Luo Yi let out a long sigh, and there was still some confusion in his head. He didn't know whether this matter was good or bad for him to conquer Groudon.

Coinciding with the Alliance Championship, Caiyou City must have a strong alliance force. Whether it is the current Alliance Four Heavenly Kings or the Alliance Champion, they will definitely appear there.

Not only that, the League Championship is the grandest event, and almost all the powerful trainers in the entire Hoen region who are qualified to participate in the championship will appear in Caiyou City.

Luo 11 had four stone carvings in his body and a crystal ball that could control Groudon. He wondered if Groudon would sense something when he arrived at Caiyou City and was awakened.

Once Luo Yi alerted Groudon in advance, there would be chaos!

That is a super ancient mythical beast, one of the elves that broke into the Hoenn Continent!

Once it appears, it will cause everyone's coveted!

At that time, Luo Yi wants to conquer Groudon, and he will likely have to fight against the trainers in the entire Hoenn area!

The temptation to live in a super ancient mythical beast that no trainer can resist!

However, although Luo Yi felt a little tricky, his eyes became more determined, and there was an inexplicable excitement in his heart!

Luo Yi looked up and looked at the powerful elves around him, Pikachu who ate the fruit of thunder, the flaming chicken who burned the fruit, Bangira who burned the fruit, the super ancient Boss Cordora, and the fighting power reached the level of a beast. The tyrannical carp dragon, and Lucario, who can evolve mega...

Before he knew it, he had changed from a traveler with nothing to a trainer with a group of powerful elves.

"Luo Yi, I'm afraid this will be very tricky." Shirona said with a serious expression.

Luo Yi smiled lightly, and his domineering and confident voice reached everyone's ears.

"Even if you are an enemy of the trainers in the entire Hoenn area, what is there to be afraid of? If you dare to stop me, push them horizontally!!"

Luo Yi's domineering eyes swept over each elves, and seeing the eyes of these elves changed from confusion to confidence, a smug smile appeared on his face.


Under Luo Yi's gaze, several elves burst into a roar, and their mentality has completely changed. The haze caused by the terrifying destructive power that Groudon showed just now has all disappeared!

In the roar, there is an extremely strong fighting intent!

Beside Luo Yi, Shirona turned her head to stare at Luo Yi's confident face, her eyes bursting with endless divine light.

She was still worried about Luo Yi's emotions, but now she found that Luo Yi's heart was wider than she imagined!

Even if you are an enemy of the world, there is no fear!

In Luo Yi's bones, he was born with such domineering!


At the entrance to the desert ruins.

The figures of Luo Yi and three people walked out of it, and all the elves had been collected, only Groudon was left to clear some wild elves.

At this time, Luo Yi had already explored all the mysterious places newly discovered in the ruins.

Not only did he subdue the Three God Pillars, but he also obtained the last ancient stone carving and a crystal ball that could control Groudon, and determined the positions of Groudon and Kyogre.

In this desert, Luo Yi had no reason to stay.

Luo Yi's next goal, Yinyu City, pick a gym, get a badge, and enter Caiyou!

At the entrance of the desert ruins, several explorers were stunned when they saw Luo Yi walking out of it intact.

It took only half a day for Luo Yi to enter the ruins and come out. Many people at the entrance of the ruins have not left, or are preparing to enter the ruins, or waiting for their companions to come.

These people just saw Luo Yi entering the ruins, and many people were laughing at Luo Yi for daring to enter the ruins with a Bangira, thinking that Luo Yi would definitely escape from it.

But now, Luo Yi came out intact, not only did not look embarrassed at all, but seemed to have gained a lot.

"What's the situation, why didn't the elves in this ruins attack them?" These explorers wondered, they were all people who entered it more than once, and they all knew very well that it was impossible to stop them with just a Bangira. Wild elves in the ruins.

"Strange thing, could it be that the elves in the ruins have stopped moving!?"

All kinds of guesses in their hearts revolved around the wild elves in the ruins, but they didn't know that those murderous elves had all been defeated by Luo Yi's vote of elves.

However, there were only a few people who sighed, and more people came from all directions, blocking Luo Yi and the others at the entrance of the ruins.

The eyes of these people are full of greed and cruelty.

Luo Yi was stunned for a moment, then looked around, and his eyes suddenly showed interest.

Obviously, these people are not real explorers, but robbers who specialize in killing people and stealing goods in the desert.

This uncontrolled desert area has become a paradise for criminals.

Luo Yi saw that these people were mainly divided into two groups, with two people standing at the front, like leaders.

"Children, hand over everything on your body!" said the one-eyed robber at the head, followed by a huge four-handed monster with a hideous expression.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie! One-eyed, this time there is no need to grab it, we will share the things on this kid!"

The other robber leader laughed and opened his mouth. Obviously, Luo Yi and the others had already slaughtered the meat on the felt board on the spot.

Hearing the words of the two, Shirona couldn't help showing a strange look on her face.

Robbery hit Luo Yi's head, this is simply courting death.

At this time Luo Yi also spoke, and his expression was also very strange:

"Are you sure you want to rob me? With just so many people, you dare to rob me??"

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