Pokemon: Start planning Shiny Metagross

Chapter 62 Riding a Metal Monster

Can metal monsters be ridden?


Especially after it learned electromagnetic levitation, the metal monster was fully capable of carrying Mingzheng flying.

A bit hard though.

But thinking about the handsome posture of Dai Wu standing on the back of the glittering Metagross in the original work, Ming Zheng has been secretly looking forward to it for a long time.

Although it's just a metal monster now, it's okay to be ahead of schedule.

"Metal Monster, it depends on you whether we can reach Huayuan Town and whether Shuttlecock Flower and Gala Gala have the freshest sweets!"

In order to show that he didn't really want to ride it, Mingzheng brought the other two into his group.

The metal monster blinked, feeling that Mingzheng's thoughts were very simple.

Want to ride me.

Ride me, this majestic quasi-god!

"Metal monster, electromagnetic levitation!"

After two seconds of silence, the metal monster still silently activated the electromagnetic levitation, making his flying posture more stable and smooth.

"Lower it, it's my first time."

The metal monster was silent, and then floated slightly lower.

Then, Mingzheng first took out a round cushion of the right size and placed it on it.


You just want to ride me, and you have your mat ready before I even evolve!

The metal monster complained crazily in his heart, and his big blood-red eyes kept turning.

After evolving, it is obviously much smarter with its super attributes.

After placing the cushion firmly, Mingzheng sat on it with excitement.

Hmm, very soft!

"Metal monster, let's take our time and fly forward for a short distance first!!!"

With a plop, Mingzheng fell backwards and fell to the ground, his posture was extremely awkward.

The metal monster circled back, his face full of apologies.

Mingzheng stood up holding his waist, looking at the metal monster and he couldn't bear to blame him.

"For the first time, let's take it as slowly as we can."

"Beta!" The metal monster immediately nodded obediently.

After saying that, Mingzheng picked up the mat and put it away, then sat on it again.

The metal monster began to move slowly, progressing very smoothly.

"There's no rush, let's try turning..."


Mingzheng fell down again and lay on the ground without moving.

The metal monster flew back silently, his little face still full of apologies.

Mingzheng didn't look at him and turned his head silently, with a sad look on his face.

The metal monster blinked, feeling that things seemed to be developing differently.

Immediately, the metal monster moved in front of Mingzheng again.

Mingzheng glanced at it, then turned to the other side.

The metal monster was anxious, thinking that Mingzheng had really fallen and was scratching his head and trying to help him up, but he was afraid of hurting him with his claws.

Mingzheng saw that the fire was almost done, so he struggled to get up slowly.

"Hey, it's not the metal monster's fault, I forced you to do it."

The metal monster shook his head subconsciously, feeling a trace of guilt in his heart.

You shouldn't hit your own trainer like this.

And Mingzheng's tea talk is not over yet.

I saw him sigh again and said: "It's okay if we can't go to the flower garden. The shuttlecock is not sweet, and photosynthesis can support itself."

Gala Gala and I saved some food, we would definitely not starve to death before reaching the next place.

You don't have any influence. There are a lot of indigo tungsten mines now. If you are hungry, just eat this and you won't go hungry. "

When Metal Monster hears this, why should he just take it easy? All three of you will suffer.

Suddenly, the metal monster felt a little shaken in his heart.

For the sake of Boss Ga, Sister Huahua, and the trainers, it doesn’t seem to matter if I ride a little.

"If you eat too much indigo tungsten ore and make you grow too fast, you will become as useless as that big steel snake..."


The metal monster was shocked, indigo tungsten ore also has such side effects!

How could I, a majestic and shining quasi-god, turn into a useless thing?

Although it is already very interesting.

Isn't it just a matter of riding myself? I'm so hard and I won't lose a piece of iron.


Gotta ride me now.



The metal monster explained excitedly, saying that he didn't control it well.

Next time I will be sure to plant Ming Zheng properly.

"But isn't this difficult for you? Indigo tungsten mine..."


The metal monster shook its head crazily. It didn't even want to hear the word indigo tungsten ore now.

Thinking about this shiny metal monster, he has never been weaker than a monster in his life, so how can he look at it but not use it!

The next second, the metal monster's eyes lit up with pink-purple light, and he controlled the cushion to fly to his head, and then controlled Mingzheng to sit firmly on the cushion.

Forward, backward, turn left, move right, all the movements are so smooth.

What's more important is that the metal monster is self-taught and has learned to use telekinesis to fix Mingzheng's body, so there is no chance of him falling.

Mingzheng felt the breeze coming towards him and the push on his back like riding in a car, and felt infinitely satisfied.

Sample, wait until you evolve into Metagross and then fight me!

On the other hand, Mingzheng continued his tea talk.

"Then...if we really don't force it, we will set off in this direction!"


The metal monster's arms turned into propellers, and it flew towards the sea of ​​flowers with Mingzheng.

When one person and one pet floated into the sea of ​​flowers, the insect elves collecting honey suddenly became commotion.

But they always just waited and watched. After seeing that Mingzheng had not made any move to destroy the flowers, they flew away one after another.

"The judgment is correct, metal monster, let's go!"


The metal monster also responded happily. In this way, they can reach Huayuan Town smoothly.

I will definitely not become a useless thing!

Well, it really depends on me at the critical moment!

The metal monster thought happily.

Mingzheng also sat on the Silver Flash Quasi-God mount happily!

Two hours later, Mingzheng saw a pool in the sea of ​​flowers. There were still a few open spaces beside the pool, which were not planted with flowers.

"We will rest there tonight, metal monster!"

The tired metal monster immediately turned and accelerated to the side of the pool.

After flying for a while, the metal monster found that it was not easy.

Electromagnetic floating is not difficult, but it is difficult to keep Mingzheng's body steady with telekinesis.

It is not a useless quasi-god, so it has been insisting on this!

But when Mingzheng came down, the metal monster also fell directly to the ground, panting silently and not bothering to say a word.

"Jianzihua, Galagala!"

After releasing the two elves, Mingzheng whispered something to Jianzihua, and then took Galagala to the other side to prepare for camping.

Jianzihua floated to the side of the metal monster and stuck close to him, then silently used the ultra-small grass field and aromatherapy to help the metal monster recover its strength.

The metal monster looked at the cheerful Jianzihua beside him, and then looked at Mingzheng and Galagala who were busy not far away, and then closed his eyes and rested peacefully.

Half an hour later, one person and three pets sat in the tent, each with a special delicacy in front of them.

"Then, let's eat!"


The elves responded one after another, and then ate it up.

Only the metal monster reluctantly picked out the indigo tungsten ore and dared not eat it anymore.

"Metal monster, you can't be picky about food!"


"Don't worry, the right amount of indigo tungsten ore will help you become handsome and strong!"


"Really, do you think I lied to you!"

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