The overwhelming flames poured out from the arm of the flame chicken, and the flame chicken at this time has become a terrifying flamethrower!

From a distance, a huge pillar of fire fell from the sky toward the ground, turning the entire yard into red.

The terrifying fire fist reappears!

It was only the second fight in the battle, and it was already so intense that this move could already destroy the entire field.

The King of Leave on the ground, his eyes moved to the air with the flame chicken, and his eyes widened instantly when he saw the overwhelming flames hitting the ground.

At this critical moment, the king of asking for leave heard Qianli shouting.

"Please leave the king, use frozen light!"


As soon as Qianli's words were spoken, the flames had already fallen to the ground, and the flaming chicken also fell, absorbing all the flames that escaped everywhere.

Luo Yi and Qianli both took a few steps back, and both of them felt a heat wave coming towards them, and they were about to bake themselves.

But at the same time as they stepped back, neither of them looked away from the opposing battlefield. At this time, the flames gradually went out. Luo Yi had already seen a huge black shadow in the smoke, still standing there.

As for the battlefield, the boundary has long been invisible.

Soon, all the smoke and flames disappeared, and the situation on the battlefield was clearly exposed to everyone.

"Excellent leave king!!" Qianli shouted in surprise.

Xiaoyao, Shirona and the others next to them looked stunned, and they were also full of surprise at the response of the king on leave.

I saw the king asking for leave on the battlefield, and he sealed himself in a huge ice block!

This huge ice cube has melted a lot, and only a thin layer is still covered on the body of the leave king, apparently successfully resisting this fire fist!

At this time, the king of leave in the ice cubes, with drooping eyelids, was facing the direction where Luo Yi was.

On the face of the leave king, Luo Yi actually saw a wretched smile!

Luo Yi laughed dumbly, and in an instant he understood how to deal with the king of leave.

"It's that freezing light, which turned out to be used by myself, a very smart elf, a very tacit combination."

Luo Yi heard the frozen ray that Qianli shouted out at the last moment of the flames, apparently Qianli also meant the same thing.

It may not be enough to use the freezing ray to resist this huge fire fist, but if it is used to protect oneself, there is a glimmer of hope that it can resist in the past.

As for the damage of the freezing ray itself, Luo Yi didn't have to think about it. With the defensive power of the king of leave, I am afraid that the freezing ray would not be able to hurt it.

Sure enough, the leave king in the ice cube exerted a little force, and the remaining ice cubes shattered instantly, all falling off the leave king's body.

Please leave the king without the slightest injury!

Shaking off the ice cubes on his body, the king of leave shrugged his eyebrows at the flaming chicken, and then slowly raised an arm, towards the direction of the flaming chicken, scratching his armpit, revealing a very wretched figure. smile.

The face of the flaming chicken was instantly gloomy.

This is blatant provocation!

Especially, with the arrogance of the flaming chicken, being so provocative on the battlefield, the anger has already exploded.

On the other side, Qianli scratched his head embarrassedly and said:

"He's just a little naughty..."

Xiaozheng, who was watching the battle next to him, covered his face for a long time and looked ashamed, pretending that the king who asked for leave did not belong to their family at all.

Luo Yi smiled, but he didn't think it was too much. When fighting, he used his own methods to disturb the enemy's emotions. This was also a way of fighting.

But now, the practice of this king of asking for leave had an effect on the flaming chicken, but it was counterproductive.

Because Luo Yi had clearly felt the anger of the flaming chicken.


The anger in the eyes of the flames almost overflowed, and he looked back at Luo Yi and let out an angry cry.

Luo Yi heard the meaning, this is the flame chicken applying to Luo Yi.

Apply to use that trick.

Yan Emperor!

The reason why I want to apply is because the flaming chicken is very clear that if this trick is used, this gym... is gone! !

Luo had a headache for a while. He didn't want to destroy the Gym in Chenghua City, but subconsciously, he was very eager for Flame Chicken to use this trick.

At this moment, in Luo Yi's head, there seemed to be two little people talking.

"Luo Yi, use it! Use Emperor Yan to kill the opposite king asking for leave!" said a white villain.

"Yes, yes, you should use it quickly! Use Emperor Yan!" Another black villain echoed.

Finally, Luo Yi sighed lightly and said to himself: "There is really a little devil living in my heart."

At this time, Luo Yi has already made a decision!

"Flaming Chicken! Then use... Yan Emperor!!"

"Grade!!" The flaming chicken got Luo Yi's approval and let out an excited cry. Looking at the king of asking for leave, he slowly raised his right hand.

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