There are also trainers who have caught fire-type Pokémon, but plan to exchange them because they are unsatisfactory, or businessmen who smell business opportunities. At this time, they are shouting and selling various tools and supplies.

At first glance, the open space in front of the hotel looks like a lively large market.

"It's League Champion Luo Yi!"

"Luo Yi! I'm going to give birth to an elves for you!"

"Luo Yi Luo Yi, look here, I want to marry you!"

As a celebrity, Luo Yi approached, and immediately attracted the attention of others. Before they approached, some fans shouted that they wanted to give Luo a lifetime of spirits.

It's not far from Caiyou City. Most of these trainers have watched Luo Yi's games on the spot and immediately recognized Luo Yi's identity.

Even if Luo Yi made some disguises, he was still recognized by these fans at a glance!

At this time, Luo Yi experienced the treatment of the famous stars in the previous life, and was surrounded by fans.

If it weren't for the fear of the giant gold monster beside Luo Yi, I'm afraid Luo Yi would have been thrown to the ground by the fans now.

In response, Luo Da shook his head.

Be reserved, be a little reserved, can't you?

Hey, it's you, have you lost your jaw?Your saliva is drooling, don't you know?

Come on, don't faint at my feet!Touch porcelain new posture! ?

At this moment, at Luo Yi's feet, a girl fainted with excitement when Luo glanced at her, with a happy smile on her face.

"Cough, thank you for your support."

Luo Yi's face was calm, and he greeted everyone with a polite but graceful smile.

Inexplicably, at this moment, Luo Yi suddenly felt a sense of being led to the countryside, and the villagers welcomed him.

It can only be said that Luo Yi's performance in the league championship has made Luo Yi the most shining star in the entire Hoenn area!

"Luo Yi, you are really popular with girls."

Looking at this scene, Shirona pursed her lips and said coldly.

"What? Afraid of me being robbed?"

Luo Yi turned his head and glanced at her half-smile.

"Ah? What? It's not."

Shirona was stunned for a moment, then blushed on her cheeks, and hurriedly turned her head away from Luo Yi's sight.

Finally, Luo Yi finally squeezed into the hotel lobby.

There are a lot of people in the reception hall of the hotel. Elves and trainers are crowded in the hall, resulting in insufficient space for people to walk. If you are not careful, you may encounter others.

When he came to the front desk, Luo Yi spoke up.

"Book your best room."

"There is no room."

The male receptionist in front of Luo Yi said impatiently without raising his head.

He saw Luo Yi out of the corner of his eye. Although he felt a little familiar, he didn't recognize Luo Yi's identity.

Without him, Luo Yi's disguise can be considered to have played a role.And to be honest, Luo Yi should be celebrating in the league now, so why did he come here?

The male receptionist didn't think about it at all!

"Huh? There's no room left?"

Luo Yi was a little surprised. Seeing that this hotel is quite large, the number of rooms should not be too small. I didn't expect that it was already booked out?

This is too fast.

Luo Yi frowned. He didn't know if it would take a few days for Groudon to wake up. If it really took that long, he couldn't stay in the wild all the time.

… … … … … …

"I can give reasonable compensation. You negotiate with other guests and make a room for me."

"It's all said and done, didn't you hear?"

The male receptionist raised his head and glanced at Luo coldly, but he was sighing that the manager was amazing.

In fact, the hotel room is quite sufficient. After all, most people come here for a short rest, and only a small number of people who want to stay for a while will book a room.

Therefore, his manager said, first suspend the provision of rooms to the guests, to create the illusion that the supply of rooms is in short supply, and then wait for the manager to come, and then let him decide how much oil and water to squeeze on the guests.

"Hey, no, your tenant table isn't filled yet."

Xiaoyao found the form in the male receptionist's hand and questioned.

The male receptionist took a suffocation, and consciously erected the form, but immediately pulled his face down, his mouth crooked, and he leaned back in the chair with a smile.

"I said it's gone, it's gone, what?"

The way he looked at this time, there was quite a feeling that I was the truth, how could you take me.

Luo Yi was so witty, he knew the whole story in an instant, and he burst out laughing.

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