The top of the holy mountain.

Seeing Luo Yi climb the mountain, there are three strong and strong Lucarios on the top of the mountain, which are the guardians of the scepter. One of the guardians walked to the top of the mountain, looked at Luo Yi, and jumped down suddenly.


The sound of the wind was loud, and it sounded above Luo Yi. Luo Yi looked up and found the guardian who jumped down.

Luo Yi praised in his heart, daring to jump down from such a high mountain top, his strength is evident!

But soon, Luo Yi looked at the rapidly enlarging figure in the sky, his eyes condensed.

The guard's foothold turned out to be where he was!

"Good job! Lucario, the wave missile!"

The guardian jumped from the top of the mountain, carrying a thousand strength, and stepped on Luo Yi fiercely, but Luo Yi remained motionless, without any panic, and ordered Lucario to take action.

Lucario responded quickly, with a handful of hands, a blue wave missile appeared in his hand, and hit the figure high in the sky hard.

Wherever the wave missile passed, even the air became distorted.

Luo Yi turned his head and glanced at Lucario. The speed of this wave of missiles condensed was much faster than before, and it could be regarded as instant.

And the power is not the same, and the air is distorted wherever it goes, which has never happened before.

Luo Yi's eyes were a little weird, what happened to Lucario in his sleep, and he became so powerful in just a few days.

But now is not the time to delve into it, Lucario has become stronger, which will be more beneficial to this time.

Luo Yi has realized that each of these three guardians is very powerful!

The wave missile flew out, hit the guardian in the air quickly, and quickly came under the guardian.

I saw that the guardian also had a handful of hands, and a wave missile flew out in his hand, directly colliding with Lucario's wave missile, causing a violent explosion.

During the explosion, the Guardian not only suffered no damage, but also used the blast of air to slow down the speed of his fall. At the same time, he turned over and fell behind Lucario.

"So fast! Lucario, behind you, use steel claws!" Luo Yi sensitively captured Lucario's figure and shouted loudly.

Lucario's waveguide power also found the guardian's position, turned around instantly, a layer of metallic luster shrouded his claws, and grabbed it fiercely towards the guardian.

when! !

With a loud bang of metal collision, Lucario and the Guardian used the same move again. After the collision, the Guardian stepped back a few steps, leaving a few deep footprints on the ground.

But Luo Yi's Lucario stood firmly on the spot.

Obviously, Luo Yi's Lucario's strength has surpassed the guardian here.

Luo Yi smiled lightly, just as he was about to issue a command, he defeated the guardian with all his might, and the roaring sound of the falling wind came from the sky again.

Luo Yi raised his head, and the second guardian jumped down from the top of the mountain!

However, this guardian kicked towards the mountain wall in the air, and the figure disappeared in the air!

"Disappeared?" Luo Yi raised his eyebrows, and immediately realized that this was the guardian's figure that could not be visually captured at extreme speed.

At the same time, the guardian who jumped down earlier also started to speed up, and the figure instantly disappeared in place.

Swish!Luo Yi's figure of Lucario also disappeared, and the speed also unfolded.

Speed ​​battle!Two to one! !

Chapter 89 Fight alongside Lucario!

When Luo Yi was halfway through the mountain, the two guardians all jumped off the top of the mountain and started a speed battle with Luo Yi's Lucario!

Lucario is simply a born fighter. After bursting with extreme speed, the figure is so fast that human eyes can't catch it!

Luo Yi's Lucario is one-to-two, and the two guardians are completely worthy of their strength.

At the foot of the mountain, Shirona and Xiaoyao, who saw this scene, were all shocked. Without the figure of the elf, Luo Yi could not play his commanding role.

Luo Yi looked around, not only did not show a flustered look, but his eyes became more interested.

It was the first time Luo Yi participated in the speed battle between Lucario and Lucario.

when!A loud bang sounded on the left side of Luo Yi, only a dozen meters away from Luo Yi.

It was the guardian who wanted to attack Luo Yi, but was blocked by Lucario!

The guardian and Lucario hit each other and were completely suppressed. Luo Yi's Lucario sent him flying a few meters away, but after landing, the guardian started to rush again and disappeared.

And Luo Yi's figure of Lucario also disappeared.

Luo Yi turned his head slightly, looked at the place where the two elves just confronted, and blinked.

when!The next second, in front of Luo Yi, Lucario and the Guardian fought each other again, only about ten meters away from Luo Yi.

The guardian flew out and hit the mountain wall, showing pain on his face, but the figure still disappeared at the moment of landing.

Luo Yi turned his head to look forward, and the two Lucarios disappeared again. Looking at the place where the guardian appeared just now, Luo Yi's eyes changed.

Another loud noise came, just behind Luo Yi, only about five meters away from Luo Yi, Luo Yi's back head even felt the wind fluctuations.

"This is to... attack me." Luo Yi said softly, discovering the guardian's intention.

The intention of the two guardians to attack in turn was to stun Luo Yi first!

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