The battle was over, and the battle was over.

"Parasol mushroom, continue to use the absorbing fist!"

"Three-headed dragon dodges its attack and uses the dragon wave!"

At this time, the three-headed dragon obeyed Ning Hao's command, dodged the attack of Parasol mushroom, and used the dragon wave to knock it away!

"Parasol mushroom uses mushroom spores!"

"Three-headed dragon dodges!"

It's a pity that the three-headed dragon was still immersed in the joy of knocking Parasol mushroom away, and forgot to dodge for a while, and was directly hit by the mushroom spores!

At this time, the three-headed dragon only felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he would fall asleep at any time!

"Damn it, I still need to train the tacit understanding between me and the three-headed dragon!" Ning Hao said secretly. Although the three-headed dragon would obey his command, the two had never fought together, so there was still a lot of tacit understanding between them!

"The parasitic mushroom uses the absorption punch!"

The three-headed dragon's dream talk successfully made it use the dragon wave, but the parasitic mushroom easily dodged it, and the sleeping three-headed dragon was hit by the absorption punch again!

Then the parasitic mushroom used the absorption punch several times in a row, and the three-headed dragon with good defense could not withstand such a series of attacks and lost its combat effectiveness in its sleep!

"Come back, three-headed dragon, come on, sniper tree owl!"

"Parasit mushroom uses mushroom spores!"

"Sniper tree owl uses wind!"

The sniper tree owl waved its wings and blew away the spores, and the residual power of the wind also hit the parasitic mushroom!

"Sniper Owl uses Air Slash!"

"Parasitaria uses Sludge Bomb!"

The two Pokémon attacked each other, neither of them avoided the other, which also caused both Pokémon to be injured at the same time, but Parasitaria, which is four times weaker than Flying, was obviously more seriously injured!

"Sniper Owl uses Brave Bird Attack!"

"Parasitaria holds on and uses Poison!"

Parasitaria successfully withstood the attack and used Poison to put Sniper Owl into a Poisonous state, but at this time Parasitaria was already at the end of its strength!

"Sniper Owl uses Wind to put it to an end!"

Sniper Owl flapped its wings, and a strong wind blew and knocked Parasitaria unconscious!

"Come back, Parasaurolophus, come on, Striker!"

[Pokémon: Striker]

[Level: 70]

[Gender: Male]

[Attribute: Fighting]

[Classification: Karate Pokémon]

[Qualification: King]

[Features: Strong]

[Personality: Cheerful]

[Skills: Close Combat, Stone Attack, Poison Attack, ...]

"Striker uses Poison Attack!"

"Sniper Owl uses Air Slash!"

Striker's speed is not slow, it and Sniper Owl hit each other at the same time!

The two Pokémon exchanged several skills again! The Sniper Owl in the poisonous state was obviously about to collapse, but the Striker was not easy to deal with after being hit by several flying attribute skills!

"Sniper Owl uses Brave Bird Attack!"

"Striker uses Resurrection!"

The Resurrection used by the Striker in a poor state was extremely powerful, and interrupted the attack of Sniper Owl, making it lose its combat effectiveness!

"Come back, Sniper Shuxiao, go ahead, Windy Dog."

Windy Dog has no advantage over Fighting Attributes, and its level is lower than that of Strike Ghost. Fortunately, Strike Ghost is already in a very bad state!

"Windy Dog uses Great Indignation!"

"Strike Ghost uses Close Combat!" Seeing that Strike Ghost is already in a bad state, Lian Wu has no choice but to let it go!

The damage suffered by Windy Dog in the enthusiastic state is higher than usual. It happened that it fell into the enthusiastic state after using Great Indignation, but fortunately it did not lose its combat effectiveness, while Strike Ghost lost its combat effectiveness!

"Come back, Striker! Come on, Master Itachi!"

[Pokémon: Master Itachi]

[Level: 71]

[Gender: Male]

[Attribute: Fighting]

[Classification: Martial Arts Pokémon]

[Qualification: King]

[Feature: Psychic Power]

[Personality: Bold]

[Skills: Rapid Return, High Five Surprise Attack, Acrobatics, ...]

"Master Itachi uses High Five Surprise Attack!"

"Arcane uses Great Indignation!"

Unfortunately, Master Itachi's High Five Surprise Attack was too fast and successfully hit Arcane, but Master Itachi was also knocked away by Great Indignation, and the Great Indignation in the enthusiastic state caused even higher damage!

"Arcane continues to use Great Indignation!"

"Master Itachi uses Rock Slide!"

Arcane's attack successfully hit, but Master Itachi's attack also hit Arcane, and the two can be said to be both injured!

"Arcane uses Swallow Return!"

"Master Itachi, dig a hole quickly


Arcane returned without success and could only watch the surroundings vigilantly in case Master Itachi suddenly appeared!

"Arcane uses Flash Charge!"

Although Arcane had no target, it still covered its entire body with flames!

Master Itachi was not slow, and directly knocked Arcane away and made it lose its combat effectiveness, but at this time Master Itachi was also burned by the flames on Arcane!

"Come back Arcane! Go Zoroark!"

Seeing that Master Itachi's condition was no longer good, Lian Wu let it come back and replaced it with Toxoplasma!

[Pokémon: Toxoplasma]

[Level: 72]

[Gender: Male]

[Attribute: Poison/Fighting]

[Classification: Poison Hand Pokémon]

[Qualification: King]

[Features: Danger Prediction]

[Personality: Slow]

[Skills: Earthquake, Poison, Venom Shock, ...]

"Toxoplasma uses Earthquake! ”

“Zoroark uses Shadow Ball to counterattack!”

After a long period of training, Zoroark’s illusion has become extremely powerful. In Toxic Frog’s eyes, there are countless Zoroarks around it!

As expected, Toxic Frog was hit by Shadow Ball!

“Toxic Frog uses Poison in front of you!”

At this time, in the eyes of Toxic Frog and Lian Wu, Zoroark did not dodge, but fell into a poisonous state!

“Zoroark uses Jet Flame!”

“Toxic Frog uses Assault!”

Zoroark was knocked out again! This made Lian Wu a little confused. After all, Zoroark’s performance was a little disappointing. He didn’t know why Ning Hao let Zoroark be the second Pokémon to appear in the end!

“Could it be? "Lian Wu seemed to have thought of something, with a surprised look on his face and then bit his tongue! The pain came, and the scene in front of him changed instantly!

Zoroak was not injured, but instead condensed a shadow ball and was about to attack the Poison Frog!

"Poison Frog, get out of the way!"

It's a pity that the Poison Frog didn't react and was knocked away!

"You actually broke free from the illusion?" Ning Hao said with some surprise.

"As expected of the king of fighting attributes, your willpower is very strong!"

"Zoroak uses revenge!"

At this time, countless creepy grudges appeared and attacked the Poison Frog!

"Poison Frog, defend quickly!" Seeing that Zoroak's attack was so fast, Lian Wu chose to defend!

But unfortunately, revenge not only injured the Poison Frog, but also made it fall into a frostbitten state!

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