Seeing Qilulian take the initiative to run out of the pokeball, Luo Yi was surprised, knowing that although Qilulian was a Pokémon he conquered earlier, as the Pokémon in Luo Yi's hands became more and more powerful, the opponents became more and more powerful. As she grew stronger, Qilulian's strength gradually couldn't keep up with Luo Yi's growth.

Therefore, Qilulian has almost no chance to play, and Qilulian has been quietly staying in the Poké Ball, very obedient.

Today, I took the initiative to run out of the Poke Ball!

Looking at Qi Lulian, Luo was stunned for a moment, and at the same time found that Qi Lulian was different from the usual calm and calm, looking a little irritable, with a very irritable expression.


After Qilulian appeared, she looked at Luo Yi and let out a soft cry with a hint of panic in her voice.

Luo Yi picked up Qi Lulian, soothing Qi Lulian's emotions, suddenly thought of something in his heart, and his heart was stunned.

He guessed why Qilulian was so uneasy.

Luo took a look at Shirona, and found that Shirona's face was also a little wrong, and he thought of it together with Luo Yi.

The elf who takes this forest as his own is probably very terrifying.

You must know that Qilulian, as an elf of the super power department, has a magical perception of some things, and is extremely sensitive to danger.

And straight to the bear is not enough, only have some insight into the treasure, unaware of some dangers, unless the danger is already in front of you, straight to the bear will find out.

Just like the ancient armor just now, if I hadn't seen its terrifying figure, I'm afraid it wouldn't stop going straight to the bear.

"It's alright, don't be afraid." Luo Yi comforted Qi Lulian and handed it to Xiaoyao, who immediately hugged Qi Lulian in her arms, her eyes a little distressed.

It was the first time she had seen Qilulian look so uneasy.

"Let's go, no matter what kind of danger lies ahead, we have to go for it, but we haven't reached the lake where Minas lives."

Luo Yi said that he had long thought that this island might not be so safe, but he did not expect that it would bring such strong unease to Qilulian.

The three of them moved forward slowly again. At this time, in the queue, Lu Kalio, Bangira, Kuailong, and Shark Shark were distributed around Luo Yi and the other three, guarding against any possible dangers.

After walking not too far, the straight bear stopped, raised his head, and stared blankly at a small hill not far away.

And his body was shaking uncontrollably.

Luo Yi immediately noticed the strangeness of the straight bear, and wanted to look straight in the direction the bear was looking at.

In the next second, Luo Yi's eyes widened, and his heart could no longer be calm.

As far as the eye can see, there is a small hill, on the hill...

It's a huge Poké Ball!

This Poké Ball is so huge that even if Luo Yi and the others stand in it, it is more than enough!

But what made Luo Yi's heart skip a beat was that there was a large hole in the pokeball, and it could be seen from here that it was completely empty!

Chapter 154 The Super Giant Elf Appears!

At this time, it wasn't just Luo Yi who noticed the huge Poké Ball, Xiaoyao and Shirona were all shocked.

The Poké Ball looked like it was made of stone, and it was as huge as a room. It was full of pits and pits, showing signs of erosion over time. Obviously, it was unknown how many years it had been there.

The most important thing is that there is a big hole above, revealing that the elf in the elf ball has already escaped from it.

Luo Yi's face was solemn. Luo Yi had an impression of such a super-giant Poké Ball. In the cartoons of his previous life, Xiao Zhi also encountered a super-giant Psychic Puppet. Its strength was impossible to resist. Zhi still teamed up with Team Rocket to receive the super-giant psychic puppet into the huge Poké Ball left over from ancient times.

Luo Yi looked at the huge Poké Ball on the small hill not far away, and it gradually overlapped with the huge Poké Ball in his mind.

The same size, the same material, Luo Yi immediately confirmed that this is the same origin as the huge Pokeball that Xiao Zhi encountered!

But Luo Yi knew that the super-giant mind puppet that Xiao Zhi encountered in the animation was definitely not here!

Just as Luo Yi was trying to remember about the super-giant elves, Xiaoyao opened his mouth with fear in his voice.

"Luo Yi... There really isn't such a huge elf!"

Qilulian in Xiaoyao's arms was even more uneasy. The source of fear it felt was this super huge Poké Ball.

Hearing Xiaoyao's words, Luo Yi took a deep breath and said:

"If the elf in that elf ball is still on this island, then we... it's hard not to meet it!!"

After all, Luo Yi took out a Poke Ball from his backpack.

The red light flashed, and an elf appeared in front of Luo Yi. The scales of this elf were like steel, and the golden light in his eyes was the ancient tyrannical carp dragon!

This ancient tyrannical carp dragon that was conquered in the ancient ruins had the size of a hill when Luo Yi first saw it. ·Pikachuche successfully turned the tide of the battle and was conquered by Luo Yi, becoming a powerful member of Luo Yi's men.

What's special is that this mutated ancient tyrannosaurus dragon can control the changes in its body shape. It can be transformed into the size of a hill, and it can become like a normal sized tyrannosaur.

If there is any other elf in Luo Yi's hands that can compete with the huge elf that may appear on the island in size, it is only the ancient tyrannical carp dragon!

After the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon appeared, he looked at Luo Yi and let out a low roar, his voice full of joy.

Luo Yi patted the head of the ancient tyrannical carp dragon, so that the tyrannical carp dragon temporarily maintains its normal shape and does not easily become huge.

Before he wasn't sure if the super-giant elf was still on this island, Luo Yi didn't want to let the ancient tyrannical carp dragon beat the grass and startle the snake, otherwise it might attract the attention of all the powerful elves on this small island.

After releasing the ancient tyrannical carp dragon, Luo Yi thought of another thing.

On this island, civilization existed in ancient times!

The oversized Poké Ball is the best proof!

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