Because in the Hoenn area, fast dragons are too rare. As a trainer of the flight department, as long as you see it once, you will never forget it again!

They were shocked that they encountered an elves like Kuailong again here!

"It's Kuailong! It's incredible, could it be a Pokémon search for Guandu!?"

Some people exclaimed, because the only few people who recognized the fast dragon elf had a relationship with the fast dragon there, and they could never forget this powerful and rare elf again.

"No, the person on Kuailong is not Du!"

All of a sudden, everyone noticed that there were three figures sitting on Kuailong's body.

At this time, on the largest venue in the gymnasium in Yinyu City, the owner of the gym, Na Qi, looked at the fast dragon in the air, and her eyes burst into a strong look!

As a gym owner specializing in training the flight department, of course she knows about the elf like a fast dragon. Although she has never had the chance to get a fast dragon, her understanding of fast dragons is far more than others.


The fast dragon hovering in the air suddenly dived and landed directly in front of Na Qi.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, Luo Yi and the three jumped off Kuailong's body. Although they were stared at by so many people, Luo Yi was still extremely calm and calm.

"Haha, what a warm and grand welcome, everyone continue, I'm just here to challenge the gym."

Hearing Luo Yi's words, all the trainers around were sweating profusely, how can we calm down with your appearance!

At this time, Na Qi, who was closest to Luo Yi, looked at Luo Yi up and down, and the interest in her eyes became stronger.

The little boy in front of her actually owns the elf fast dragon she dreamed of!

"If that's the case, then... let's start the battle!"

Listening to Na Qi's words, she can't wait even more than Luo Yi!

At this time, the trainers of Yinyu City Gym who had gathered around were all excited when they heard this. The battle between the legendary Flying Pokémon and the Master of the Flying Gym was enough to make them excited!

Luo Yi smiled lightly, Na Qi's words were exactly what he wanted.

Luo Yi is really afraid that this group of trainers who are very keen on flying Pokémon will keep researching around Kuailong, and Luo Yi will have a headache.

Soon, under the leadership of Na Qi, Luo Yi and others came to a dedicated battle field.

This field is larger, with two stone towers standing at the two ends of the field. There are two small platforms on the stone towers. It is the command field specially arranged for the trainer in the battle of the flying-type elves.

Luo Yi and Na Qi climbed the stone tower, and after taking their seats, Xiao Yao and Shirona also came to the nearby auditorium.

Not only these two girls, but the trainers from the entire Yinyu City Gym came to the auditorium, excitedly waiting for the battle to begin.

For the pavilion owner Naqi, they have a kind of blind confidence, not only because of Naqi's beauty, but also because Naqi is the most powerful flight trainer here!

In their hearts, Naqi is the strongest in the duel of flying spirits.

"Okay, let me see how strong an elf like Kuailong is!"

Na Qi's eyes lit up, and she took the lead in throwing a Poké Ball. The red light flashed, and Wang Yan appeared on the battlefield.

When Dawangyan appeared, the people in Yinyu City Gym suddenly burst into cheers. Obviously, this Dawangyan is very popular in Yinyu City Gym!

Luo Yi looked at Wang Yan and was stunned.

The King Yan in front of me turned out to be the Flash King Yan!The color is different from the general red and blue King Yan, but it shows cyan and orange, which is more heroic.

However, Luo Yi also returned to normal after being stunned for a moment. The words of a flashy king Yan were not taken into account by Luo Yi.

"Naki, my fast dragon is a little different, you have to be careful!"

Luo Yi saw that the people in the audience were shouting the name of Wang Yan, and suddenly let out a chuckle and released his fast dragon.

Ow! !

The fast dragon appeared on the field, and suddenly made a loud cry. After eating the fruit of the meat ball, it is now extremely eager to fight!

Under Luo Yi's training, the current Kuailong has a new understanding of combat and a new way of fighting!

Seeing that Luo Yi also released the fast dragon, Na Qi couldn't bear it any longer, and launched the attack first!

"Great Wangyan! Roundabout attack!"

With Na Qi's order, Da Wang Yan suddenly hovered in the air, speeding faster and faster, and at the same time constantly approaching the fast dragon on the ground.

Seeing Da Wangyan's attack, Luo Yi smiled lightly, and Luo Yi was deeply impressed by the maneuver of the swing attack. It was called an undefendable move in the animation of the previous life, because when Da Wangyan approached the opponent, it would suddenly accelerate , the figure disappeared, and instantly appeared in front of the opponent, carrying out a violent attack...

Xiaozhi's grass lizard was defeated by this move.

However, this trick has no effect on the fast dragon who ate the meat ball fruit.

Luo Yi didn't even direct the fast dragon to fly!

No need, to deal with this King Yan, one move is enough to kill him!

Seeing that Wang Yan was getting closer, Luo Yi finally spoke.

"Quick Dragon, the air is shaking!"

When Kuailong heard the words, he put his palms together and placed them in front of him, leaving a gap of about ten centimeters between his two palms.

The next second, the meat pads on Kuailong's palms vibrated slightly, and the air between the palms was suddenly squeezed out, forming a peculiar wind that surrounded Kuailong's body.

The movements of Kuailong's hands kept on, and the strange wind that appeared from the middle of his palms became stronger and stronger, forming a unique field around Kuailong!

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