After this super-giant Hu Di appeared, his eyes locked on Luo Yi and several people instantly, and the expression on his face suddenly became subtle.

Like a cat meeting a mouse, with teasing in his eyes.

Seeing Hu Di's expression, Luo Yi's eyes were unprecedentedly solemn.

Beside Luo Yi, several elves of Lucario stared at this huge wild land, all of them were deeply shocked, all of them tensed up, ready to attack at any time.

Especially the ancient tyrannical carp dragon, who immediately increased his size and stood in front of Luo Yi and a few others.

In the eyes of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon, there is deep fear.

The ancient tyrannical carp dragon felt a strong threat on that huge Hudi!


Staring at the gigantic hummingbird, the ancient tyrannical carp dragon let out a startled roar.

Luo Yi pinched his eyebrows, turned to look at Shirona and Xiaoyao next to him, and found that both girls had fear in their eyes.

"Are you scared... Leave it to me here!"

Luo Yi held the hands of the two girls, and his voice regained firmness and confidence.

Hearing Luo Yi's voice, the two girls turned their heads, looked into Luo Yi's eyes, and suddenly had courage and strength in their hearts.

They believe in Luo Yi, and in their hearts, there is nothing that Luo Yi cannot do!

"Let's step back, it's going to start a fight later, I'm afraid it's not very safe."

Luo Yi smiled, settled the two girls, turned around, and brought a group of elves to the front of the already huge ancient tyrannosaurus carp dragon.

Facing the super huge Hudi!

On Luo Yi's shoulder, is Pikachu with a determined look.

Behind Luo Yi is the ancient tyrannical carp dragon like a hill, the flaming chicken covered in flames, the desert tyrant Bangira, the 1-ball fruit capable fast dragon, Lucario!

Luo Yi's most powerful elves, all here again!

At this time, Luo Yi looked up at the huge Hudi that was taller than a mountain. The shock in his heart had completely subsided, and the expression on his face became more and more frantic.

Such a huge land, if it can be subdued, it will play a huge role in the battle against Groudon.

Luo Yi smiled lightly and said:

"Guys, you don't have to hide it, today's task, the battlefield!"

As soon as Luo Yi finished speaking, the elves behind him all let out a thunderous roar, and the fighting intent in their eyes was about to overflow.

Hu Di, who was not far away, was obviously stunned, and the expression on his face became even more playful.

However, before Hu Di could have more reactions, Luo Yi had already spoken.

"Ancient tyrannical carp dragon, destroy the dead light!"

The ancient tyrannical carp dragon immediately opened its mouth, orange light condensed in its mouth, and violent energy was gathering frantically.

Almost in an instant, the destruction of death light was condensed, and the instant exit, a huge destruction of death light a few meters thick, rushed straight to the ultra-large Hudi.


In the process of rushing towards Hu Di, Sabotage Dead Light brushed the hill between the two, and the hill collapsed suddenly, but Sabotage Dead Light was not affected at all, and appeared in front of Hu Di in an instant.

I saw Hu Di facing this light of destruction, without the slightest panic, the spoon in his hand glowed and pointed towards the light of destruction.


Under Hu Di's finger, Sabotage Death Light unexpectedly changed direction, turned [-] degrees of supervision, and rushed directly into the sky!

Hu Di's mind power has reached the level that he can forcibly transfer such a powerful destructive death light!

At this moment, beside Hu Di, a huge fireball appeared.

Under the huge fireball, a human-shaped elf could be seen faintly, holding the fireball in his hand, and threw it fiercely towards Hu Di.

It's the flame chicken!

Skill, Yandi!

The fireball came violently, and instantly came to Hu Di's side, and it was about to hit Hu Di's body.

I saw Hu Di didn't turn his head, his beard moved, and a glass-like light curtain appeared on the side of his body.

Seeing this light curtain, Luo Yi's pupils shrank. When he was fighting with Charem, he had seen a similar light curtain, it was the reflection wall!

It's just that the reflection wall used by Charem at that time is completely incomparable with the reflection wall that is now condensed by Hudi!

The Yandi fireball instantly hit the reflection wall.


The light curtain glowed, and the Yandi fireball seemed to have received a powerful 537 force, and it seemed to bounce off uncontrollably.

The flame chicken felt bad, and instantly detonated the Yandi fireball.

Endless flames gushed out from the Yandi fireball, passed the reflection wall at once, and rushed towards Hu Di.

And the flaming chicken has long been elementalized, turned into a flame, and merged into it.

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