The poor desert dragonfly, who was rushing forward just now, can't wait to turn around and run, but it was too late, and was shot by the big hand of the sand!

After hitting the elf, the big sandy hand not only did not dissipate, but instead flew forward against the desert dragonfly.

Soon disappeared from the sight of several people.

A few seconds later, there was a huge roar in the passage ahead, and even the entire passage vibrated slightly.

After that, calm was restored in the passage, and there was a smooth road ahead, and not a single desert dragonfly could be seen.

"Good job!"

Luo Yi patted Bangira on the back. Now Luo Yi, during this kind of exploration, is more and more inclined to fight the elves independently. In this attack, Luo Yi did not command, but Bangira also did the same. Well done.

At this moment, Luo Yi seemed to think of something, and threw two Poke Balls again.

The red light flashed, and Ibrahimovic and Chirulian appeared in front of Luo Yi.

After the two elves were released, they immediately got close to Luo Yi and were very excited.

"Okay, the environment here is just right for your training, just treat this as your exclusive training ground." Luo Yi said with a smile.

These two elves have never had a chance to appear on the stage, and their strength is inevitably a little bit behind, especially Chirulian, who has been hidden by Luo Yixue for a long time, it is time to let them out and exercise.

Actual combat is the best way to exercise!

And this ruin is obviously a perfect actual battlefield, with Bangira guarding on one side, there is no chance of any problems with them.

Luo Yi looked at the two elves with anticipation in his eyes. Ibrahimovic and Chirulian were both elves with infinite potential, and he was looking forward to seeing the growth of the two elves.

Seeing this scene, Xirona and Xiaoyao also released their own elves, and all of Lie Lu Bite Shark and Hunt Papilio all appeared.

"Okay, now in this battle, I'm afraid those wild elves won't dare to approach." Luo Yi laughed and joked, and then moved on.

A few minutes later, Luo Yi and the others finally saw the few desert dragonflies who wanted to attack them just now.

Bangira's blow killed them all!


Seeing this scene, Bangira roared proudly, and waved her hand proudly at several elves, just like a big brother.

Luo Yi smiled, Bangira has a unique advantage in the desert, even if she has entered the ruins now, and there are hard rocks everywhere, Bangira's attack power has also been greatly increased.

"Okay, now is not the time to be proud. As soon as I entered the ruins, I encountered a group of desert dragonflies. When I entered the area that has never been trodden, I still don't know what will happen."

Luo Yi continued to lead a few people forward, and the route was already memorized in his head. Along the way, Luo Yi and the others met many elves, but all of them were killed by Luo Yi's elves army almost immediately.

Along the way, Ibrahimovic and Chirulian have been given sufficient training, and they have become more proficient in their own skills, and Ibrahimovic has even comprehended many new skills...

Finally, Luo Yi came to an open stone room after the rounds and turns.

There is no second exit in the entire stone room, as if the road ends here.

And in the stone room, there is nothing left, and it has obviously been explored countless times over the years.

On the route, it is this stone room that is marked!

Soon, Luo Yi opened the secret passage in the stone chamber according to the method described on the road map.

Seeing a wall in the stone room falling down, Xiaoyao and Shirona looked surprised. Luo Yi opened the stone room by bombarding the wall with three attributes at the same time!

Incredible way to open!

However, the three of them didn't have time to figure out why they set up such an opening method. The wall fell into the ground, and the unexplored area was finally revealed in front of Luo Yi's eyes!

It was a dark tunnel with no light at all, and it looked a little gloomy.

Xiaoyao was a little scared and hid behind Luo Yi.

Shirona's performance was better, but she also summoned Lielu Bite Shark to her side.

Luo Yi looked at the dark passage with a serious expression, lit a torch and threw it into the passage.


The torch fell to the ground, illuminating the nearby situation, and nothing unusual was found.

However, Luo Yi's eyes were still solemn. On the drawing, the expedition team of the Dewen Group was clearly written in two big characters.


This is completely consistent with Luo Yi's guess!

There must be something very important in 2.1 placed in this hidden and extremely strict mysterious passage, and in the same way, there must be powerful Pokémon guards.

However, the drawings did not give too much information, not even the roadmap after that.

Obviously, the expedition team of the Devon Group, for some reason, did not enter it and conducted more exploration.

After thinking about it, Luo Yi burned the blueprint in his hand to ashes. He had already found the mysterious place in the ruins and had memorized the route. The next exploration could only be done by Luo Yi himself.

"Okay, don't let your guard down, anything can happen here." Luo Yi told a few people, and put Chirulian and Ibrahimovic back into the Poké Ball, but released Lucario.

Lucario's waveguide power can play an extremely important early warning role here.

After that, Luo Yi took the lead and stepped into the darkness first!

Chapter 128: The Three Sacred Pillars Appeared!

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