Yan Emperor!Just appearing for a few minutes, it brought huge chaos to the whole city!

In the courtyard of the Orange Flower Gym, where the flame chicken and the king of leave are fighting.

Qianli finally recovered from the shock, but what filled his heart was waves of despair.

"This...how is this possible!!"

Qianli opened his mouth several times, but he didn't say anything, because he couldn't think of the ability of the king who asked for leave to resist this terrorist attack by the flaming chicken.

At this time, he finally understood what Luo Yi said. If he can't resist this move, your gym will be gone!

Feel the terrifying energy in the fireball, sweat like rain for thousands of miles, if this move really falls, let alone Chenghua Taoist Hall, the entire Chenghua City will be destroyed in half!

What a lunatic!

Qianli didn't care about anything else, he gritted his teeth and shouted loudly: "We admit defeat!"

"Luo Yi, you won, hurry up and put this trick away!!"

Suddenly, Qianli saw the eyes of the flaming chicken, and his heart thumped.

What kind of look is that, arrogant, contemptuous, cold, mocking, staring at the eyes of the king who asked for leave!

"No!! Please leave the king!!"

Qianfeng shouted, but was interrupted by a huge roar!

It was the roar of the King of Leave!

At this time, the king of asking for leave no longer had a shocked look on his face. Instead, his face was fierce. His eyes were full of madness.

Has been completely angered by the eyes of the flaming chicken! !

"Please leave the king!"

Seeing the King of Leave's movements, Qianfeng shouted with a look of shock and fear on his face. His elf himself knew that with the strength of the King of Leave, it was impossible to resist this attack from Emperor Yan.

Just when thousands of miles of sight were about to split, there was a sudden change on the field!

The king of asking for leave suddenly raised his head and let out a huge roar again!

Roar! !

Accompanied by this roar, the body of the king who asked for leave began to swell. In just a few seconds, it doubled in size. The hair on his body exploded, exuding a luster like steel, and his eyes became red. The two fists slammed in front of him, and even the air had a slight crack!

The King of Leave with a race value of 670 finally unleashed his full power!

Seeing this scene, I was stunned for a thousand miles. Even he had never seen this form of the king of leave!

The lazy king of asking for leave is actually too lazy to show his true strength in front of Qianli!

Luo Yi's eyes were also condensed, and the king of asking for leave in front of him was still hiding such a change! !

However, Luo Yi was not too surprised. The current king of leave is an elves with a race value of 670. He should have the style!

However, in the face of Emperor Yan, it is still not enough to see!

"You're very strong, but that's the end of it!"

da da da da...

The sound of footsteps came, but it was the flaming chicken holding the Yandi fireball high and walking towards the king asking for leave!

There is also a dazzling light on the double fists of the fake king, and there are no black cracks in the air around the fists!

The sword is drawn!

The battle at this time no longer needed Luo Yi and Qianli's command, Xiaoyao quickly dragged Qianli into the ice fortress made by Suicune to prevent damage from the aftermath.

At this time in the ice fortress, everyone was staring at the place where the two elves were. The flaming chicken held up the Emperor Yan, like the god of flames. There were more and more cracks in the air around the king of leave, and the momentum was like a rainbow!

Suddenly, the flaming chicken stopped. At this time, the distance between the two elves was only a few meters!


Finally, the king of asking for leave still couldn't stop, and he rushed towards the flaming chicken in a circle!

Wherever the fist went, a large piece of air was torn apart, and a large number of black cracks continued to spread along the direction of the punch. The king of leave's fist had stopped, but the black crack did not stop, heading towards the flame chicken!

A cold light flashed in the flame chicken's eyes, and the raised arm was slightly full, and the huge Yandi fireball was smashed on the head at the king of asking for leave!

(I’m so tired, let’s write this chapter first, take a break, and then write. Isn’t the atmosphere of this chapter a bit long-winded?).

Chapter 122 Flattened!

Seeing the king of leave attacking him, Flaming Chicken's eyes flashed with coldness, his arms raised slightly bent, and the huge fireball above his head was smashed towards the king of leave, and smashed his head down!

In the ice fortress, everyone is staring at the situation on the field, for fear of missing any detail.

The king who asked for leave with full firepower and the Emperor Yan who ate the burning flame chicken, this kind of collision is unprecedented, and there is no one since!

At this time, it wasn't just Luo Yi and a few people who couldn't take their eyes off of them, everyone in Chenghua City was watching from all directions.

Horrible spectacle!

A huge fireball floated in the courtyard of Chenghua Taoist Hall. Even if you stood far away, you could feel the heat wave emanating from the fireball.

The walls of Chenghua Taoist Hall blocked the flame chicken and the king of leave. People couldn't see the specific situation in the yard, but this did not affect people's judgment on this fireball at all!

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