
Seeing this scene, Bangira, as if being provoked, let out a roar at the still ferocious rumbling stones ahead.

The next moment, Bangira raised his hand again viciously.


The thick sand wall like a fortress rose again.

But Bangira is far from satisfied.

Once again, Bangira raised her hand again!

Another thick sand wall rises! !




The third side!

one more time!



Until the tenth sand wall rose from the ground, Bangira finally stopped.

And the crowd behind was too shocked to speak.

Ten thick barriers made of sand, like the army formations of ancient warriors, overlapped with no gaps in front and back, forming a sand mountain!

At this moment, all the elf trainers seemed to be shocked, dumbfounded!

Everyone, at this moment, forgets to breathe!

"It's not over yet..." Luo Yi no longer hesitated after seeing the rumbling stones who were still violent despite being stopped.

Since you can't return to your normal state for the time being, you should go to the hospital!

"Bangira! Sand Falls Burial!!"

Hearing the words, Bangira stretched out his hand and clenched his fists fiercely towards the rumbled stones that had been buried in the sand in front of him!

The desert, wrapped in rumbling stones, shrinks suddenly! !

Chapter 218 Dissatisfied?Hit you!

The desert, wrapped in rumbling stones, shrinks suddenly! !

The movement and contraction of a large amount of sand made the high sand mountain make an alarming sound like a landslide.

The violent rumbling stones, who were originally menacing, were completely submerged by the sand after Bangira released the sand waterfall to be buried, and they lost their arrogant arrogance.

The shock in the hearts of people who see all this in their eyes is beyond words.

"What kind of move is this?? Why have I never seen it?"

"Have those rumbling stones been blocked? It's amazing..."

"How many super-powerful Pokémon does Luo Yi have?! The giant Hudi, Pikachu, and the giant golden monster are not enough, and there is such a sharp Bangira, and let no one live! !"

At this moment, the elf trainers behind him are already doubting life.

The violent and seemingly unstoppable rumbling rock group that had come before, was easily managed by Luo Yi's Bangira.

Looking at this sandy pile of sand, the Rumble Stones probably lost their consciousness.

Although they couldn't see the situation in the sand, they could see the sharp contraction of the sand like a living thing just now. From the degree of contraction, it was not difficult to see that the terrifying energy contained in it was shocking!

At this time, they couldn't help but imagine that if their Pokémon were Bangira's target, they would be able to survive this blow in such a wide-ranging and explosive move.

This thought only existed in their minds for a second before disappearing, and their faces darkened.

Because they know that the answer to this question is - not at all!

"Ha...are you saved? Won't the hotel be destroyed?"

The hotel manager was in a dream, looking at everything in front of him, so happy that his tears almost fell.

When he saw the arrival of the Rumbling Stone army, he was desperate, and when Luo Yi appeared, he didn't think Luo Yi could really do it.

After all, this is a large group of rumbling stones that use their rolling skills to the extreme!Unexpectedly, Luo Yi actually did it!

And with just one Bangira alone!

A Bangira can easily turn the seemingly unstoppable rumble of stones!

Too fierce.

This league champion is too fierce, and the Pokémon on hand seems to be weak!

People looked at Luo Yi's back in amazement, and their eyes were full of admiration and admiration.

"No matter how much you want to get mad, you shouldn't hit me on the head, just reflect on it in the sand."

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