Luo Yi's expectant eyes fell into Jiuwei's eyes. Looking at the Devil Fruit Luo Yi handed over, Jiuwei was a little suspicious.

Its perception is very strong, and it can naturally feel the huge energy contained in the devil fruit, but at the same time, Nine Tails suddenly felt the strange fruit in front of him, exuding a smell that he liked very much.

And as the smell became stronger, the eyes of the nine tails became more blurred...

"Do you like it? I said you are suitable for this, come and eat."

Luo handed the flower fruit in his hand to Kyuubi's eyes.

Staring intently at the fruit with an alluring smell getting closer and closer to him, Kyuubi couldn't hold back after all...


In the rocky area not far from Luo Yi, there were three youngsters. The sturdy young man headed at this moment was commanding his fire-breathing camel to fight against a wild platypus.

If Luo Yi was here, he would definitely recognize them, the Jing Xiu group who had been in contact with Luo Yi before.

"Fire-breathing camel, it's now! Earthquake!"

And Jingxiu was the favorite to win the previous Lian 490 League Championship. At this moment, he commanded the fire-breathing camel and the platypus to fight. He seized the gap between the failed attack of the platypus and let the fire-breathing camel release the Earthquake skills.

The Earthquake skill is a ground-based skill, and it has an outstanding effect on the flame-based platypus. At this moment, it is hit by an attack, and it immediately shows a painful expression.

Seeing that the platypus was already exhausted, Jing Xiu threw the Pokémon ball again...

In the end, in Jingxiu's expectant eyes, the Pokémon stopped shaking, which meant that the subjugation was successful.

"I finally did it! I finally got you!"

Jing Xiu's state was almost insane, and she couldn't control her excitement.

The two teenagers behind them were completely absent, looking left and right, as if they were looking for someone.

In the end, a boy wondered: "Why hasn't Luo Yi come yet?"

"I don't know, the battle is so fierce, Luo Yi should still be nearby, if you have the heart, you will definitely notice this place."

"Could it be that Luo Yi is afraid?"

As soon as these words came out, he looked at his companion looking at him like an idiot, and he immediately scratched his head and smirked.

"That's right, how could Luo Yi be afraid of a Jingxiu? Any elf in Luo Yi can abuse Jingxiu."

"Then why hasn't Luo Yi come yet?"

"Could it be that Luo Yi didn't want to catch the platypus beast?"

A teenager thought of this possibility and hesitated.

Chapter 226 Luo Yi, Are You Good or Bad! !



In the moonlight, accompanied by a few pink flowers and one petal, the boulder in front of Nine Tails grew a smooth off-white tail.

This is naturally the ability that the flower fruit brought to the nine tails after the nine tails ate the flower fruit.

Luo Yi, who was beside him, was amazed and very satisfied.

As Luo Yi expected, nine tails were born with nine tails, giving it unparalleled control over the tail, which can be reflected in the fact that it can be used immediately after eating the flower fruit.

The supple tail that suddenly grew out of the boulder surprised Shirona and Xiaoyao.

"How did the tail grow out of the rock?"

"Is this the nine-tailed tail? Luo Yi, is this the ability you gave to the nine-tailed?"

How exactly is this done?

They looked up and down at the tail that grew out of the stone, and couldn't help but touch it to see if it was real. When they touched the off-white tail and got the silky touch, the incredible in their eyes became even stronger.

Luo Yi brought them surprises one after another, and every time they felt incredible.

But the more they saw, the stronger their ability to bear. If Luo Yi said now that he could make a green caterpillar beat the flaming chicken, they would choose to believe it without hesitation.

No way, so far, they seem to have never encountered anything Luo Yiyou couldn't do.

Nine-tailed Pokémon has a high intelligence of 830, and its comprehension is naturally extraordinary. Coupled with its natural control over its tail, Luo took Robin's tricks and taught it to Nine-tails. Nine-tails quickly It can be understood, absorbed and used.

Although the release moves were inevitably unfamiliar because he had just eaten the fruit, Luo Yi was already quite satisfied, and even felt surprised.

"Well, not bad."

Since he is satisfied, Luo Yi will naturally not be stingy with praise.


Hearing Luo Yi's compliment, Jiuwei couldn't help but came over and rubbed Luo Yi's cheek.

Suddenly, Luo Yi saw Zheng Zheng's tail playing on the boulder, playing with it, and he whispered in Jiu Tai's ear.

Hearing Luo Yi's whisper, Nine Tails was a little stunned, and subconsciously looked at Shirona and Xiaoyao.

Then, under Luo Yi's nod, Kyuubi also nodded, facing Shirona and Xiaoyao, Huahua Fruit activated.

Swish, swish!

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