At this time, the host has also taken the stage, announcing the result of the battle.

The host is also a bit deceived now. He has witnessed the [-]-game winning streak of the Flaming Chicken with his own eyes. He did not expect that he greeted the [-]rd challenger he found for a long time, and he actually knocked the Flaming Chicken unconscious. .

"Okay, the winner of the ninety-third ring match is... the Minister!?"

The host hadn't finished announcing the results, but saw a familiar figure walk out of the elevator.

It is the person in charge of the Zijin City branch of the Dewen Group, Minister Jia Yue.

Chapter 111 The Fifth Devil Fruit

The branch building of Dewen Group in Zijin City.

Luo Yi returned to the room where the elf egg incubator was located again, only this time behind him, followed by the person in charge, Jia Yue.

Before Luo Yi boarded the arena to fight with the flaming chicken, he sent a message to Yun Dun, asking Yun Dun to inform the person in charge here to prepare to hand over the flaming chicken to himself.

This flaming chicken Luo Yi must be obtained. It is the most convenient to use the authority of the black card. It is nothing to reveal the identity.

That's why there was a scene where Jia Yue ran to the ring to meet Luo Yi after the battle between Luo Yi was over.

As for the flaming chicken, it is now in Luo Yi's backpack.

Of course, all of this was done in private. Luo Yi still didn't reveal his identity in front of so many people. As for other matters in the arena, of course Luo Yi would not take care of it, and leave it all to Jia Yue to handle.

Just when Luo Yi collected the flaming chicken, the staff of the elf egg incubator sent a message to Luo Yi that there were some slight cracks in the shell of Ibrahimovic elf egg. Out.


A magical elves with infinite evolution possibilities!finally born!

Therefore, after Luo Yi received the news, he immediately brought Jia Yue to the laboratory of the elf egg incubator. Several staff members were dumbfounded when they saw Jia Yue who was following Luo Yi.

Jia Yue is the person in charge here, in charge of everything in this building, and actually follows behind this little boy!

However, Luo Yi couldn't take care of so much anymore, and walked in front of the elf egg in three steps and two steps. At this time, the elf egg had been taken out of the instrument and no longer needed the help of the instrument.

The rest is up to the elf's own efforts!

As long as the eggshell is broken, a new elf will be born in this world.

Luo Yi looked at the elf egg with gradually increasing cracks, and felt a little nervous in his heart. It was the first time he saw the scene of the elf being born.

Behind Luo Yi, Xiaoyao and Shirona also looked at the elf egg curiously, obviously looking forward to the soon-to-be born Ibrahimovic elf.

As for those few staff members, they were surrounded by Luo Yi and the others, curious about the Ibrahimovic elf they had never seen before.

For a while, apart from the sound of cracking eggshells and the breathing of a few people, no sound could be heard in the whole room.


Finally, with a crisp clicking sound, the whole piece of the elf egg shell was pushed up!

A small brown head was exposed.

Sure enough, Ibrahimovic!

On this small head, there are two pointed ears and two black eyes shining at Luo Yi, showing a lovely smile at Luo Yi.

Luo Yi's heart seemed to be blown by the spring breeze, and he was hit by this little guy at once.

Really cute!

Behind Luo Yi, Xiaoyao looked like a mother's love broke out, and could not wait to hold Ibrahimovic in his arms immediately.

Soon, little Ibrahimovic broke free from the shackles of the eggshell and fully revealed to everyone.

Looking at Ibrahimovic at this time, everyone has only one thought, that is - cute!

Xiaoyao finally couldn't bear it anymore, and reached out to hug Ibrahimovic, but Ibrahimovic jumped forward, dodging Xiaoyao's arm, and jumped into Luo Yi's arms.

Obviously, little Ibrahimovic only recognizes Luo Yi now.


Luo Yi took Ibrahimovic easily, and little Ibrahimovic licked Luo Yi's face affectionately, made two childish calls, and looked at the world curiously.

Luo Yi looked at Ibrahimovic in his arms with anticipation in his heart. Ibrahimovic, an elf with very unstable genes, does not know what kind of miraculous evolution will take place under the influence of Luo Yi.

"Little Ibrahimovic, you will follow me in the future, and see how wonderful this world is."


The most luxurious hotel in Viola City.

Luo Yi and three people were standing at the door of the hotel.

After coming out of the Dewen Group, the sky was already dark, so Luo Yi decided to rest in Zijin City for a night before taking on the challenge of the gym.

Today's Dewen Group and his party have achieved a huge harvest. Not only did they hatch the magical elf Ibrahimovic with infinite possibilities, but they also conquered a proud and powerful flame chicken!

Don't look at the suspicion that the flaming chicken was beaten in Lucario's hand, it is only because Lucario is too strong, and the flaming chicken is also a strong elves who have won [-] consecutive games in Viola City, but they are lacking. Some chance and growth.

As for Flaming Chicken, Luo Yi already has a plan in mind!

Soon, the three moved into the hotel, Xiaoyao and Shirona lived in a room, and Luo Yi had a room by himself.

After so many days of getting along, the relationship between Xiaoyao and Shirona is getting better and better. Hearing that they volunteered to live in the same room, Luo Yi's eyes suddenly became a little strange.

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