Xiao Mao's strength is of course very powerful, but obviously the opposite A Hua is more powerful, which makes Luo Yi a little surprised.

There will be geniuses and dark horses at any time, but Luo Yi did not expect that Xiaomao would become a stepping stone for dark horses.

Dr. Damu's face is probably not good-looking.

Luo Yi's eyes fell on Ah Hua, who was afraid that this person would become the most powerful obstacle to Hirona's victory.

Soon, the battle was over, and Ah Hua won the victory without any surprise. Amidst the cheers of the audience, Ah Hua smiled and bowed to all sides, expressing everyone's gratitude to herself.

And at this moment, Luo Yi suddenly stood up from his actions as if he saw something incredible.

His eyes widened, his eyes locked firmly on Ah Hua, as if he wanted to see this woman thoroughly.

"I'm not mistaken..."

Luo Yi looked astonished.

He clearly saw that the shoes that were exposed from the skirt because Ah Hua bowed had a huge checkmark drawn on it.

"Nike... Nike!??"

(Talking to everyone, I have been writing the story of Luo Yi in the Pokémon world for a long time. Although the author has been writing as interesting as possible, he still feels a little tired and his passion is gradually being consumed. So, I am going to write a little bit. Interesting story, starting from the next chapter, we are about to enter a new chapter of Pokémon Devil Fruit, the world fusion volume, this volume tells the story of the fusion of the Pokémon world and the real world, I hope you will like it.).

③The world merges!

Chapter 1 Visitor from Earth, Ah Hua!

Luo Yi was shocked. He was sure that he had read it right. Ah Hua was wearing a pair of Nike shoes.

Nike, the brand of Luo Yi's previous life on earth, does not exist in the world of Pokémon, but Luo Yi saw this brand on Ah Hua's feet.

Luo Yi sat down on his seat with a puff, and his mind went blank.

A few seconds later, a huge amount of doubts popped up in Luo Yi's head.

How did she come here... how long has she been here... how is the earth... do I want to recognize her as a fellow... She is so beautiful, the fellow must recognize...

After a few seconds, Luo Yi shook his head and regained consciousness.

"If it's from Earth, then there is an explanation for her fast dragon being so powerful." Luo Yi muttered to himself.

"No, she came to the world of Pokémon, it must be a short while! She can't have time to talk about how a fast dragon has been trained to be so powerful!" Luo Yi suddenly raised his head, his face a little surprised.

The pair of shoes he saw, although there were some signs of old age, were generally new, indicating that the pair of shoes had not been bought for a long time.

If she traveled to the world of Pokémon, it must be after wearing these Nike shoes!

Up to a month!

This woman named Ah Hua can travel to the world of Pokémon for a month at most!

In a month's time, it is impossible to train such a powerful fast dragon, and even the tacit understanding between the fast dragon cannot be cultivated!

Unless... thinking of this, Luo Yi's complexion became even worse.

Unless this fast dragon is already with Ah Hua!

Could it be that there are Pokémon on Earth too! ?

A few beads of sweat appeared on Luo Yi's forehead. Although his speculation was terrifying, he knew that it was very possible.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to explain what happened to Ah Hua!

"It doesn't matter, just talk to her and everything will be known."

Luo Yi stood up decisively and left his box.



In the rest area of ​​the Guandu Alliance Competition, Ah Hua finished her game, returned here, responded to all the congratulations to her, and was finally able to sit down and take a sip of water.

Luo Yi stood not far behind her, watching her various movements, he became more and more sure that Ah Hua was an earthling.

A native earthling.

Still Chinese.

"Your fast dragon is powerful, but in terms of strength, it is actually a shortcoming." Seeing Ah Hua finished drinking, Luo Yi walked up to her and said with a smile.

Ah Hua raised her head and saw Luo Yi, but was stunned for a long time, her eyes never leaving Luo Yi.

Luo was a little confused for a while, just talking about elves, why are you looking at me with such weird eyes?

Suddenly, Ah Hua smiled and said:

"Luo Yi, I want to compare with you."

Luo Yi was stunned, she actually knew her name, which Luo Yi did not expect.

He was still wearing a mask, hat, fake beard, and there were very few people who could recognize him. He didn't expect that as soon as he opened his mouth, the name was revealed by Ah Hua in front of him.

"I know you have a lot of doubts in your heart right now, but as long as you can beat me, I'll tell you everything you want to know." A Hua continued, winking at Luo Yi, very playful.

Luo Yi looked at Ah Hua and knew that the other party had completely recognized him.

Not only that, but she even knew her identity as an Earthling.

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