Jing Xiu looked at Luo Yi coldly, his eyes full of threats.

"Interesting, are you the roundworm in my stomach? Why did you say what I wanted to say again?"

Luo Yi looked at him with a strange expression, and was amazed.

He really wanted to say something similar to Jing Xiu just now, but Jing Xiu said it ahead of him.

Luo Yi knew about Zhuangshan, but he had never heard of Zhuangzi.

Seeing Luo Yi as if he didn't care about his threats at all, made Jing Xiu angry.

Since he became famous, the other peers he met all looked down on him with low eyebrows. How could anyone have this attitude towards him, but he thought that he had no time to spend here, so he glared at Luo again, as if he wanted to After deeply remembering Luo Yi's appearance, he turned around and left.

As soon as he left, the other two teenagers who were with him quickly followed.

Before taking a few steps, the two of them looked at each other, and both saw excitement in each other's eyes.

"is it him?"

"It's definitely right! Luo Yi is my idol! I can't read it wrong!"

"Jingxiu, this idiot, didn't even know that he kicked the iron plate himself, but he dared to challenge Luo Yi, hehe, there's a good show to watch now."

"Yeah, in order to subdue it, Jingxiu was the favorite to win the league championship before, and even gave up the league championship. He hasn't been down the mountain these days. It's normal not to know Luo Yi."

"Let him force us to help, hum, let's pretend we don't know Luo Yi, Jing Xiu will definitely kill himself when he sees his domineering appearance."

"I really want to see the scene where he is taught by Luo Yi, it must be very exciting!"

The two people behind him whispered, and Jing Xiu, who was in front of him, frowned unhappily.

"What are you two doing, help me find it!"

"Oh, yes yes."

After urging the two of them, Jing Xiu looked in Luo Yi's direction and snorted coldly.


"Luo Yi, why didn't you teach him a lesson, such a disgusting guy."

"It's just a clown jumping on the beam. I don't have time to play with him. The most urgent task now is to find the nine tails."

Luo Yi also remembered at the time of the previous league championship, the so-called favorite player to win the championship was the name of Ari Jingxiu, but Luo did not take him seriously.

What a joke, when will the so-called favorites to win the championship become arrogant?The real champ is here, okay?

As for Jingxiu's threat?nonexistent.

Luo Yi smiled disdainfully, if Jing Xiu really dared to challenge himself, Luo Yi really wouldn't mind playing with him, letting Jing Xiu taste the taste of being crushed absolutely, or the kind that doesn't even earn 5.8 ties.

"Nine tails should not have run far, Lucario, come out, use your waveguide to help me find it."

Luo Yi called out Lucario and let it use the power of the waveguide to find the trace of the Nine Tails.

Lucario is also confident that Luo Yi is not afraid of the reason why Jingxiu finds Jiuwei first. With the help of Lucario's waveguide, unless Jingxiu has installed something like a locator on Jiuwei, it is impossible to do so. Get ahead of Luo Yi and find Jiuwei.

"Okay, master."

Hearing Luo Yi's order, Lucario responded and slowly closed his eyes, and the invisible wave guide spread out around the jungle.

After a while, Lucario opened his eyes suddenly, gestured towards Luo Yi, and took the lead in rushing in one direction.

Chapter 223 Nine Tails vs. Pikachu!

After a brief contact with Jingxiu and his party, Luo Yi and the others ran into the depths of the jungle under the guidance of Lucario.

After a while, Lucario in front of Luo Yi finally stopped.

"Have you found that Nine-Tails?"

Seeing Lucario stop, Luo Yi and the others also stopped and turned their eyes to the direction Lucario was facing.

In front of them was a green grass, under the bright moonlight, swaying slightly like a lake by the night wind.

In the central area of ​​the grass, there is a huge boulder. The nine tails that I saw before are on the boulder. At this time, they are looking at Lucario, obviously they have noticed Luo Yi and the others approaching.

"Kiuwei, be my partner, bring you delicious and spicy food, or become the most special and strongest nine tails in the world, how about that?"

Looking at the nine tails on the boulder, Luo Yi directly threw out an olive branch, with a faint expectation in his heart.

He knew that with the wisdom of the Nine Tails, he should be able to understand his own words.

Sure enough, after Luo Yi's words were spoken, Luo Yi saw the look of thought flashing in Jiuwei's eyes.

Sure enough, it can be understood, so there is no need for Lucario as an interpreter.

After a while, Jiuwei's expression returned to calm, and he stared at Luo Yi with deep eyes.


Looking at the nine tails not far away, Luo Yi groaned.

It seems that he doesn't accept his own solicitation. The nine tails just want to see my strength and see if I am qualified to be his trainer?

Luo Ben didn't hold out much hope that Jiuwei would become his own Pokémon so easily, so he wasn't disappointed at the moment.

It's just that if you can't be persuaded now, you can only follow the old method.

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