Chapter 167 Shanaido's Predictive Future!

(The picture shows Sun Rock and Moon Stone, both of which are Pokémon from space, and there is an episode of the animation that specifically introduces Moon Stone)

"Yes, it's hypnosis!"

Luo Yi looked at Sun Rock, who had fallen into a drowsy state, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It was Shanaido's attack that started when the opponent was still shocked by Minas' appearance.

At that time, the Sun Rock and Moon Stone were in shock, and Shanaido's attack worked instantly.

At this time, Sun Rock cannot make effective defense and attack at all.

"It's now, Shanaido, Magic Leaf!"

Luo shouted loudly, and Shanaido immediately launched an attack, waving his hands, and countless glowing leaves rushed towards Sun Rock.

Seeing this scene, Feng was suddenly shocked. Sunyan was in a state of dementia, and could not withstand such an attack at all!

However, at this moment, Nan opened his mouth.

"Moonstone, the power of the moon!"

The moonstone suddenly condensed a powerful beam of light, hitting the countless leaves condensed by Shanaido.


The power of the moon and the blade collided two or three meters in front of the Sun Rock, and a huge explosion occurred!

The drowsy Sun Rock was suddenly awakened by this huge explosion sound.

With a jolt, Sun Yan saw the scene in front of him clearly, and immediately showed a fearful expression.

If it wasn't for the Moonstone, it would have lost this match.

Seeing that Shanaido's attack was blocked, Luo Yi sighed slightly, feeling a little regretful.

On the other side of the battlefield, both Feng and Nan's expressions became solemn. Luo Yi's strength was much stronger than they thought.

Shanaido and Minas are not only rare, but also extremely powerful!

At the same time of fear in their hearts, Feng and Nan also had a fighting spirit in their hearts. A strong opponent is the best way to hone themselves. A high-quality battle may stimulate the greater potential of the elves.

The two of them would fight with each other when they were fine. After a preliminary understanding of Luo Yi's strength, the two of them were first surprised and then delighted. Although their faces were solemn, their eyes were all very bright.

"Very powerful elves, but our elves can't be underestimated." Feng said to Luo Yi.

Luo Yi shrugged, it was impossible for him to lose this battle.

"Moonstone, rock collapse!"

Nan didn't say much, and immediately started a new round of offense. The trial stage was over, and everyone got serious.

Hearing the order, the moonstone glowed all over, and huge stones suddenly emerged from his body and smashed them towards Minas and Shanaido.

Each of these stones is about the size of a human head. If they are hit, the consequences will be serious.

Seeing this scene, Luo gave an instruction in an instant: "Shanaido, shadow clone!"

"Minas, the water ring!"

As soon as Luo Yi's voice fell, Minas and Shanaido started to act. Shanaido swayed, and suddenly several figures of Shanaido appeared on the field, all of which looked exactly the same.

On the side of Minas, after a cry, a barrier formed by a current of water appeared around him, perfectly protecting Minas within it.

The water was swift, and the moment the Moonstone's rock avalanche hit the water ring, it was bounced in all directions, unable to break through Minas' defense at all.

Shanai Duo was even more relaxed. The rock collapsed on a clone, knocking the clone and disappearing in place, while the real Shanai Duo had already appeared near Moon Stone and Sun Rock.

"Shanaido, keep your spirit strong!"

Shanaido's hands glowed, and he pointed to the moonstone and sun rock in the sky, and his mind power poured out frantically.

In an instant, both the moon stone and the sun rock shook violently in the air, as if they were suffering great pain.

"What!? Shanaido alone can hurt two elves!?"

Feng lost his voice and exclaimed, Shanai Duo's mental strength actually launched an attack on Moon Stone and Sun Rock at the same time. Seeing the reaction of Moon Stone and Sun Rock, the power of this attack was very huge.

What a terrifying power of thought!

Feng and Nan looked at each other and saw the shock in the other's eyes.

However, they didn't waste too much time, and immediately gave the order. Not only Shanaido was alone on the field, but there was also a powerful Minas next to him!

"Moonstone, the power of the universe!"

"Sun Rock, magic space!"

The two orders were spoken almost at the same time. At this time, they did not dare to hold back any longer, and ordered the two elves to use their real hole cards...

Hearing Feng and Nan's instructions, Luo Yi raised his eyebrows. The two elves, Moon Stone and Sun Rock, both descended to the earth following meteorites. They belong to Pokemon in space. If there is no such thing as a Pokemon. Luo Yi did not believe in his special ability.

Luo Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stared at the field intently. At this time, Moon Stone and Sun Rock were suppressed by Shanaido's terrifying thought power. It was impossible to get rid of this state by ordinary means.

Following Feng and Nan's orders, the Moonstone and Sun Rock, which were suppressed by Shanaido's psychic power in the air, instantly glowed.

Pokémon from the universe finally showed their most special abilities.

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