But who would have thought that the news brought by this woman in front of him made Luo Yi see new possibilities!

The world merges!

The world of Pokémon is about to merge with Earth!

Luo Yi could already imagine what kind of situation it was.

The earth is bound to begin to accept new changes. Every person on earth may become a Pokémon trainer, and people in the Pokémon world can also make a huge development in their own technological level.

Such world fusion has enormous benefits for people in both worlds!

Luo Yi stared at Ah Hua closely, all the doubts in his heart had disappeared. If Ah Hua really came from the fusion world fifty years later, everything would have a perfect explanation.

"So, you used Shirabi's ability to return to the current world of Pokémon?" Luo Yi asked.

Although it was a question, Luo Yi already had his own answer in his heart.

Only Shirabi can do such a thing.

"Yes, in my era, the earth and the Pokémon world were perfectly integrated, and Pokémon trainers became the most mainstream profession."

A Hua said: "A powerful trainer will have a high status. After all, the power of elves is very terrifying. If used properly, it is no less than a large-scale weapon of destruction."

"And the strength of a country's top trainers also represents the strength of the country to a certain extent, and various competitions are emerging one after another, making the profession of trainer not only popular among the people, but also recognized by all countries. "

Luo nodded. This is easy to understand. The more powerful trainers a country has, the stronger the country must be. It is inevitable that the trainer profession will be officially recognized and encouraged.

"You said before, you are..." After a few seconds of silence, Luo Yi spoke again, but this time his tone was a bit complicated.

Ah Hua also suddenly became twisted, and said with a blushing face:

"My real name is Luo Hongmeisu, your granddaughter..."

Cough cough!

Hearing the words of the woman in front of him, Luo Yi almost choked on his own saliva. The name Luo Hongmeisu was too self-willed!

Seeing Ah Hua's angry expression, Luo Yi quickly made his face serious again and said:

"So... what happened to me when you were there?"

"It seems that you don't know that my Pikachu is the most powerful elf."

Ah Hua took a deep breath and said, "I'm sorry, what I know about you comes from textbooks. I have never seen you at all."

"As long as I can remember, you have disappeared and no one knows where you are."

"The textbook says that you are pursuing a new method of elf breakthrough and have gone into seclusion."

Luo Yi was stunned for a moment, and his expression was a little confused, feeling that this was not something he could do.

"However, my father said that you were bored by those people, so you found a comfortable place and hid yourself."

Ah Hua said, "Because the country of China is too dependent on you, and you have to ask for your opinion on many things, you simply ran away."

Luo blinked, this was his style.

"So, that's the way it is, and I have fulfilled my wish to see you. It's time to leave." Ah Hua said.

However, Luo Yi shook his head:

"Don't worry, I still have some questions that I want you to answer."

"What is the cause of the fusion of the world?"

"After the world merges, what impact will it have on the beasts?"

"Also, what you just said, attribute upgrade, what's going on?"

Luo threw three questions in one breath, causing the face of Ah Hua on the opposite side to stiffen...  

"Well... Attribute upgrades are a concept put forward by Pokémon trainers after world fusion. It means that when elves understand their own attributes to a certain level, new changes will occur, and their strength will surpass that of divine beasts."

Ah Hua said: "It's just that there are too few elves that can upgrade their attributes. The world has been integrated for more than [-] years, but only a few elves have achieved this."

Luo suddenly became interested. The concept of attribute upgrades was actually the same as his previous correct way to improve the power of elves. They both focused on the attributes of elves themselves, not on their physique.

"Then what elves do you know that have achieved attribute upgrades?" Luo Yi asked curiously.

"A flaming chicken defeated all the six chaotic divine beasts in the divine beast riot event," A Hua said.

"There is also a giant golden monster. When the ultimate alien beast invaded, it powerfully killed the three leaders of the ultimate alien beast, causing the ultimate alien beast to be defeated."

"The strength displayed by the giant golden monster far surpassed all the divine beasts on the earth at that time."

"It's just that these elves who have achieved attribute upgrades are not someone's elves. No one knows their origins, but they know that their strength is so powerful that no 1.7 divine beast can match them, and only in a world crisis. will show up."

"It is precisely because of their existence that the trainers put forward the concept of attribute upgrades, but there is no one trainer who can upgrade the attributes of their elf trainers."

Hearing these words, Luo Yi's expression was a little embarrassed. He didn't even have to guess to know that the two elves whose attributes were upgraded were his own flame chicken and giant gold monster.

Before Luo Yi could speak, Ah Hua said again:

"I didn't expect that at this time, your Pikachu's strength has reached the point of attribute upgrade."

"You are indeed the greatest elf trainer ever!"

"Haha...hahaha..." Luo Yigan laughed twice, not bothering too much about this issue.

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