Groudon has awakened, and the reason why he hasn't started is because he doesn't want others to get in his way when he conquers Groudon.

Therefore, Luo Yi wanted to directly let Groudon drive away these annoying flies for him.

As Luo Yi expected, the Pokémon trainer who came from Caiyou City simply ignored the gap between his elf and Groudon, and could not wait to let his elf rush to the front, as if he was the first to meet him. It is as if Groudon can be conquered by those whom Groudon touches.

Under their command, their Pokémon attacked Groudon one after another.

The result can be imagined, in the face of Groudon's absolute power, even if they are skilled, they cannot pose a threat to Groudon at all.

Being provoked, Groudon roared angrily up to the sky, and immediately the seemingly unstoppable flame appeared in people's 3.1 line of sight.

Seeing that their Pokémon was seriously injured by Groudon's random blow, the fiery trainers finally calmed down as if they had been splashed with cold water.

Only then did they realize that the strength of Groudon was not something they could covet.

It was only then that Luo Yi smiled and let the dragon fall to the ground.

"The flies are scared away, Groudon, are you ready to meet your master?"


Just when Luo Yi was about to contact Groudon.

On the top of a towering tower, a young girl in a rough animal clothes was praying devoutly on her face.

But it seemed that the prayer was not effective, the girl opened her eyes and looked anxiously at the thick clouds above the top of the tower.

"Gulado has already appeared and threatened Caiyou City. Why can't you respond to me..."

Chapter 234 The sensation caused by Groudon!

"Is this the strength of Groudon..."

"In legend, Groudon was the creator of the land."

"My tyrannical carp dragon can't even hold on for one round, what a terrifying strength!"

The trainers who had previously dreamed of conquering the legendary Pokémon Groudon clearly felt Groudon's strength.

Even their well-trained water-type Pokémon couldn't inflict effective damage on Groudon. Instead, they were seriously injured before Groudon's absolute power.

Many people have understood that Groudon is not something they can touch. In order to prevent their Pokémon from being seriously injured, they have wisely put their Pokémon back into the Poké Ball.

Only a small number of people are still instructing their Pokémon to attack Groudon tirelessly.

But their purpose is not to delusion that they can become the masters of Groudon.

All they have in mind is to protect their hometown - Caiyou City!

You must know that the direction of Groudon's progress is Caiyou City!

In order to keep Caiyou City from being destroyed by Groudon, they did their best. Even though they could clearly feel Groudon's power, they still moved forward bravely.

What they thought in their hearts was that even if they couldn't defeat Groudon, they could attack Groudon from the side to achieve the goal of attracting Groudon to change his direction!

"Let's get your Pokémon out and let Groudon change its direction!"

These people with firm eyes discovered that the other people suddenly took back the Pokémon, which greatly weakened the attack on Groudon, and immediately became anxious.

With the words of a small number of them, it is impossible to attack Groudon effectively, let alone what attracts Groudon's hatred and changes direction.

But when they heard his words, those who took back their Pokémon had a face full of fear to avoid it.

"No, Groudon is too scary, my Pokémon is precious, what if something goes wrong?"

"That's right, this Groudon is too terrifying, I'll forget it."

"You want to get on you, I don't want it!"

Hearing these selfish words, those trainers who were born in Caiyou City, or who have regarded Caiyou City as their hometown, couldn't help being stunned.

How could there be such a selfish person!

Do you give up protecting Caiyou City from the destruction of Caiyou City just because you are worried that your Pokémon will be severely damaged? !

They could not help but feel a chill and despair.

If they were alone, it would be impossible for Groudon to achieve what they wanted to achieve.

"You don't need to defeat Groudon, just attack Groudon from the side, and keep him from going to Caiyou City..."

"Yes, there is not much risk!"

They held the last glimmer of hope and wanted to make them change their minds, so as to fight side by side to protect Caiyou City.

However, their hopes were doomed to fail.

"If my precious Pokémon is seriously injured, or something goes wrong, who will be responsible?"

"That's right, I advise you to give up, let this Groudon go wherever he loves, and the people from the Alliance will definitely come to deal with it."

"But by that time, Groudon must have arrived in Caiyou City! At least we can hold Groudon!"

"Then there's no way, anyway, I won't be nosy."

The indifferent words and the flat tone made them, who still had hope, completely despaired.


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