Just when Fuquan was at a loss... The host looked at Fuquan sympathetically. He could understand Fuquan's feelings a little bit. As the host, his three views have been shattered countless times in the past few days. .

Fortunately, his strong psychological quality has survived, and he can continue to stand here to preside over the competition.

As Luo Yi's opponent, I am afraid that he will have to bear more pressure.

As soon as the host waved his hand, the staff who had been prepared for a long time came up, put the lost Fuquan on the stretcher, and carried it away.

The audience: "..."

I understand, you guys have a good rest, see you in the next league tournament!

The audience couldn't help but start to feel sorry for Fuquan, a good potential trainer, but Luo Yi beat him into a daze again.

Chapter 199 The desire of the giant gold monster

After a short battle, Fuquan was defeated by Luo Yi.

Since then, the league championship has ended the top 32 trials, and tomorrow's game will be a fierce competition for the top [-].

Likewise, the format of the competition has also undergone some changes.

Luo Yi learned the rules of tomorrow's game when he was resting during the day. During the battle, the six elves of each trainer took turns to play, and the lost elves were replaced until all six elves on one side lost. Trainers are eliminated.

With such a competition system, although the time of each battle will be extended, the splendor of the game will be greatly improved, which can ensure that each player can exert his full strength.

Luo Yi looked at the list of the top 32 in his hand, and Tetsuya, whom he was concerned about, was also among them.

In the competition to advance to the top 32, Tetsuya's Meow Meow performed very well, and many viewers have already remembered Tetsuya as a strong player.

Of course, in the entire competition, Luo Yi was the most dazzling one. Luo Yi was like a sun, covering up everyone's brilliance.

After returning to the hotel, Luo Yi first listened to Yun Dun's report on the situation in Liuli City. After discovering Sigana, Yun Dun strengthened the manpower in Liuli City and determined the main living area of ​​Sigana.

There is a valley, which has been forgotten because of its dangerous terrain and is not suitable for building a city, but now it seems that it is not so simple.

"Wait, these people probably won't be able to hold back before me."

Luo Yi said that if these people were really descendants of those who were related to Hu Di, then they would definitely not be indifferent when they saw Hu Di.

After communicating with Yun Dun, Luo Yi came out of his room, but found that Xiaoyao and Shirona were both looking at him helplessly.

"What's wrong?" Luo Yi asked.

"Your elf is arguing!" Xiaoyao said.

Luo was stunned for a moment, why did he quarrel?

But soon, Luo Yi understood the situation. The reason why a group of elves quarreled was simply because of the competition system tomorrow.

To know the competition system tomorrow, but 1v1, that is, after the first elf slammed into the street, the second elf was allowed to play.

But here in Luo Yi, it is enough for one elf to hang sixty on the other side, and other elves will be needed there.

This is amazing. No one of the few elves is willing to give up such a fun thing. They all want to be the first to appear and hang them all the way.

As he spoke, he quarreled.

Knowing the reason for their quarrel, Luo Dan laughed for a while, but he had a good solution.


Luo Yi patted the giant gold monster, and the giant gold monster obediently put Luo Yi into the castle, and Luo Yi came to the scene of the elf quarrel.

At this time, the giant golden monster also appeared in his castle, and the six elves who appeared were pleading with each other. The elves, Lucario Bangira, who had not been registered by Luo Yi at all, looked at them sourly. , looking jealous.

You can still play anyway, where are we going to reason?

"In the future games, the giant gold monster will appear, and everyone can take action in the giant gold monster's castle." Luo Yi said immediately.

"But be careful, like the previous Yan Emperor incident, it must never happen again!"

Hearing Luo Yi's words, all the elves were stunned for a moment, then their eyes lit up, and their originally aggrieved expressions became excited.

Yup!The giant golden monster appears, no matter the friends who signed up or did not sign up, they can play bomb dropping together!

The few elves looked at each other, and the quarrel just now calmed down. They all accepted Luo Yi's arrangement, and at the same time they were very excited.

Throw skills from the castle, they never get bored!

There is only the giant golden monster, his face is a little stiff, and if he still throws bombs, he has no chance to play at all, because he doesn't have to shoot, and the opponent will be bombed by a bunch of skills.

My heart is so tired, I really want to play a game by myself.

"Go to sleep! Giant Gold Monster, send me out."

Luo Yi left the giant gold monster's castle, returned to the hotel room, and exchanged good night with Xiaoyao Xirona, and then fell asleep.


The next day, the match between the top 32 and the top 16 officially started.

Not surprisingly, Luo Yi was placed in the last one again.

However, as compensation, Luo Yi enjoyed a luxurious box that other players could not enjoy, as well as a variety of fine food.

Then, Luo Yi and the others turned on the comfortable mode of watching the game, which was not too cool these days.

Time passed quickly, and Luo Yi, who was full of food and drink, finally waited until it was time for him to take a walk.

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