The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

"With such a subordinate, the Rockets will not go bankrupt." Ning Hao shook his head and said.

At this time, Menghuan came over.

Menghuan disrupted Ning Hao's plan as soon as he appeared. He thought he was going to be exposed.

Unexpectedly, the trio said, "Agent, have you caught Menghuan?"

"..." Ning Hao did not speak, but just nodded. He did not expect that the Rockets trio did not know that Menghuan had followed him for a long time, or that the trio's amazing imagination thought that he had snatched Menghuan from "Ning Hao".

Then Menghuan said, "I know her."

This surprised Ning Hao a little, and then asked, "How do you know her?"

"I saw her photo a long time ago, but she doesn't look the same as now. It should be what you humans call her childhood." Menghuan thought for a while and then said.

When Menghuan said this, Ning Hao began to recall the introduction of Musashi's mother.

She was the earliest cadre of the Rocket Team and followed Sakaki's mother.

At the beginning, in order to pay for Musashi's tuition and living expenses, she tried to induce Menghuan to follow her, but unfortunately she failed and might be buried on the snowy mountain, but all this has not been confirmed. The last record about her was the sound of snow burying her.

"Menghuan, is the woman who showed you the photo that year still alive?" Ning Hao asked.

"I don't know, I left directly." Menghuan shook his head and said, then flew to Musashi, tilted his head and looked at her, looking very cute.

"Agent, what's wrong with it?" Musashi looked at Menghuan tilting his head and looked at her and asked nervously.

"Nothing, it just thinks you're cute." Ning Hao said. What he said was not wrong. When Miyamoto showed Musashi's childhood photos to Menghuan, Menghuan did say that Musashi was cute!

"Huh?" Musashi was obviously a little confused.

"It also said that you'd look better with your hair down." This sentence was obviously said by Ning Hao himself.

The Rocket trio were all confused. They thought that the agent had something important to talk to them about, but they didn't expect that he would chat with them.

At this time, Ning Hao said, "I'll treat you to dinner."

The trio was very touched! As the bankrupt trio, they didn't know how long they had been hungry!

They specially chose a restaurant with a good environment.

"You can order whatever you want. This agent will pay for today." Ning Hao said generously.

Under Ning Hao's gaze, the Rocket trio ordered half of the menu. If they hadn't thought about leaving a good impression in front of the agent, they would probably have ordered the whole menu.

In order not to reveal his identity, Ning Hao naturally didn't eat. He just sat aside and watched the two people and the cat gobble up the food!

"I haven't eaten in my eight lifetimes." Ning Hao complained in his heart.

Seeing that Ning Hao didn't eat, the trio became concerned, "Agent, why don't you eat?"

"I've eaten, you guys eat." Ning Hao shook his head.

Hearing this, the trio continued to bury their heads in eating.

An hour later, the trio slumped in their chairs.

At this time, Ning Hao took out a card and handed it to the trio.

"This is the funding I gave you privately. You must work hard to catch that Pikachu, but don't hurt innocent people. As long as you work hard, I will regularly transfer the funds to you in the future."

"Thank you, Agent!" The trio was very excited!

The repeated failed plans have already made them heavily in debt, not to mention asking the organization to give them funds. Now they know that the agent in front of them is definitely not the previous one. After all, the previous one did not invite them to dinner, let alone give them funds.

"Agent, can we know your name?" Kojiro said.

"Stupid, how can the agent's name be exposed!" Musashi said immediately after hearing what Kojiro said.

Meow Meow also echoed on the side, "That's right, you idiot!"

Ning Hao laughed when he saw this scene, and then said, "I can't tell you my name, but I can tell you my code name. My code name is Hao."

"Don't tell anyone about meeting me. This is our secret. I am a subordinate of Boss Sakaki like you. Boss Banmu suspected that there was a traitor in the organization, so he didn't show up for a long time." Ning Hao began to deceive people.

"Even if you are a cadre, don't say you have met me if other agents ask." Ning Hao continued.

"Don't worry, agent, we will keep our mouths shut!" The three members of Team Rocket patted their chests and said that the funding given to them by the person in front of them was enough for them to believe

I'll do it!

"Let's set a code to prevent someone from pretending to be me." Ning Hao continued, and then began to think.

Looking at Ning Hao who was lost in thought, the Rockets trio did not say anything, but just waited quietly.

Then Ning Hao's eyes lit up, and he thought of a perfect code that no one could guess, unless this person was from Earth like him!

"When I meet you, I will ask you how much the Palace Jade Liquor is."

"You answer 180 per cup."

"Well, but what is Palace Jade Liquor? Why haven't you heard of it?" Kojiro, who came from a wealthy family, naturally knew all kinds of fine wines, but he had never heard of this Palace Jade Liquor.

"Ahem, don't worry about what kind of wine this is, anyway, this is our code." Ning Hao said quickly.


"I'll leave first, see you next time."

Then Ning Hao paid the bill and left first.

The reason why the Rocket trio paid for catching Pikachu was because the Rocket trio made a great contribution to Xiaozhi's growth, and there were several times when the Rocket trio helped, so the trio was more like a happy enemy to Xiaozhi.

After saying goodbye to the trio, Ning Hao first changed his clothes, and then began to look for Sirona.

As for Mew, it changed into Celebi at Ning Hao's request, which was also to prevent the Rocket trio from discovering his identity.

What Ning Hao didn't know was that just after he left, the plot related to the original work appeared again.

Xiaozhi saved two four-season deer on the edge of the cliff, and then jumped a hundred meters in everyone's horrified eyes! Of course, all this was thanks to Victini.

Ning Hao could never guess how Xiaozhi walked from Aindo Okri to the place where he met Victini.

It happened that Sirona was not around at this time, otherwise Victini would not have needed to help.

At this time, after Ning Hao and Sirona met up, they found that Xiaozhi and others had disappeared.

"Where are Xiaozhi and the others?"

"They said they wanted to go shopping first." Sirona said, flicking her hair.

"Yeah." Ning Hao hadn't realized that Victini had already met Xiaozhi at this time.

"Then let's go shopping too."

Sirona and Ning Hao walked around the market, where there were many vendors selling Victini dolls.

Knowing that Victini had a special liking for macarons, Ning Hao prepared a lot of macarons before coming. He believed that his craftsmanship was enough to conquer Victini!

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