The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

"Mr. Ning Hao came to attend the conference, and by the way, he took down a villain organization?" Everyone was surprised to hear Ning Hao's words, but they did not stop Ning Hao from leaving.

After returning to the dormitory, Champion Adek and others also received a notice from the alliance. At first, they were a little nervous when they heard that the seven sages of the Plasma team attacked the alliance headquarters, until they heard that Ning Hao appeared and they were completely relieved.

If Ning Hao couldn't solve it, then they would be in vain.

Ning Hao, who returned to the dormitory, also learned that Xiaozhi had won, and tomorrow would be the time for the two to fight.

Ning Hao hoped that Xiaozhi would give him some surprises. If he used the team that fought against Kotetsu, then the game would be a foregone conclusion.

The next day.

Ning Hao and Xiaozhi came to the competition arena.

"Audience, the next few days are the most exciting moments! The champion will be decided between Xiaozhi and Ning Hao! Let's look forward to it!"

"Brother, let's fight with all our strength!" Xiaozhi has already prepared for this battle, and even asked Professor Oak for a few Pokémon.

"Come on, Xiaozhi, let me see how you have grown."

"Come out, Attachment Cloud!"

"Go, Pikachu!"

Facing Ning Hao, Xiaozhi did not dare to be careless, and directly sent out Pikachu to restrain Attachment Cloud.

"Pikachu uses 100,000 volts!"

"Attachment Cloud uses supernatural power!"

It's a pity that the first round of tests did not work, and both Pokémon avoided each other's attacks.

"Pikachu flashes!"

"Attachment Cloud power conversion!"

After the power conversion, Attachment Cloud has extremely high defense, but Pikachu doesn't seem to be acting today. Perhaps it feels Xiaozhi's determination to win, and works extra hard today!

"Love Cloud uses Power Conversion again and then uses Sucking Kiss."

"Pikachu uses Iron Tail!"

Pikachu was particularly fierce at this time. As the saying goes, when he hits others, he would cry. When he hits Ning Hao, he looked like he was going to die!

"Love Cloud uses Earth Power!"

"Pikachu dodges and uses Electric Ball!"

It's a pity that Pikachu couldn't dodge, but Love Cloud couldn't dodge either. The two Pokémon exchanged a wave of damage!

Although Love Cloud is a legendary beast, it can't take advantage of Pikachu at all.

"Love Cloud uses Sucking Kiss!"

"Pikachu uses Lightning Flash!"

Pikachu was so fast that he directly knocked Love Cloud away, but Pikachu was also hit by Sucking Kiss!

"Pikachu uses 100,000 Volts now!"

"Love Cloud uses Earth Power!"

The two Pokémon exchanged damage again!

Pikachu's performance also boosted the atmosphere of the audience. After all, in the previous few days' games, Pikachu's performance was just average and not eye-catching. On the contrary, it seemed to be on fire today.

"Pikachu, continue to use Iron Tail!"

"Love Cloud, use Earth Power!"

Earth Power repelled Pikachu, otherwise Iron Tail would hit Love Cloud again.

At this time, both Pokémon were already a little tired, and to Ning Hao's surprise, Xiaozhi changed Pokémon.

"Come back, Pikachu, go on Pang Yan!"

"Pang Yan uses Rock Slide!"

"Love Cloud uses Hold and then uses Earth Power!"

Love Cloud blocked Pang Yan's attack and then used Earth Power to counterattack!

Pang Yan was still in peak condition at this time, but Love Cloud had been consuming a long time with Pikachu!

"Pang Yan uses Sharp Stone Attack!"

Unfortunately, Pang Yan's attack was dodged by Love Cloud.














After all, Garchomp is still at the gym level at this time.

"Gargoyle Super Evolution."

After the super evolution, Garchomp barely tied with the Lizard King in momentum!

"Gargoyle uses Jet Flame!"

"Lizard King dodge and use Leaf Blade!"

The Lizard King was very fast and easily dodged the Jet Flame, but Garchomp was not a pushover and also dodged the Lizard King's attack!

"Gargoyle continues to use Jet Flame!"

"Lizard King, use Energy Ball!"

But unfortunately, the Energy Ball was restrained by the Jet Flame. Not only was the Energy Ball offset by the Jet Flame, but the Jet Flame also successfully injured the Lizard King!

"Gargoyle uses Flame Fang!"

"Lizard King uses Leaf Blade!"

The Lizard King reacted quickly and hit Garchomp with Leaf Blade, but he was also hit by Flame Fang!

"Lizard King continues to use Leaf Blade!"

"Griffin uses Dragon Claw to counterattack!"

Leaf Blade and Dragon Claw collided, but neither of them had the upper hand!

"Griffin uses Flameblast!"

"Lizard King uses Leaf Storm!"

The two Pokémon were very close at this time, almost face to face, and this attack was likely to determine the winner!

Leaf Storm and Flameblast collided and exploded! A sandstorm was set off that covered the two Pokémon!

Everyone still underestimated these two Pokémon. After the sandstorm dissipated, both Pokémon were still standing on the stage! But at this time, Garchomp's condition was much worse than Lizard King's. After all, Lizard King was able to kill Darkrai! Even though Darkrai had already experienced several rounds of consumption.

"Lizard King, use Energy Ball to finish it off!"

"Griffin, use Reverse Scale!"

Even though Garchomp's condition was almost at its limit, its final blow did not disappoint Ning Hao, and it and the Lizard King perished together!

"Come back Lizard King, go Snorlax!"

"Come back Garchomp, go Snorlax!"

Snorlax has also broken through to the King level, and is even a little stronger than Snorlax.

[Pokémon: Snorlax]

[Level: 65]

[Gender: Male]

[Attribute: General]

[Classification: Sleepy Pokémon]

[Qualification:? ]

[Features: Thick Fat]

[Personality: Serious]

[Skills: Million Tons Punch, Million Tons Kick, Mount Tai, ...]

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