Luo Yi barely heard the point.

Rumble stone?

At this moment, Luo Yi felt the soles of his feet tremble, and there was a loud noise in the distance,

Luo Yi couldn't help but turn his eyes away, and Luo Yi saw a rare scene.

More than a dozen sturdy rumble stones curled up with their six limbs and displayed their rolling skills. Like speeding trucks, they rolled along the mountain road towards the hotel at high speed, mercilessly crushing everything on the road, and behind them raised a sandstorm like a sandstorm.

It is foreseeable that if Longlongshi does not change its forward direction, it will be self-evident that the hotel will bear the brunt.

Being hit head-on by such a terrifying and powerful Rumble Stone, I am afraid that the wall of pure steel will leave a big pit.

Could it be that the previous volcanic eruption caused this group of rumbling stones to be so violent?

This is very likely. It is not difficult to see from the direction of the group of rumbling stones that they originally inhabited volcanoes. This volcanic eruption may have just destroyed their habitat. Throw them into a frenzy.

The crowd outside the hotel was in a panic because of the rapid attack of the rumbling rocks, and they had no idea of ​​stopping the rumbling rocks.

If there are two or three, maybe they can raise the heart of blocking, but this is a group!

A group of rumbling stones that roll wildly, the speed is the same as that of a big truck, how terrifying the impact should be!

He acted recklessly and asked his Pokémon to stop him. He had to be directly hit by this group of violent rumble stones and vomited blood and was seriously injured.

Therefore, their only thought at the moment is to quickly avoid it!

"Why am I so unlucky..."

The hotel manager, who rushed out to check upon hearing the news, looked at the rumbling stone rolling towards the hotel at a high speed, his face was ashes as death, and the whole person stood like a stone sculpture.

The sudden rumbling stone caught him off guard.

The hotel can withstand a certain degree of impact well, and the flying stones shot by the volcanic eruption are generally not a problem, but such a huge group of rumbling stones...

"It's over, the hotel is going to be destroyed in my hands."

However, just as he was about to cry without tears, as he resigned himself to accepting this fact, a figure appeared on the mountain road that was about to be crushed by the rumbling stones in his sight.

"Hey? Is this person dying?"

The hotel manager was taken aback.

This person's suicidal behavior also surprised some people.

one person?What do you want to do?Aren't you afraid of dying?

However, when they saw who the figure was, everyone stopped.

"Luo Yi? It's Luo Yi!"

"What does he want to do? Could it be that he wants to block this group of rumbling stones alone?"

"Think too much. Although he is very strong, he is too delusional."

"Hello? Well, yes, I need an ambulance here, hurry up."

That's right, this figure is Luo Yi.

At this moment, Luo Yi was standing alone on the empty mountain road, facing the menacing and terrifying rumbling stone group.

"I still have to live in the hotel. If you ruin it, I will be unhappy."

Luo Yi looked at the rapidly approaching rumble stone group, and said these words lightly.

Chapter 217 Bandera!How many elves does Luo Yi have! ?

Due to the distance, the others could not hear Luo Yi's words.

If you hear it, you will probably feel incredible.

Being hit head-on by a rapidly rolling rumble stone, the consequences would be unimaginable.

If someone told them that they would be unhappy just because the hotel was destroyed, so they took a big risk to stop the incoming Rumble Stone, they would definitely think the other party was crazy.

At this time, everyone looked at Luo Yi who was not far away, and their eyes were full of disbelief.

Because with the deafening loud noise, Long Long Shi was already approaching quickly, but Luo Yi still had no intention of avoiding it.

"It's Luo Yi! Could it be that he wants to stop Long Long Shi?"

"Such a violent riot, Long Long Shi has gone crazy, how could he be able to stop it with a few elves!?"

"Luo Yi! Don't be stupid!"

Although Luo Yi's strength had been revealed as early as the League Championship, at this moment, people couldn't believe that this group of crazy rolling stones could be blocked.

This is simply a disaster!Even Luo Yichao's huge Hu Di will be submerged in it!

Xiaoyao and Shirona on the side, saw the worried expressions on people's faces, but their faces were calm.

You don't know Luo Yi at all.

Luo Yi at the Alliance Championship showed only the tip of the iceberg of his strength!

Luo Yi, whose face was calm at this time, also showed that he did not take these rumble stones in his eyes at all.

"Isn't it Rumble Stone, so what if you are violent? Can you be more violent than my Bangira? 300"

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