Today, they are bound to return in triumph!

"Humph! If you just want to defeat our angel with a split air seat, isn't it a bit naive?" The trainer of M country looked at the mount under the boy's feet at this time.

A split empty seat!

The trainer of M country smiled, while the splitting of the sky is powerful, but can it beat the angels of the country?

Children are naive!

Luo Yi raised the corners of his lips playfully and said, "My Cracked Kongzai doesn't even bother to fight against you! This time, it won't make a move!"

Hearing the young man's words, the trainers of M country changed their faces, and Kaikong sat disdain to fight against them, which means that this young man has more powerful elves?

The three of them looked at each other with a glimmer of greed in their eyes.

Luo Yi naturally did not miss the expressions in their eyes, and sneered in his heart, this country M always looks like this!

…… 0 ……

I want to grab all the good stuff and put it in my pocket!

But I don't think about it, if I can't eat it, I will be choked to death!

On Huaguo's side, seeing the little boy so tough, he couldn't help but straighten his back. They didn't know if Luo Yi would be able to beat him, but they were worthy of their pride if they were so strong!

If there is a real fight in a while, even if the teenager can't fight, they won't blame the teenager, this courage is enough!

This age, this courage, really let them admire, give them a long face!

There was also a flash of approval in the eyes of the old man of Huaguo, this young man, not bad!

And then, it turned their three views upside down!

"Then! No nonsense! Let's start!" The three trainers in country M were eager to try, and they all wanted to see what kind of elves Luo Yihui would use!

No matter what kind of elves, in their eyes, they cannot be compared with their angels!Angels are the most powerful beings!

Luo Yi sneered and threw out an elf!

In mid-air, an elegant elf appeared on the body of the split sky!

It is covered in pale golden hair and has a pair of bright red pupils. Its well-proportioned body looks noble and elegant. Behind it, nine tails are smooth and slender, with golden highlights at the ends!

The appearance of the nine tails made everyone stunned for a while!

Chapter 19 Angel's Gaze

The nine-tailed body is beautiful, and human beings are visual animals. I must sigh at the first time, this elf is so beautiful!

But then, the trainer from country M laughed out loud: "Hahaha... boy, don't you just want to use such a fancy thing to fight against our angel?"

"If that's the case, then I advise you to forget it! I'm afraid you can't afford to lose this person!"

"Besides! Although your Huaguo's face is not as good as before, it is still a facade! So you should compromise! Don't mess around!"

A hint of ridicule flashed in the blue pupil of the trainer of M country, and his eyes were full of disdain!

As soon as the leading trainer of country M finished speaking, the two trainers in the back also laughed. Obviously, in their eyes, the nine tails are beautiful, but they can't be of much use on the stand!

Luo Yi looked at him coldly, the expression on his face was still light and expressionless.

Some trainers in China are obviously a little disappointed. Although the nine tails are rare, they are still a little worse than the angels in the M country.

The old Chinese man sat on his elf and did not speak for a while.

Luo Yi saw everyone's expressions, but he was still expressionless, making people unable to understand what the little boy was thinking!

At this time, the nine tails stared at the man who mocked him just now with deep eyes.

The trainer led by country M suddenly felt a chill down his back, and then followed his line of sight, the nine-tailed scorpion squinted slightly, and scanned the man's body over and over again!

The trainer of M country instantly felt that he was being seen through!

"Humph! What are you looking at, stinky fox!" The trainer of country M twisted his body uncomfortably and shouted with a cold snort.

Luo Yi curled the corners of his lips, Jiuwei is very proud, and he is also very smart, being scolded like this is naturally very unhappy!

"Jiuwei! Go play with it! Give him a good lesson!" Cao Yan looked at Jiuwei, his voice full of laughter and doting!

Seeing the boy's fearless appearance, the anger of the trainer of M country was completely provoked!

Nine Tails vs Angels!The battle officially begins!

The angel had been hidden in one place before, and only appeared when the world needed him before, but this time, because of the opportunity of the world's fusion, he reappeared!

M country has also completely controlled it, and wants to use this opportunity to divide up the country of China. If the country of China also discovers that the legendary creatures in their country are full of wings, I am afraid it is too late!

The strength of the angel is very strong, but when facing the opposite Nine Tails, he feels an invisible oppression inexplicably!

Jiuwei's eyes were very calm, and when he looked at the angel, he unconsciously carried a kind of contempt!

A creature like an angel has its own pride, how can it be willing to be despised by others?

Therefore, the smell of gunpowder was instantly wiped between the two elves!

The angel's wings are flapping in the air, and the three pairs of pure white wings can make people feel the power contained in them at the moment of flapping!

Jiuwei's soft ears moved, and then quietly looked at the angel, waiting for the angel's move.

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