"Flaming chicken, attack!"

"Shen Huo Shiranui!"

The flaming chicken shook, and a long spear composed of flames appeared in its hand, and threw it fiercely towards the thunderbolt beast.


Many of Ace's skills may not match their names just by their names, and some of them can't remember their skills just by looking at their names. I will try my best to map them to you.

Recommend a book: "Online Game The Emperor of Qin and Han Dynasties", the thief is beautiful, the writing is very cool, I follow it every day.

Chapter 115 Electric Field!fire punch! !

(The picture shows the thunder beast)

"Shen Huo Shiranui!"

Hearing the words, the flaming chicken shook his hand, and the flame immediately spread out from his hand, forming a long spear.

Shenhuo Shiranui, this skill is exactly the skill of constructing a flame spear and carrying out a throwing attack. It gathers quickly and has great power, which is not worse than destroying the death light!

More importantly, after eating the flaming chicken after burning the burning fruit, using this skill, there is no consumption at all!

Because the current flame chicken is flame itself! !

The flame chicken flicked his arm, and the flame spear in his hand rushed towards the thunderbolt beast!

Seeing this scene, Tie Xuan's eyes flickered, and he instantly judged the spear thrown by the Flaming Chicken in his heart.

"Thunder beast! Traverse!!"

boom! !As soon as Tie Xuan finished speaking, there was an explosion.

I saw that in the position before the thunder and lightning beast, the smoke and dust were billowing, and it was a mess.

And the figure of the thunder and lightning beast appeared elsewhere intact!

Luo Yi raised his eyebrows. He could see clearly what happened just now. When the spear reached the front of the Thunder Beast, a flash of lightning spread out from the Thunder Beast's feet, and then moved at a high speed on the lightning!

After that, the flame spear penetrated deeply into the ground, blasting the ground into a huge crater.

The thunderbolt beast escaped the attack of the flaming chicken by relying on that strange movement skill!

Luo Yi's eyes became more serious, and the lightning beast on the opposite side even had his own skills!

At this time, on the other side of the field, Tie Xuan smirked proudly.

"Hahaha! Children, your own skills are not exclusive to you. My thunderbolt beast is also very powerful! Soon, you will see how powerful it is! Your flaming chicken is lost!"

Hearing this, Luo Yi smiled. It was a fact that the thunderbolt beast on the opposite side was very strong. The ability to spread thunderbolt from the soles of the feet along the ground just now, and move at high speed on it, was really amazing.

But to say that he can defeat the flaming chicken is a joke.

Before Luo Yi could react, Tie Xuan gave the command again!

"Thunderbeast! Make an electrical field!"


The thunder and lightning beast let out a long roar, and lightning flashed again under its feet.

I saw this piece of lightning rapidly spread along the ground in all directions, and soon spread to the feet of the flame chicken!

"Flaming Chicken, Fire Wall!" Luo Yi's pupils shrank and immediately shouted.

Flame Chicken's arm immediately ignited a flame, and then waved to the ground in front of him, the flame on his arm fell to the ground, and suddenly formed a one-person-high wall of fire!

In front of the flame chicken, the fire wall was just formed, and the lightning spread on the ground arrived, but when the lightning touched the fire wall, it made a crackling sound, and finally failed to move forward!

The spreading lightning was blocked by the wall of fire.

At this time, except for the area where the Flaming Chicken stood, the ground on the battlefield was shrouded in a white electric glow.

These lightning bolts made a constant crackling sound, and every now and then there were violent lightning bolts rushing into the sky, but they were quickly replenished.

For a time, the battlefield seemed to have become a sea of ​​thunder, and the flaming chicken had nowhere to go except where he stood.

It is the skill of Thunder Beast, the electrical field!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi frowned. Lightning could survive on the ground and form a realm. This is really incredible!

Luo Yi has noticed from the beginning that the lightning beast's ability to avoid the flame spear was very unscientific at the beginning, and the lightning can spread to the ground, which is in conflict with the laws of nature!

Seeing Luo Yi frowning at this moment, Tie Xuan's cheerful laughter came again.

"How about it, my skill, it's not bad! In the electrical field of my Thunder Beast, no elves can defeat it!"

Seeing that Luo Yi was ignoring himself, Tie Xuan said again, "Don't think about it, this skill took me a long time to realize. The mystery of it, you can't see it in a while!"

"Look at the trick! Thunder beast! Thunder!"

Following Tie Xuan's words, the Thunder Beast roared, and a strong light suddenly erupted from its body!

At the same time, the areas on the ground covered with electric lights all exploded with electric lights, and the entire opposing site seemed to be a sea of ​​thunder and lightning, with raging waves.

On the field at this time, except for the piece where the flaming chicken is standing, there are lightning bolts about half a meter high that are constantly jumping, making a crackling sound, and the terrifying energy fluctuation seems to be all about falling into it. Creatures torn to shreds.

Luo Yi and Tie Xuan had already left the opposing battlefield, and they were commanding from the sidelines.

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