A cold light flashed in Luo Yi's eyes. The Water Fleet and Lava Squad tried to trouble Luo Yi over and over again. Luo Yi had already decided that this time he would not be soft-hearted!

"Bangira! Get up!"

Luo Yi patted Bangira's head and issued an order at the same time.

I saw Bangira, who was moving fast in the desert, the sand under his feet suddenly gathered, and then rolled up like a wave, until it rose to a position more than three meters high in the air.

If someone saw this scene at this time, their eyes would widen in horror. Beneath Bangira, the desert turned into a wave, and the waves were surging forward.

At the top of the desert wave, Bangira stood firmly on it, and the sand under his feet moved forward rapidly under the control of his will, faster than before.

… … … … … …

Soon, Luo Yi came to the place where the war broke out just now.

At this time, the war is not over yet. Under the control of their respective trainers, all kinds of elves are fighting together frantically, with sand flying and chaos.

In the chaos, Luo instantly recognized two of the prominently dressed figures.

The leader of the water fleet, Water Wutong!

The leader of the lava team, Chi Yansong!

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi couldn't help but let out a sneer.

"Two idiots, they dare to wear such conspicuous clothes at this time, they are courting death!"

"But it just saves me the time to find you!"

At this time, Bangira, who was coming from the waves, was very close to the area of ​​​​the battle, and some people on the field had noticed the extremely fast desert waves.

And Bangira at the top of the sand waves!

The ferocious giant waves more than three meters high, and the god-like figure standing on the top of the waves, made the faces of those who noticed the sand waves changed!

Because looking at the ferocious momentum of the sand waves, it is almost going to pierce the battlefield!

If you are hit by this sand wave, I am afraid you will lose consciousness on the spot!

Luo Yi, who was also on the sand waves at this time, threw a Poké Ball after scanning the battlefield and not finding the Devon Group expedition.

Flame Chicken!

Looking at the people in front of me who became a group, Luo Yi said coldly:

"Flaming chicken, it's time to let them calm down!"

"Use... Yan Emperor!"

Chapter 125 Desert Information

Luo Yi stood on the three-meter-high sand wave, looked at the people who were fighting and formed a ball below, and spit out two words coldly.

"Emperor Yan!"

Beside Luo Yi, the flaming chicken immediately raised his arms high, and endless flames erupted from his body, surging above his head, forming a huge fireball!

Skill... Yandi!

At this time, many of the people on the battlefield noticed the galloping sand waves. At this time, their eyes widened, and they stared at the Yandi fireball above the flame chicken's head!

"What is that!?" Someone exclaimed, directing his elf to retreat.

"There is a shadow!" Someone shouted in horror when they saw the shadows of Luo Yi and Bangira on the sand waves.

Hearing the exclamations coming from below, Luo Yi didn't speak, so he didn't bother to cut into the battlefield to stop the war between the two sides, and directly descended with a fireball of the Emperor Yan, and the war would be ended immediately.

Luo Yi didn't have the slightest sympathy for the warring parties, the Lava Team and the Water Fleet.


As soon as Luo Yi's words fell, the flame chicken waved his hand and threw the Yandi fireball held in his hand towards the battle area!

At Luo Yi's side at this time, Shirona looked at Luo Yi's serious profile, and she was in a trance for a while.

The current Luo Yi is decisive and ruthless in his actions, allowing Shirona to see a different side of Luo Yi than usual.

real man!

Shirona's eyes were instantly filled with admiration, standing beside Luo Yi, an unprecedented sense of security rose in her heart.

Of course Luo Yi didn't notice Shirona's little thoughts. At this time, his attention was all on the battlefield not far away.

The Water Fleet and the Lava Team attacked the Devon Group over and over again, but they did not take him seriously. The disappearance of the Devon Group's expedition team this time completely detonated Luo's anger towards these two organizations.

In the air, the huge Yandi fireball was heading towards Luo Yi in the direction of the Lava Team and the Water Fleet. During the fall, the air around the fireball was scorched by the high temperature, making a roaring sound.

The power of destruction!

In the vast expanse of the desert, the existence of humans and elves would have seemed a little inconspicuous, but now the appearance of the Yandi fireball has completely changed this feeling.

At this time, all the people and elves on the battlefield noticed the fireball falling in the air, and their scalps were numb with fright.

It's just a little sun!

The two leaders of the Water Fleet and the Lava Squad were about to fly out of their eyes when they saw the Yandi fireball in the air.

"Protect me!!" Shui Wutong shouted, but the people around him had already fled everywhere, who could care about him?

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