The two of them were very happy.

"Brother, we met Victini! It's real!" Carita said excitedly.

"I know." Dredo said, he was not surprised.

At this time, Ning Hao looked at Dredo and remembered that Czech and Dredo had crossed paths.

"Zekerom, do you know him?"

"Yes, I followed him before I met you." Zekerom said.

"Yeah." Ning Hao nodded, not caring.

Then everyone set off towards the small fountain again.

As everyone got closer and closer to the destination, a pickpocket cat and a screw mole appeared in front of everyone.

The pickpocket cat was very smart. He waved to everyone and led the way. As everyone moved forward, more and more wild Pokémon appeared.

As everyone arrived at the destination.

"Victini, where are you?" Xiaozhi shouted.

The lotus leaves in front of him moved, and then Victini appeared, but he immediately hid his body and started to run away.

But this time he was stopped by Ning Hao.

"I can take you away." Ning Hao said softly, and his voice was so small that even Shirona beside Ning Hao could not hear it clearly.

Victini looked at Ning Hao with wide eyes.

"Trust me, I can take you out of the barrier."

At this time, Victini appeared and then looked at Ning Hao.

Seeing Victini appear, Dredo muttered to himself, "I need to use Victini's power."

Obviously no one understood the meaning of this sentence.

Then several people came to the library.

Mayor Mo Mengduo also began to introduce the origins of the people of the earth and Victini to everyone.

Ning Hao knew very well, and he also knew that it was the two princes a thousand years ago and Reshiram and Zekrom beside him who caused all this.

Victini, the people of the earth, the ideal hero, the real hero, their stories were told until the evening.

At this time, Dredo pointed to the distance, which was an empty space with no grass and even cracks on the ground.

"That was the former land of the earth, and my dream is to revive it." Dredo said.

No one understood what he meant, only Ning Hao knew that Dredo wanted to rely on the power of Victini to restore the vitality of the land of the earth.

Then Ning Hao and his party said goodbye to the descendants of the people of the earth.

Dredo and others began to chat, talking about Dredo's trip to various parts of the world to find the descendants of the people of the earth.

At this time, Dredo also called out the descendants of the people of the earth he persuaded.

These people were persuaded with the help of Zekrom, but it was a pity that Zekrom left later.

Although they were in the town, they did not choose to find a hotel to rest, but found a place to camp like the movie version.

At this time, Ning Hao was holding Victini and said, "I can take you out of the barrier."

Victini was very curious, and it didn't know how Ning Hao would do it.

"I'll take you to try later." Ning Hao said.

"Yeah." Victini nodded, and then played with the Pokémon again.

Sirona naturally noticed Ning Hao, so she came over and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I want to try to take Victini out." Ning Hao said.

"Yeah." Sirona nodded, and didn't ask Ning Hao how to take Victini out, but she believed that Ning Hao could do it.


It was late at night, and everyone fell asleep.

Ning Hao woke Victini up.

"Let's go, let's leave the barrier."

Victini, who was a little sleepy, instantly became energetic.

Ning Hao's idea was to use the power of super-control to wrap Victini up. This way, there shouldn't be any problem. After all, if he could stop the power of the God of Creation, it would be amazing.

If the power of super-control doesn't work, he can still rely on Palkia. If Palkia doesn't work, he can still rely on the system space to take Victini out of the barrier.

Arriving at the afternoon location, Victini looked a little timid.

"Trust me, Victini." Ning Hao, who was holding Victini at this time, used the power of super-control to wrap Victini tightly.

"Let's go, Victini." Ning Hao said.

Victini nodded, but still closed his eyes. It obviously didn't buy and didn't completely believe what Ning Hao said. After all, this barrier has trapped it for a thousand years.

As Ning Hao walked forward, Victini became more and more nervous, but it was surprised to find that the barrier that had been blocking it did not appear.

It suddenly opened its eyes and wanted to see

Whether it has left the guardian stone pillar, it was surprised to find that it had left the range of the guardian stone pillar.

At this moment, words can no longer describe Victini's excitement!

Victini circled Ning Hao.

"Congratulations, Victini, you are free." Ning Hao said.

Victini rubbed Ning Hao's cheek and expressed his dependence!

It felt that the man in front of it was like the king a thousand years ago.

"Let's go back and take you away later." Ning Hao said.

Victini nodded, and it felt that the man in front of it would not harm it.

Then the two returned to the camping place, and Ning Hao fell asleep. Although it was a simple matter to wrap Victini with the power of super-control, he mobilized all the super-control power he could mobilize just in case, causing him to be exhausted now. After returning to the camp, he fell asleep.

Victini was still immersed in joy and couldn't fall asleep for a long time.

The next morning, before Ning Hao woke up, Victini felt the call of the Guardian Pillar!

It did not wake up everyone, but went alone.

It was Dredo who caused all this.

Unlike the movie version, this time, he started the ceremony very early.

As Victini flew towards the Guardian Pillar, it suddenly found that it could not leave!

The Guardian Pillar also surrounded Victini in the center and flew towards the Sword of the Earth!

Sure enough, Victini was trapped.

Above the Sword of the Earth, Victini was trying to break out of the barrier, but unfortunately it was useless!

At this time, Dredo was getting more and more excited!

"The Land of the Earth is about to be resurrected!"

Dredo began to control the ceremony, and then the power of Victini was constantly drawn out, and the Sword of the Earth slowly rose.

At this time, everyone who felt the movement woke up.

"Where is Victini?" Xiaozhi asked.

"Hmm?" Ning Hao turned around and found that Victini was indeed gone. The Dream Trio also said that there was no trace of it. At this time, Ning Hao looked up at the sky.

Ning Hao found the Sword of the Earth that had left the top of the mountain, and knew that Victini had been controlled by Dredo.

"Take us up quickly." Then Ning Hao summoned Zekrom and Reshiram.

Under the leadership of the two, the group quickly arrived at the castle. At this time, Dredo was controlling the ceremony and was completely unaware of the arrival of everyone.

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