The game was a big success, but the game was a big success.

Ning Hao drew a grass attribute venue, but it didn't affect him.

"Wow, brother is on the field." Xiaozhi in the audience said excitedly to Xiaomao and Hanako.

"Come out, Absol."

Seeing Absol, the audience was in an uproar. After all, although Absol is not a mythical beast at this stage, it is still a relatively rare Pokémon. Coupled with its handsome appearance, it still won applause from the audience.

The opponent is a graduate of the Pokémon Research School. Ning Hao knows that their actual combat experience is very insufficient and even the level of Pokémon will not be too high because actual combat and paper talk are two different things.

"Come out, Kairos." It must be said that although these graduates may not have actual combat experience, they are still more knowledgeable about attribute restraint than ordinary trainers.

"Pokémon: Kairos, Gender: Male, Qualification: Gym, Level: 42, Personality: Brave, Characteristics: Super Strength Claw, Attribute: Bug, Skills: ??, Carrying Items: None."

"Kairos uses cross scissors."

Kairos is not very skilled in using cross scissors, probably due to lack of combat experience.

"Absol uses sword dance."

The cross scissors did not cause much damage to Absol, even though its physical defense was impressive.

After the sword dance, Absol's attack was terribly improved, and with a good speed value, it can basically sweep these Pokémon at the gym level.

"Why? Why didn't the cross scissors cause much damage, it was obviously restrained in attributes." Graduate Xiao Wu was puzzled.

"Knowledge is important, but fighting side by side with Pokémon, improving the tacit understanding between trainers and Pokémon, and even improving the bond between the two is more important. Pokémon battles are not just theoretical knowledge in textbooks. You need to experience it yourself and accumulate experience in actual combat." Ning Hao said lightly.

"Absol, use Lightning Flash."

Although it was just the most common attack, with the blessing of Absol, Kairos was easily defeated.

"It's obviously just the most common attack, why?" Xiao Wu murmured.

"Although it's just the most common attack, Absol has rich combat experience. It can fully exert the power of Lightning Flash, while your Kairos cannot exert the power of Cross Scissors, and there is also a level gap between them." Ning Hao said.

"Go ahead, send out your Pokémon."

"Come out, Mosquito."

"Pokémon: Mosquito, Gender: Male, Qualification: Gym, Level: 46, Personality: Brave, Feature: Water Storage, Attribute: Water/Fighting, Skill: ??, Carrying Items: None."

"Mosquito uses Explosion Punch."

It was powerful, but unfortunately it was easily dodged by Absol.

"Miss it?" Xiao Wu said disappointedly.

"The Explosion Punch has high damage, but the hit rate is low. These are experiences that can only be summarized in actual combat." Ning Hao said.

"Actual combat..." Xiao Wu said disappointedly.

"A flash of lightning." It was still a familiar skill and a familiar result, easily defeating Mosquito.

"General attributes can actually defeat the fighting attribute Mosquito with one move..." Xiao Wu was hit hard by being killed instantly even though he had an advantage in attributes.

"The difference in level is enough to offset the disadvantage in attributes."

"Send out your last Pokémon."

"Come out, Charizard."

"Pokémon: Charizard, Gender: Male, Qualification: King, Level: 52, Personality: Stubborn, Characteristics: Fierce Fire, Attribute: Fire, Carried Items: None. Skills: ??"

"It's Charizard, come back, Absol."

"Come out, Charizard." Ning Hao chose to take Absol back, release Charizard, and fight with its kind.

"Charizard uses Big Word Explosion." Xiao Wu shouted.

"Charizard also uses Big Word Explosion." Ning Hao also shouted.

The two flames are very different. Xiao Wu's Charizard's control of the moves is not as good as Ning Hao's Charizard.

"You lose." Ning Hao said.

"Yeah, I lost." The 3:0 ending was undoubtedly a big blow to Xiao Wu, the pride of the Pokémon Research Academy.

"You don't have to be discouraged. You have advantages that ordinary trainers don't have. The knowledge of Pokémon cultivation, the tactics and attribute restraints taught by the school, ordinary trainers need to explore on their own, and you already have this knowledge. As long as you travel

"You can grow up quickly." Ning Hao suggested to Xiao Wu.

"Thank you, little brother." Xiao Wu said.

Hearing Xiao Wu's words, Ning Hao remembered that the boy in front of him was older than him, and he taught him like an adult.

What Ning Hao said today was what he experienced. Before crossing, he had won the Pokémon League championship. After crossing, he was smooth sailing until he met the owner of Nado, the person who shattered his dream.

Let him understand that the Pokémon battle in reality is not limited to four skills, and the battle is not a turn-based system with one person and one move. Even the race value is just a reference. Acquired training can also make Pokémon with innate deficiencies stronger.

"Well, you're welcome." After saying that, he left the venue.

Xiaozhi and Xiaomao in the audience were very excited.

"Brother Ning Hao (brother) is so strong. ”


Because his game ended so quickly, some teams had just started the second Pokémon battle, and he also entered the vision of others and was identified as the dark horse of this Quartz Conference.

However, some trainers believed that Absol was his main force, and that he was a trainer who did not know how to hide because he used his main force in the first battle. The most important thing was that Charizard did not use his full strength, otherwise anyone with a discerning eye could see that Charizard's strength had reached the King level.

Of course, no one would think that Ning Hao was a King-level trainer at such a young age.


"Your game ended so quickly, and others just started." Kurokawa Ze complained.

"He has no experience in fighting and there is still a gap in level, so he was easily defeated by me." Ning Hao replied.

"But contestant No. 97 can pay attention, his Steelix is ​​quite strong. "


As this round of competition came to an end, all four of them successfully advanced to the top 128.

Due to the large number of contestants on the first day, there was only one round of competition on the first day, and the four of them came to the place where the contestants rested.

Xiaozhi, Xiaomao and Hanako also came to his residence.

"Brother, you are so great." Xiaozhi and Xiaomao said at the same time.

He patted the heads of the two and then started chatting.

Hanako didn't say anything but just stared at them with a smile.


"Let's go, let Xiaohao have a good rest, he still has a game tomorrow." Hanako said when she saw that it was getting late.

"Goodbye, brother." Xiaomao and Xiaozhi said reluctantly.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaomao goodbye, mom goodbye."

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