Luo Yi shook his head. At this time, any command seemed superfluous. At this point in the battle, he could only rely on Suicune's own strength to carry this wave over.

Luo Yi knew that there was an infinite terrifying power in Sui Jun's body, and it had to learn to use it!

And the best way to stimulate these powers is to hone them in battle and break out in a crisis!

Only when he completely controls the energy in his body can Xiao Shuijun be worthy of the title of a divine beast.

At this moment, on the battlefield, a mutation protruded!

Chapter 103 Show off your power!Suizun's power!

Just when Suicune and Charem faced off at a critical moment, a sudden change occurred on the field.

Sui Jun, who was in the confrontation, showed an impatient look in his eyes, and he actually interrupted the destruction light in his mouth!

This time, Xiao Haruka and Shirona were shocked and almost called out. If they gave up the output of destroying death light like this, I am afraid that this destroying death light would be instantly controlled by Charem's psychic power.

At that time, all the energy in the destruction light will be dumped towards Suicune.

Even Charem, who was confronting Suizun, was shocked, and immediately began to frantically stimulate his mind power, trying to completely rebound the destructive death light.

Without Suicune's output, it gained the control of destroying the death light almost in an instant!


Charem screamed, his voice full of excitement, with his efforts, the destructive light of death was about to be bounced back!

Boom boom boom!

Finally, under the control of mind power, the destruction of death light slammed into Suicune!

"Be careful! Suijun!!" Xiaoyao shouted.

On the verge of a close call, Sui Jun moved!

I saw Suijun's head held high, the white ribbons on both sides of his body flying, and his purple hair was automatic without wind. Looking at the oncoming destruction and death light and Charem, the impatient expression on his face disappeared, and his eyes were full of eyes. indifferent.

Then, Suicune opened his mouth wide and let out a roar that resounded throughout the forest.

Roar--! ! !

Like thunder!

Both Xiaoyao and Shirona covered their ears and backed away. It was hard to imagine that Suijun could make such a thunderous roar with such a small body.

When this roar sounded, the elves in the entire forest were squatting on the ground, shivering.

Divine beast coercion!

At the same time, the air in front of Sui Jun was like a disturbed water surface, with ripples appearing.

In the next second, a violent wind suddenly appeared in the forest!

The wind came from the north and seemed to blow the entire forest into the sky!

The only place where Luo Yi and the others were, was not affected by the gust of wind. There seemed to be an invisible barrier protecting them.

A violent storm broke out, and the forest instantly became chaotic. Between flying sand and rocks, Luo Yi vaguely saw that a big tree was uprooted, and he didn't know where it flew.

"This is the power hidden in Sui Jun's body!?" Luo Yi was shocked, everything in front of him could only be done by Sui Jun.

While the gust of wind was raging, huge noises were constantly heard in the forest. It was Suicune's roar, the sound of howling wind, and the sound of explosions.

After a few seconds, Suicune's roar disappeared, and the wind suddenly became smaller. The wind came and went quickly, and soon disappeared completely.

The forest was calm again, except for a mess in the woods, the gust of wind seemed to have never appeared.

Luo Yi and Shirona Xiaoyao looked at this scene in shock and were stunned.

The battle seems to be over.

The sudden gust of wind blew the lake into chaos, and the plants on the ground were overturned, revealing the wet land.

In front of Sui Jun, the situation is even more tragic!

There were countless huge wind blades rolling across the ground, dented to a depth of half a meter, and there were also ravines and ravines, showing the horror just now.

A little farther, in the dense forest, a wide passage appeared. The big trees that originally grew there were all broken into pieces of wood. The sections were very sharp, as if they had been cut by a knife.

At the end of the newly emerged passage, Charem, who was covered in scars, was motionless and completely lost consciousness.

The destructive light of death also disappeared.

Luo Yi and the others stared blankly at Sui Jun with his head held high, completely shocked.

The incarnation of Beifeng, the beast Suijun, finally showed its true power!

Luo Yi's eyelids were still beating unconsciously, just now he could clearly see what Sui Jun had done!

When the storm raged, a huge group of wind blades appeared in front of Sui Jun. Each blade was one meter long and densely packed together.

Although it was a wind blade, Luo Yi could feel the sharpness of these wind blades even when he stood on the periphery!

Then, this group of wind blades rushed towards the destructive death light from the bombardment while rolling.

The terrifying destructive light of death was cut into pieces the moment it touched the wind blade!

This destructive death light did not cause any obstruction to the wind blade group.

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