Chirullian took the cross suspiciously, and just as it touched the cross, a mutation protruded.

A dazzling white light suddenly began to glow from Chirullian's body!

Luo Yi and the other three suddenly opened their eyes wide!

"This...this is..."


Chapter 161 The news of the empty seat!

(The humanoid elf in the picture is Shanaido, this picture is really good)

Luo Yi and the others looked at Chirulian, who was emitting a dazzling white light, and their eyes widened.

This look and feeling, Luo Yi and the two girls are very clear, it is definitely evolution!

Luo Yi and the three looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

Who would have thought that when Kirulian touched this cross, such a change would occur!

At this time, even Luo Yi's elves were surprised that they had completed the final evolution here by chance, which can be said to be very lucky.

But in Luo Yi's eyes, his eyes flickered, as if he was worried about something.

To return to the evolution of Kirulian, but there are two directions, one is to evolve into super power and fairy attributes of Shanaido, and the other is to become super power and fighting attributes of Elleido.

In Luo Yi's heart, he is more inclined to obtain Shanaido with fairy attributes, because in Luo Yi's hands, there are enough elves with fighting attributes.

However, at this time, the evolving Chillulian was emitting white light, and Luo Yi couldn't see the situation at all, so he could only wait for the result.

The ghost knows which direction these 563 strange crosses will make Chirulian evolve.

But no matter what Chirulian evolves into, it is Luo Yi's elf!

Soon, under the gaze of Luo Yi, the other three and the elves, the white light on Kirulian's body receded, and a slightly different figure appeared on the field.

I saw the new elf in front of Luo Yi. It was about the same height as Xiaoyao, with a white body and curly hair. It stretched all the way to the shoulders. It looked like she was wearing an elegant dancing evening dress with slender skirts under it. long legs.

It's Shanaido! !

After seeing Shanai Duo, Luo Yi's eyes flashed, and at this time Luo Yi finally got the first elf with fairy attributes!

After Shanaido has evolved, he still holds the strange cross in his hand, which seems to be in love with him.

Suddenly, a clear and pleasant voice sounded in Luo Yi's heart.

"Xiao Duo has seen the master, master, this cross can enhance Xiao Duo's mind power, can Xiao Duo keep it by his side?"

Luo Yi was stunned, looked towards Shanaido, and met Shanaido's bright eyes.

Luo suddenly understood that it was Shanaido who was talking to him.

It's just that Shanaido's voice seems to be heard only by himself.

Luo Yi immediately said in his heart, "Xanaido? How can you communicate with me in this way?"

As soon as the words fell, Shanai Duo's pleasant voice sounded again in Luo Yi's heart: "Master, it is this cross, with it on Xiao Duo, Xiao Duo can communicate with the master."

"And this cross can also help Xiao Duo to strengthen her mind."

When Luo Yi heard Shanaido's words, a light suddenly flashed in his heart. He quickly took the ancient book and looked at the page with the cross painted on it. A genie with super power attributes!

That cross is a magical item that has a powerful effect on super-power attribute spirits!

Judging from the performance just now, it not only has the effect of evolving the super-power elves, but also helps the super-power elves to enhance their mind power.

It's incredible!

In today's civilization and technology, no prop has such a heaven-defying effect, but now, the cross left by people in this ancient time has done all this in front of Luo Yi's eyes.

Luo Yi's eyes were filled with ecstasy. He knew that such a magical item, even in ancient times, was definitely a rare treasure.

Luo Yi patted Shanaido on the head, and immediately decided to let Shanaido wear the cross with him. On the one hand, Shanaido could communicate with Luo Yi directly, and on the other hand, it could strengthen Shanaido's psychic power and discover more functions of the cross. .

To know the strength of the mind power, it is directly related to the strength of a super power attribute elf.

After obtaining Luo Yi's affirmation, Shanaido took the initiative to return to the Poké Ball. It seemed that the sudden evolution just now consumed too much of its energy.

When Shanaido returned to the Poké Ball, Luo Yi's eyes were still full of excitement. Not only did he get a heaven-defying item, but he also unexpectedly made Chirulian evolve into Shanaido. You must know that a elf like Shanaido is very powerful!

However, Luo Yi soon turned his attention to the ancient book again. This book had already brought Luo Yi a great surprise, and he didn't know what else was going on.

Xiaoyao and Shirona were equally curious, and wanted to see what the trainers in ancient times had left behind on this small island.

When the fifth page was opened, Luo Yi's pupils shrank, and he saw two figures that were absolutely unexpected.

Super ancient beasts, Groudon and Kyogre! !

Regarding these two mythical beasts, although Luo Yi has not met them yet, they have enough origins. The crystal ball that controls Groudon is in Luo Yi's hands, and the cave where Groudon sleeps, Luo Yi also knows that there is where.

Luo Yi frowned and looked at the fifth page of the ancient book. There was no substantive content on it. Luo Yi turned the page. On the sixth page, Luo Yi saw the battle between Groudon and Kyogre, which was clearly depicted in the picture. It looks like the earth has been destroyed.

But Luo Yi found some details, which is different from the holographic projection that Luo Yi first released on the ancient stone carvings. In the picture in the ancient book, the Fengyuan Continent has been formed, and some people were affected by two divine beasts, and the town was destroyed. .

Luo suddenly realized that it was the second battle of the beasts! !

From ancient times to the present, it is impossible to verify how many times Groudon and Kyogre have fought each other. This time recorded in the ancient book is obviously different from the one released by the holographic projection on the ancient stone carving Luo Yi obtained. .

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