Hearing this, the tyrannical carp dragon suddenly flew into the sky, and then its huge body stretched, like a real giant dragon, with white light emitting from its whole body, and rushed towards the huge Hudi.

Hu Di, who was trying to get rid of Bangira's harassment, saw the ancient tyrannical carp dragon rushing towards him with great power, and his eyes suddenly froze.

For other elves, it is not in the eyes, but the ancient tyrannical carp dragon, as a huge elves with a similar size to it, even Hu Di would not dare to underestimate it.

Because it felt an aura formed over a long period of time on the body of the ancient tyrannical carp dragon.

Hu Di knew that this huge tyrannical carp dragon had existed for longer than it existed!

Therefore, Hu Di did not dare to underestimate the attack of the ancient tyrannical carp dragon. At this time, he also ignored the attack of Bangjira. He clenched the spoon with both hands, aimed at the huge ancient tyrannical carp dragon, and pressed it hard in the air!

With Hu Di's pressing, the spoon in Hu Di's hand emitted colorful rays of light, and at the same time a huge amount of thought power surged out towards the ancient tyrannical carp dragon.

At this time, the ancient tyrannical carp dragon felt that the air around him suddenly became sticky, as if something was frantically preventing him from rushing forward.

The battle situation at this time has reached a tense moment. Under the siege of the three elves, there may be new changes every moment.

Just when Hu Di was trying to block the ancient tyrannical carp dragon's attack, Bangira had already controlled the sand, spreading from Hu Di's feet towards Hu Di!

Seeing this scene, Luo nodded, this is what he specifically asked Bangira to do, so the teleportation of Hu Di would be useless.

As long as he doesn't use teleportation in the first place, he will never have the opportunity to use teleportation skills again!

At this time, Luo Yi connected, and once again showed a confident smile.

The current situation is exactly what Luo Yi wants to see!

Hu Di can no longer use teleportation and predict the future, then next, Hu will face a stormy attack.

Luo Yi patted Pikachu's head on his shoulder and said softly:

"Pikachu, it's time for us to play!"


It is a bit interesting to recommend a book "The State of Special Forces Unparalleled" to everyone!

Chapter 157 Thunder Pikachuche!

"Pikachu, it's time for us to play."

Luo Yi patted Pikachu's head and said softly.

At this time, in Luo Yi's eyes, it was extremely confident.

The super-giant Hu Di has lost the ability to predict the future, his feet are also controlled by Bangira, and he has lost the ability to teleport. It is a good time to take action!

At this moment, the one with the highest attack power in Luo Yi's hands is not the flaming chicken, not Bangira, nor the ancient tyrannical carp dragon!

But it was Pikachu, who once knocked out the ancient tyrannosaurus dragon!

As the first elf to eat a devil fruit, Pikachu's strength has already surpassed all elves unknowingly. Although there have not been many opportunities to take action, all elves under Luo Yi know that Pikachu is the most powerful. strong!

At this moment, Luo Yi looked at Hu Di and regarded it as a huge sandbag.

The only thing Luo Yi needs to deal with now is Hu Di's super huge mind power!

Such a huge land, even without the ability to predict the future and teleport, even if it is standing, it is not something that ordinary people can handle.

However, Luo Yi already had a way to deal with this.

Beside him, there is Kuailong who has not participated in the battle with Hu Di, just for this moment!

On Luo Yi's shoulder, Pikachu's eyes were firm, and he knew very well in his heart that even with the few remaining elves of Luo Yi, even if he was standing with Hu Di, he might not be able to withstand the opponent's massive mind power.

The ghost knows how many years it has lived on this island. As an elf whose brain cells are constantly dividing, Luo Yi and Pikachu dare not underestimate the mind power of this huge Hudi!


After hearing Luo Yi's words, Pikachu began to elementalize, and in an instant it turned into a handful of blue thunderbolts.

Pikachu's figure has completely disappeared. In Pikachu's original position, there is a blue thunderbolt with Pikachu's consciousness!

It is elementalization!

This thunder and lightning floated on Luo Yi's shoulder, with a crackling sound, emitting strong energy fluctuations, but it did not cause any damage to Luo Yi.

Not only that, but Luo Yi's hand slowly stretched into Pikachu, which turned into a thunder point, and the thunder and lightning took the initiative to wrap Luo Yi's hand and still wouldn't hurt Luo Yi in the slightest.

At this moment, Luo Yi was standing in the woods, and his lowered right hand emitted blue lightning, which reflected Luo Yi's figure into blue.

At the same time, Luo Yi wrapped Thunder's right hand, swallowing the thunder and lightning. From time to time, the overflowing lightning struck the flowers, plants and trees near Luo Yi, and suddenly it turned black.

In the distance behind Luo Yi, Xiaoyao and Shirona were still watching Luo Yi's situation from a distance. Seeing this scene, Shirona's eyes burst into a strong look.

She had seen Luo Yi like this before!

At this time, in Shirona's mind, a picture involuntarily emerged. On the picture, a mountain-like tyrannical carp dragon was roaring wildly. On the head of the giant tyrannosaurus.

This scene is exactly what happened when Luo Yi entered the ancient ruins, angered the ancient tyrannical carp dragon, and rescued Xiaoyao and Shirona.

That move is exactly the same as the skill Luo Yi is using now.

Thunder Pikachuche! !

At this time, even the few elves who were fighting not far away noticed Luo Yi's movement here. After Pikachu's elementalization, the energy of the group of thunder and lightning was so powerful that people had to pay attention to what happened. what.

After seeing what happened in Luo Yi's place clearly, Hu Di's eyes became obviously different, no more contempt, extremely solemn.

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