game without any danger.

This made Ning Hao sigh that the treatment of the protagonist is different, even if it is four times restrained, it will not affect them too much.

The competition continued and soon reached the semi-finals. The surprise was that Xiaozhi, Tiantong and Alice all successfully entered the semi-finals, just like the original.

The next game was Alice vs. Xiaozhi, Tiantong vs. Xiudi, but it was late, and the next game would be held the next day.

Ning Hao also took the opportunity to meet with Adek.

"Adek champion, who is the best to talk among the four kings? I want to challenge one of the kings to test my strength." Ning Hao said.

"You challenge the king? You challenge me, right?" Adek looked at Ning Hao and said, he was present when Ning Hao and Dandi fought.

"No, no, I'll challenge you next time. This time I challenged the king mainly to test my strength." Ning Hao smiled.

"Then you challenge Lian Wu, you have met him." Adek said after thinking for a moment.

"Well, then please tell him for me. I will challenge him after the Youth Cup."


Then Ning Hao left and joined up with Sirona and others.

Ning Hao started emergency special training for Xiaozhi to prevent him from defeating Xiudi. Of course, the main training target was Chaochao Pig. Although it had an advantage in attributes, it had not yet evolved to its final form. It was at a disadvantage in speed and defense. Although Ning Hao had Xiaozhi focus on special training before, he was still not at ease.

The special training lasted until the evening, and the group had time to rest. Ning Hao didn't care about Chaochao Pig, which never evolved. During this period of special training, Chaochao Pig's speed and fire attack had been greatly improved.

The next day, the competition finally started again. This was also the most exciting day because the champion would be decided today.

Xiaozhi and Alice faced each other. Even though Xiaozhi's Crocodile had no advantage in attributes and the racial value was very different, Crocodile evolved in everyone's shocked eyes and even defeated Dragonite, even though Dragonite had developed a tacit understanding with Alice!

On the other side, the match between Xiudi and Tiantong was much simpler. Xiudi easily defeated Tiantong with the powerful strength of Monarch Snake.

The match also came to the end, Xiaozhi vs. Xiudi!

"Come out, Chaochao Pig!"

"Come out, Monarch Snake!"

"Chaochao Pig uses Tail Shake and then uses Will-O-Wisp!" This is what Ning Hao asked Chaochao Pig to learn

The moves he knew were for dealing with the Monarch Snake!

The Monarch Snake was distracted by the tail shaking of the Chao Chao Pig, and then it was too late to dodge, and was hit by the ghost fire.

"Monarch Snake uses solar beam!"

"Chao Chao Pig uses jet flame!"

The energy ball of the Monarch Snake and the jet flame of Chao Chao Pig canceled each other out, but the Monarch Snake continued to lose blood due to the burning state.

"Chao Chao Pig uses sparks!"

"Monarch Snake avoids its attack and uses the grass mixer!"

The Monarch Snake is extremely fast and easily avoids the attack of Chao Chao Pig, and then uses the grass mixer to hit Chao Chao Pig!

"Use the tight binding now!" Xiudi wanted to pursue the victory when he saw Chao Chao Pig injured!

"Chao Chao Pig uses energy storage flame!"

Although the power of the energy storage flame is not high, the temperature is enough to injure the Monarch Snake.

When Xiudi saw that the Monarch Snake was at a disadvantage, he became a little anxious. He didn't want to lose. After all, fighting with the champion of Adek was his wish!

"Chee Pork uses Jet Flame!"

"Snake dodges its attack and uses Energy Ball!"

Snake dodges Jet Flame and then uses Energy Ball to knock away Chee Pork, but the state of Snake has obviously declined at this time. It can be seen that the burning state still has a great impact on it!

"Snake uses Crazy Plant!"

"Chee Pork uses Fire Oath!"

Finally, smoke rose up, blocking everyone's sight, and no one knew the result of the battle!


When the smoke dissipated, the two Pokémon fell to the ground and lost their fighting power!

The referee on the side was also a little surprised, and then he came to his senses and shouted, "Since both sides have lost their fighting power at the same time, this game is a draw!"

The audience in the audience were all excited!

Afterwards, after the discussion between the organizer and the champion of Adek, they came to a conclusion, and the host also announced the result of the game!

"There are two champions in this Youth Cup! Xiaozhi and Xiudi tied for the championship, let's congratulate them!"

"They also have the opportunity to challenge Adek for the championship!" The host's words once again boosted the atmosphere of the whole venue!

Xiudi and Xiaozhi also smiled at each other.

Ning Hao was also a little surprised to see the result of the game. He thought Xiaozhi would win, but Xiudi's belief in challenging Adek was too strong, which also led to the power of the crazy plant directly killing the well-conditioned Chaochao Pig in seconds!

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