Because at the most critical moment just now, Na Qi and Qixi Blue Bird finally showed the strength that a gym owner should have.

… … … … … …

"This is like the reaction that a gym owner should have. If it is terminated by an air cannon, this gym will be in vain!"

Luo Yi muttered to himself, and at the same time the commander, Kuailong, landed on the field, waiting for the Tanabata Blue Bird to fly back.

After finishing the gym competition and obtaining the badge, Luo Yi had a hundred ways to fight Na Qi's mental breakdown, but now that Kuailong has just eaten the meat ball fruit, it is a good opportunity to familiarize himself with his abilities.

It can be said that Na Qi's strength is strong, and Luo Yi is happier.

Soon, the Qixi Blue Bird flew back to the battlefield, with a change of expression on his face!

It's all about seriousness!

Na Qi's face was exactly the same as the Qixi Festival Blue Bird's expression, and her expression was very solemn.

"You are very strong, I underestimate you!"

Naqi said that the "shortcoming" she just discovered that the fast dragon can't attack from a distance is completely wrong!

It was this mistake that made her Qixi Blue Bird almost killed in seconds.

"But next, I won't take it lightly again!"

Na Qi stared at Luo Yi's eyes, and pulled out a necklace from her collar, with a colorful gem hanging on the necklace.

It is the evolution Yueshi!

Luo Yi raised his eyebrows and blinked his eyes. What he was waiting for was the super evolution of the Qixi Blue Bird!

In Na Qi's hand, the Yue Shi glowed, echoing the mega stone on the Qixi Blue Bird's body. Suddenly, the Qixi Blue Bird chirped, and a dazzling white light began to emit from its body.

Super... Tanabata Blue Bird! !


Today's fourth update, old irons, is it a surprise or not, is it a surprise?

Chapter 145 The Fruit Ability is Hard and Super Tanabata Blue Bird

The white light flashed, and the Super Tanabata Blue Bird appeared on the battlefield!

The trainers in the auditorium all stood up and looked at the Super Tanabata Blue Bird, their emotions were surging, and their faces were full of excitement and excitement.

"Appeared! It's the Super Tanabata Blue Bird!"

Their eyes widened, knowing that the Qixi Jade Bird was the only elf that could super-evolve in the entire gym. The last time they saw the Qixi Jade Bird was when the current league champion Dawu challenged the Yinyu City Gym.

It can be said that Na Qi's Qixi Blue Bird is the last hope of the trainers in the Yinyu Gym.

"Fight! Super Tanabata Blue Bird!"

When they were in the audience, they felt their blood was boiling, and the appearance of the Super Tanabata Blue Bird ignited their blood!

Even if the fast dragon on the opposite side is strong, so what!


Feeling the changes in people's emotions in the audience, Xiaoyao and Shirona became a little excited. This is the magic of elves fighting, which can make people's blood boil!

On the battlefield, the blue bird on the Tanabata after the mega, the cloud-like wings are wrapped around the blue bird, and there are two 11 long feathers on the blue tail, exuding a kind of airy temperament.


The Super Tanabata Blue Bird made a loud cry, and there was no fear in the voice, but a strong fighting intent!

Opposite the Super Tanabata Blue Bird, the fast dragon flew in the air, and his eyes became solemn.

The Qixi Blue Bird after the mega evolution gave it a completely different feeling!

Luo Yi looked at the Super Tanabata Blue Bird on the battlefield with a smile on his face.

The battle, the real battle, has just begun!

"Qixi Blue Bird! Battle Song! Dragon Dance!!"

Na Qi didn't say more, and after devoting herself to the battle, she looked extremely serious.

Hearing Na Qi's words, the Super Qixi Blue Bird looked up and let out a loud cry!

This cry is still very pleasant, but it is vaguely different from the previous cry, which shocked everyone around!

Hearing this cry, Luo Yi raised his eyebrows and immediately understood that the most special part of the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival was finally revealed!

Luo Yi still remembers that the most powerful ability of the Blue Bird on the Qixi Festival is not the dragon's breath nor the flying ability, but its strange singing!

A song of death from a previous life can defeat an opponent invisibly, which is very powerful!

Luo Yi stared at the Qixi Blue Bird, and immediately noticed something strange. After the cry just now, the temperament of the Qixi Blue Bird suddenly changed!

Fighting explosion!

On the Qixi Festival Blue Bird, Luo Yi felt the monstrous fighting will, that is the strong will to defeat the opponent no matter what, and will never die!

Then, in Luo Yi's eyes, the figure of the Super Tanabata Blue Bird flickered, stepping on a strange rhythm and flying into the air, as if dancing!

It's the Dragon Dance!

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