After a few minutes, Luo Yi's face became completely gloomy.

He already knew what had happened to his parents on Earth during the two years he had traveled to the world of Pokémon.

Since he disappeared, his mother has suffered a nervous breakdown, and his father has aged twenty years overnight, unable to manage the company, and all the achievements have been conspiracy to deprive him.

And his father, also inexplicably died in the apartment.

Having lost two relatives one after another, his mother couldn't take such a blow and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Luo Yi, who learned all this, instantly reddened his eyes.

Although his parents have not given him good care for more than ten years because they are busy with business, there is even a huge gap between father and son.

But this is Luo Yi's parents after all.

Chapter 16. The Challenge of Country M!

The departure of his parents made Luo Yi's heart, how could it not be uncomfortable!

After all, the blood relationship is here, and as he grows older, Luo Yi can understand the difficulties of his parents more and more.

When he first crossed over to the Pokémon world, he really didn't miss life on Earth at all, but now, Luo Yi has matured a lot after all. He knows the difficulties of his parents and how ignorant he was back then.

In particular, he had just returned to earth and was looking forward to reconciling with his parents, but he learned that his parents had collapsed and died because he disappeared on earth, how could he not feel uncomfortable.

At this moment, Luo Yi, who was sitting on the roof of Luo Ying Building, felt lonely for the first time.

But at this moment, a string of bells brought Luo Yi out of his emotions.

Open the phone, it's Hirona's call.

"Luo Yi, China is where you used to live, right?" Shirona asked.

Luo Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled. He didn't tell Shirona that he had lived in China, but with Shirona's intelligence, the world has been integrated for a while, so he can naturally detect that Luo Yi used to Chinese people on earth.

"Yeah, I spent the first eighteen years of my life in China." Luo Yi admitted frankly.

Shirona was silent for two seconds and continued:

"Then there is just a piece of news here. Maybe you can use it. Several trainers from the M country have rushed to the Hua country not long ago. It seems that they want to challenge the trainers of the Hua country."

"However, according to the information we have heard, it is not their ultimate goal for these trainers to challenge China. What they want to do is to shake China's international status from this challenge, so as to suppress China. , to divide up more cakes in China."

During the conversation, Shirona mentioned several M-country agency personnel who fainted at her feet, with a trace of anger on her face.

Luo Yi's hometown is their hometown, and she and Xiaoyao will never allow it to reach Hua Guo's head.

Hearing this, Luo Yi raised his eyebrows. Country M naturally knew that, before he crossed into the world of Pokémon, Country M was in the position of world hegemon.

But now that the world is merging, everyone has the same starting point in elves training. Where does M country come from, and where does the confidence come from, they can confidently defeat the top trainers in China! ?

You must know that if the M country has such a plan, it must be a heavy blow to the Chinese country in the international momentum. If they are not [-]% sure that they can win the challenge, they will not have such an action.

Going to the territory of other countries to challenge others, if you win, it is good to say that if you lose, you will lose the face of your own country.

"Hirona, how many people have the other party dispatched, what kind of elves are there?" Luo Yi asked.

Xirona said: "I don't know the specifics, but it seems that I have obtained a legendary creature native to the earth, whose strength is comparable to that of the beasts in the Pokémon world."

Luo Yi understood, if this is the case, then the confidence of M country will have a source.

After the fusion of the Pokémon world and the earth world, whether it is the mythical beasts in the Pokémon or the legendary creatures on the earth, they are all at the top of the battle power.

If country M really got a legendary creature on Earth and didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of this, it wouldn't be country M.

However, Luo Yi was also secretly shocked. In such a short period of time when the world merged, country M could control a legendary creature, which was quite terrifying.

At this point in time, [-]% of other countries did not get the legendary creatures or mythical beasts.

After all, this is a big gamble for the M country!

The bet is that Hua Guo has not controlled a legendary creature or a mythical beast!

Moreover, Luo Yi was almost certain in his heart that the legendary creature in the hands of country M must be very powerful!

At this moment, the fast dragon beside Luo Yi's eyes became vigilant.

Kuailong's eyes have locked on a small black spot in the sky.

Luo Yi followed Kuailong's eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He could see very clearly that this was probably the person from country M who came to challenge China.

Three people, sitting on the body of a fast dragon, all three are blond and blue-eyed, and their features are undoubtedly revealed.

That is, when Luo Yi saw these people, a loud alarm sounded in the city where Luo Yi was.

Almost at the same time, some trainers came to the air with their own flying spirits, and faced off against the three challengers of the M country!

These trainers are all wearing uniform clothes, and Luo can see at a glance that the responsibility of these people is to protect the safety of the city.

Seeing this scene, Luo Yi understood that the relevant personnel in China might have already received the news.

After all, it is not so easy for these several challengers of M country to come to the important cities in the hinterland of China.

Soon, the three challengers came to the sky above the city. All three had arrogant expressions on their faces. The first one said:

"Is this the way of hospitality in China?"

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