The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and getting the reward, the primary power of Changpan."

"I can gain experience and get rewards, so cool." Ning Hao thought excitedly.

"The power of Evergreen allows me to communicate with Haunter and Charmeleon."

"Keep going."

A legendary Pokémon appeared in the fog ahead, a turtle with garlic on its back...

"It's actually Shiny Bulbasaur."

"System, use detection on Bulbasaur."

"Pokémon: Bulbasaur (Shiny), Gender: Male, Qualification: Champion, Level: 15, Personality: Calm, Characteristics: Lush, Hidden Characteristics: Chlorophyll, Attributes: Grass/Poison, Carrying Items: None. Skills: Howl, Impact, Parasitic Seed, Poison Powder, Vine Whip, Leaf Blade, Growth, Solar Beam, Sleep Powder, Hold, Growth, Intimacy: 20." (Revised)

"This is a Bulbasaur blessed by Evergreen Forest. Because of the blessing, its talent is extremely powerful." The electronic sound of the system came.

"I want to subdue it." Ning Hao said to Kurokawa Ze after making up his mind.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you. Although I also want to subdue it, who asked you to speak first." Kurokawa Ze said helplessly.

After using the power of Evergreen to communicate briefly with Bulbasaur, he expressed his intention to subdue it. Bulbasaur also expressed his intention, "Defeat me, and I will go with you."

"Okay, go ahead, Charmeleon." Ning Hao immediately sent Charmeleon to show Bulbasaur his strongest Pokémon.

"Use Spark."

The difference in level and attributes caused Bulbasaur to be killed instantly.

Throwing a super ball easily subdued Bulbasaur.

After letting Bulbasaur use the recovery potion, Bulbasaur woke up and said, "I admit that you are my trainer, let me become stronger with you."

"Okay! Let's work hard together, Bulbasaur, welcome to our big family." Then Ning Hao released Haunter and Charmeleon to introduce them to new members.

"Bulbasaur has many skills, worthy of being a Pokémon blessed by Evergreen Forest."

"My son... my Bulbasaur has the qualifications of an emperor..., a champion." Ning Hao said with a smile.

Kurokawa Ze, who was standing by, was confused, but he was used to Ning Hao's strange behavior from time to time, and he was no longer surprised.

Then he took Bulbasaur with him in the Evergreen Forest and started a crazy upgrade plan, gaining experience along the way.

However, he upgraded after killing three wild monsters, and Bulbasaur evolved as soon as he reached level 16.

"System, use detection on Bulbasaur."

"Pokémon: Bulbasaur (Shiny), Gender: Male, Qualification: Champion, Level: 16, Personality: Calm, Features: Lush, Hidden Features: Chlorophyll, Attributes: Grass/Poison, Carried Items: None. Skills: Howl, Impact, Parasitic Seed, Poison Powder, Vine Whip, Leaf Blade, Growth, Solar Beam, Sleep Powder, Growth, Hold, Petal Dance, Photosynthesis, Falling Flowers and Snow, Sweet Fragrance, Intimacy: 70."

"It's really scary. Just evolving has added so many skills. The blessed Pokémon is really extraordinary. It has more skills than Charmeleon and Haunter combined." Ning Hao was a little stunned when looking at the skill list.


After staying in Evergreen Forest for two days, Bulbasaur also successfully upgraded to level 19, while Haunter and Charmeleon remained at levels 26 and 30.

In the past two days, Kurokawa Ze also captured a giant beeper with superb qualifications, and it has a hidden characteristic: sniper, so the talent is still very good.

"Let's go, let's go to Deep Gray City." Ning Hao said.

Along the way, Ning Hao and Kurokawa Ze used Bulbasaur (modified) and Beedrill to challenge trainers and wild Pokémon, and successfully raised them to level 20.

"Ding, issue a task to defeat the gym leader Xiaogang, get the Deep Gray Badge, reward: intermediate lottery * 3, 100 points."

"Ding, please sign in at the Deep Gray Gym, reward: advanced cooking."

"Advanced cooking? Skipped the intermediate cooking directly, but this reward will not be related to Xiaogang, after all, he is also a gourmet."

"This reward is okay, and I just happened to go to Deep Gray City to challenge Xiaogang."

"But challenging the gym leader is also a task? Why didn't I trigger the task of challenging the Evergreen Gym in Evergreen City?" Ning Hao asked in his mind.

"The gap between the host and Boss Banmu is too big to trigger the mission."

"It's very realistic... The gap is indeed big, but the champion

As for the top-level boss Banmu, according to the level, his main team is probably all top champions of level 85-90, and Beedrill may have already touched the legendary realm. "

"Forget it, these are not what I can think about now. Let's challenge the other seven gyms first, and put the Evergreen Gym last." Ning Hao thought.


"Finally here." After arriving at Deep Gray (Revised) City, the two sighed.

"Let's go eat, the dry food these days is too boring." Ning Hao said excitedly.

"Let's go, I'm tired of it, the dry food is really too bad." Kurokawa Ze also shouted excitedly.

The two then came to a popular restaurant.

"It looks delicious, but it may take a long time to queue." Kurokawa Ze said to Ning Hao while looking at the long queue.

"It may take several hours, I'm so hungry." Ning Hao said with a bitter face.

"How about forget it and come tomorrow? "Kurokawa Ze asked.

"Do you two handsome guys want to share a table?" A gentle female voice sounded at this time.

"Hmm? Good beauties." Kurokawa Ze and Ning Hao answered in unison.

The three of them then came to a private room and began to introduce themselves.

"Hello, my name is Qing Shui Kui from Hualan City, you can just call me Xiao Kui." Qing Shui Kui said.

"Hello, my name is Kurokawa Ze from Changqing City, you can just call me Xiao Ze."

"Hello, my name is Ning Hao from Pallet Town, you can just call me Xiao Hao."

"Are you traveling?"

"Yes, we are traveling and collecting badges." Kurokawa Ze replied.

"Me too, I just arrived in Deep Gray City today." Qing Shui Kui said.

"How about we go to the battle ground for special training these two days, and then go to the gym together to challenge?"

"Okay. "Qing Shui Kui said happily.

Kurokawa Ze and Qing Shui Kui were chatting enthusiastically, leaving Ning Hao aside.

"Are these two people in love? I am also very handsome, why doesn't anyone like me?" Ning Hao thought of the rejection not long ago and the two people in front of him, so he could only turn his grief and anger into appetite and buried his head in eating.

After finishing the meal and agreeing on the time and place to meet tomorrow, Ning Hao and Kurokawa Ze arrived at the hotel.

After saving 4 intermediate draws and 2 advanced draws, Ning Hao decided to draw.

"System, let's start with four intermediate draws."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting points*20, large-character blast learning machine, and poison learning machine."

"Hmm? They are all useful. After learning poison from Haunter, use the points to exchange for a substitute learning machine, hahahaha poison defense and substitute tactics."

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