
The next day, Luo woke up early in the morning, packed up, and came to the competition venue of the Alliance Championship.

He came very early, but he did not expect that the other semi-finalists had already arrived.

They are actually discussing tactics!

You must know that if eighteen elves are besieging one elves together, if they do not do a good job of coordinating the work, they are likely to accidentally injure their own people.

Moreover, if the eighteen elves fight together, the attributes and the like must be well coordinated.

The opponent is Luo Yi, even if it is [-] against one, they still dare not underestimate it.

Only by making all the preparations can we ensure that Luo Yi will be kicked out of the league championship stage. With Luo Yi present, none of them will be able to win the championship!

After seeing Luo Yi, several people's expressions suddenly became a little unnatural. Such rules are actually too unfair for Luo Yi, and they almost robbed Luo Yi of the championship at his fingertips.

But in order to kick Luo Yi, they can't take care of so much anymore. This is a modification made by the alliance, and they are just the recipients!

It's just that they would never have thought that this rule was proposed by Luo Yi himself!

After seeing these people, Luo Yi gave them a bright smile, and then brought Xiaoyao and Shirona to his luxurious box, waiting for the start of the game.

After Luo Yi left, several people looked at each other.

"Does he not know that the rules have been changed, or is he trying to force a smile?" Someone said, he didn't believe that Luo Yi would not be angry when such a thing happened.

"He doesn't look like he's really angry..." Another person said hesitantly, Luo Yi's reaction was really weird.

"No matter, it's too late, let's continue, this time we must kick Luo Yi down, no matter how strong he is, we will fully utilize the strengths of the eighteen elves, and we will never give him a chance!"

"Don't make the same mistake that guy who played six times before!"

"We will support each other this time, help each other, and strive to protect all the elves!"

"And the attack must not stop, not giving the opponent a chance to breathe!"

What this person said was righteous, and the other two nodded repeatedly. According to this thinking, even the divine beast would have to kneel on the field!


Soon, the game started.

Luo Yi and the other three stood around the venue, and the surrounding audience was a little surprised.

What does this mean?Why are you running up?

At this time, with the imagination of the audience, Luo Yi's proposed action could not be imagined.

"Okay, friends from the audience, today, everyone will witness the most special game in the history of Hoenn!" The host opened the mouth and mobilized the audience's appetite.

"Today! One elf in Luo, and eighteen on the other side of the battle!!" the host shouted.

The host's voice spread throughout the venue, and the audience was silent at first, and then burst into overwhelming cheers!

One dozen eighteen! ?

At this point, no matter how strange it was, it couldn't hold back the madness of the audience.

The most important thing is to really see Luo Yi playing [-] games!

The host is no nonsense. As an experienced host, he knows that if he delays time at this time, he will be beaten to death.

With the start of the host, the three trainers facing Luo released eighteen elves, standing on the field, which was extremely spectacular.

And Luo Yi, continue to throw out Pikachu!

"Pika!" Pikachu was thrown onto the field and roared at the eighteen elves opposite him, but it caused the audience to sigh.

Why is Luo Yi's Pikachu so strong and cute?

"Stand stand!!" a trainer shouted at this time, and the eighteen elves on the field immediately surrounded Pikachu around the lieutenant general.

This encirclement is also divided into two layers, it seems that no matter what Pikachu does, it is impossible to escape.

The eyes of the audience suddenly showed a nervous look. Facing the eighteen elves, can Pikachu win?

But at this time, a smile appeared on Luo Yi's face.

"It doesn't matter how many elves you have, under this move, all of them have to kneel!"

"Pikachu!" Luo shouted.

"Wan Lei!!"

Chapter 213 Ten Thousand Thunders Kill Eighteen!champion!

"Pikachu! Use [-] Thunders!!"

Luo didn't even look at the eighteen elves who had just set up on the opposite side, and directly asked Pikachu to use Wanlei.

Under the thunder, the entire venue will be covered!

Except for the elves of the ground attribute, all must kneel!

Hearing Luo Yi's shout, the three trainers on the opposite side were all stunned.

Wan Lei?What a trick this is! ?Which elf is it for?

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