"Come on, let's go down the mountain, maybe the old guy below knows the origin of this thing."

Luo Yi got up and walked down the mountain with Lucario.

As for the three guardians, they respectfully followed behind Lucario and went down the mountain together.

Soon, Luo Yi came to the foot of the mountain, Xiaoyao threw himself into Luo Yi's arms, hugging Luo Yi's neck and unwilling to let go.

Shirona also ran over excitedly and took Luo Yi and Xiaoyao into her arms.

It just so happened that Luo Yi's head just stuck on Shirona's chest.

Feeling the strangeness in the back of his head, Luo Yi couldn't help turning his head and rubbed his face twice.

soft...so soft...

Shirona blushed with a swipe, and let go of Luo Yi, her eyes were shy and anxious, she stomped her feet, turned around, and stopped paying attention to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi scratched his head with a pity on his face.

Xiaoyao raised his head inexplicably, feeling that something was wrong in the atmosphere, but he didn't see what happened just now.

"Okay Xiaoyao, there's still a few things to do." Luo Yi patted Xiaoyao on the shoulder and said.

Soon, Luo Yi brought Xiaoyao and Shirona, as well as his own elves, to the old Lucario who he saw at the beginning.

Now, this old clansman fell to his knees and was slumped there, as if he had lost all his strength.

"You know this thing, right?"

Luo Yi shook the blue Poké Ball in front of it and said.

The old Melukario, who was originally slumped on the ground, saw the blue Poké Ball, his godless eyes suddenly burst into a strong look, and he jumped up from the ground.

Luo Yi was taken aback. The old guy looked like he was going to die a second ago. When he saw the Poke Ball, he felt like he was hit with chicken blood, and his reaction was too strong.

The old Lucario stared at the Poké Ball in Luo Yi's hand with wide eyes, his voice unusually hoarse.

"The key...how can the key be in your hands!!"

Chapter 94 The situation is critical! !

"How can the key be in your hands!!"

The voice of the old Lucario reached Luo Yi's heart through the power of the waveguide, and the voice was full of shock.

"The key?" Luo Yi raised his eyebrows, this blue Poké Ball really has such a close relationship with the Lucario family, it sounds like it's still very important.

"Lead the way!" Luo Yi said.

The aged Lucario looked at Luo Yi with a complicated look on his face, hesitated for a while, finally sighed, turned and walked towards the depths of the valley.

Luo Yi and Shirona looked at each other, and there really are other secrets hidden in this valley!

Luo Yi weighed the Poké Ball in his hand. A Poké Ball turned out to be a key. This was something that had never been heard of in the current Pokémon world.

It can only be said that the Pokémon world of Guda has various means far beyond the imagination of today's people.

Luo Yi sighed in his heart that in the past ancient civilization, there were too many secrets buried in the long river of history, which made countless people search for it, but to no avail.

Luo Yi, Xirona Xiaoyao, and Luo Yi's other elves all followed behind the old Lucario and went deep into the valley.

Soon, under its leadership, Luo Yi and others came to a very hidden hole, and the small hole could only accommodate an adult Lucario to pass through.

Luo Yi thought for a while, and put all the large elves such as Bangira into the Poké Ball, leaving Lucario and Pikachu behind.


Pikachu jumped onto Luo Yi's shoulder and rubbed Luo Yi's face affectionately.

Luo Yi rubbed Pikachu's head and walked into the hidden hole with Lucario and the two girls.

The cave was not spacious, and it was difficult for two people to run side by side. Luo Yi and the others lined up in a row and walked for two minutes before arriving at a spacious place.

However, the cave has also come to an end.

The end of the cave is very simple, there is only a box made of stone with a circular groove on it. Judging by the size, it is exactly the same as the blue Poké Ball.

Everyone stopped, and the old Lucario's voice sounded in everyone's heart.

"In that blue Poké Ball, is the most powerful clan of the ancient Lucario clan."

"Unfortunately, for some reason, it was sealed forever. This Poke Ball can no longer be opened."

"It's been too long, and the reason for being sealed has long been unknown, but the appearance and function of this Poke Ball were passed down by word of mouth in the valley and have never been forgotten."

"That's it, the key!"

The old Lucario paused and said: "A lot of history has been lost, and what is in the box has nowhere to be traced. If you want, take it away."

After speaking, the old Lucario seemed to have lost all his strength and left here with a stooped figure.

Luo Yi and his Lucario looked at each other, and decisively put the blue Poké Ball into the groove of the box.

In an instant, the blue light made a masterpiece, and there was a constant clicking sound from the box.

It's like there are countless organs running at the same time.

Click!Finally, after a crisp mechanical collision sound, the top cover of the box popped open a little, revealing a black gap.

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