There must be something wrong with the tyrannosaurus itself!

At this time, Luo Yi opened his mouth, and his voice was normal, but when Adam heard it, he heard a strong sarcasm.

"You want to fight two with Difang Sea Lion?"

"Otherwise, the owner of the Adam pavilion should release another elf, and the tyrannical carp dragon that fainted does not count." Luo Yi said.

Hearing Luo Yi's words, Adam did not hesitate at all, and categorically refused.

Although the fight has not yet started, the elves have been released at this time, which is equivalent to the beginning of the battle. Fainting is fainting, and there is no such thing as changing elves in the middle.

As the master of the gymnasium, this kind of tolerance is still there.

Moreover, in his opinion, this is just a small accident. His Difang Sea Lion is also extremely powerful. The young trainer on the opposite side seems to be less than ten years old. How strong can 360 be?

In particular, there is an electric mouse that can be seen everywhere, and Adam directly ignores the existence of Pikachu.

As everyone knows, Pikachu is the most powerful of all the elves in Luo Yi.

However, this can't blame Adam. Facing a ten-year-old child, no one would have imagined that Luo Yi would have such a powerful strength before they fought. When they realized Luo Yi's terrifying, they all After being pushed horizontally by Luo Yi.

"No, since my tyrannical carp dragon fainted on the battlefield, even if it loses, but my Difang Sea Lion, one fight two is enough!"

Adam said, still so confident, as if the little accident just now had never happened at all.

Hearing Adam say this, what else can Luo Yi say?

At this time, Xiaoyao and Shirona in the auditorium had wonderful expressions on their faces. Adam, the owner of the pavilion, seemed to be a little too confident...

The two girls silently began to pray for Adam, hoping that this battle would not cause him to doubt his life by being beaten by Luo Yi.

"In that case, let's start the battle, Difang Sea Lion, Ice Hockey!"

Adam opened his mouth and ordered the Difang Sea Lion to attack first. At this time, Adam needed to simply defeat Luo Yi's two elves to save a little face for himself, so it was the best move of the Difang Sea Lion.

I saw the Difang Sea Lion on the field, his head was raised, and a huge ice hockey appeared above his head. It was half the size of the Difang Sea Lion, and it was bigger than Pikachu.

Seeing this scene, Adam's face showed a proud look. You must know that the ice sphere condensed by the ordinary Difang Sea Lion is only the size of a human head. It is not easy to see such a huge ice sphere.

This is what I have been training with Diya sea lions for a long time to do!

It was with this huge ice puck that the Difang Sea Lion defeated countless powerful opponents.

Adam looked at Luo Yi proudly, but was stunned, and the expression on his face stiffened.

Because he saw that Luo Yi's Violent Carp Dragon and Pikachu, not only did not show fear on their faces, but were also excited.

It's like...saw something very interesting!

Do you think you are watching a trick? !

Adam's heart almost screamed, he had never fought such a useless battle.

However, there was a flash of coldness in Adam's eyes. He was confident that as long as the Difang Sea Lion played this huge ice ball, the opponent would definitely not be able to resist it.

In particular, the other two elves had absolutely no intention of avoiding them, and even Luo Yi did not give any orders.

"Luo Yi, you won't be frightened by the ice hockey of the Difang Sea Lion, so that's the end of it!"

Following Adam's loud shout, the Ditooth Sea Lion shook his head sharply, and the ice ball half the size of the Ditooth Sea Lion immediately headed towards Pikachu and the Ancient Tyrannosaurus.

Although the ice ball was huge, it was extremely fast, and it traveled halfway in an instant, and it would soon hit the ancient tyrannosaurus and Pikachu.

At this time, Luo Yicai spoke leisurely.

"Tyrannosaurus, just use... water cannons."

As soon as Luo Yi said his words, Adam sneered in his heart.

It's ridiculous to want to block my Difang Sea Lion's best skill with an ordinary water cannon!

Thinking to himself, a triumphant smile appeared on Adam's face.

And the ice ball also came not far in front of the ancient carp dragon and Pikachu.

On the top of the Tyrannosaurus Dragon, Pikachu looked calm and did not panic at all.

At this time, the tyrannical carp dragon opened his mouth slightly, and a blue water ball condensed in his mouth in an instant.

"So fast!!"

Seeing the action of the tyrannical carp dragon, the smile on Adam's face froze, and his heart skipped a beat. The time for the tyrannical carp dragon to condense his skills was too short!

But the shock is far from over. What happens in the next second will become the source of his doubts in life for many years to come.

I saw that when the ice hockey came to about two meters in front of the dragon, the water cannon skill in the mouth of the ancient dragon suddenly blurted out.

A jet of water spewed from the mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon and directly hit the ice ball condensed by the Difang Sea Lion.


In less than a second, the ice ball of the Difang Sea Lion was directly bombarded into pieces of broken ice.

Adam's chin smashed directly to the ground, and the whole person instantly became petrified.

After the water column of the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon shattered the ice ball, it was castrated, and it came to the Difang Sea Lion in an instant.

This speed is many times faster than the ice hockey of the Difang Sea Lion just now.

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