Pokemon: Taking Stock Of Ash’S Eight Masters’ Peak Battle!

Chapter 28 Makes The Impossible Possible! Lapras Is Here!

[Denji: One of my friends only knows afros that cause trouble everywhere, while Ash’s friends have a bunch of god-level legendary Pokémon. 】

[Daye: Wait, that friend you are talking about is not me, right? 】

[ Lucian: Don’t worry, it’s not you, then who else could it be? 】

[Yulongdu: I also have a friend...]

[ Lorelei: Isn’t this friend of yours also my friend? 】

[ Bruno: He is a friend of both of you, so he should be a friend of mine as well. Who is this person? 】

[Cattleya: Is there a possibility that this friend is you? 】

[ Bruno: Impossible, absolutely impossible! I don’t go around causing trouble, and I’m not a Legendary Pokémon, so how could it be me? 】

[Sabrina: Hey, I'm starting to doubt our Alliance's Elite selection mechanism. 】

gold market.

In the Golden Gym, Sabrina was twirling her hair out of boredom.

The Haunter next to him would come out to cause trouble from time to time.

Seeing Haunter, Sabrina relaxed.

Even his eyes seemed to go back to the time when he met Ash.

"Ash, will you and I still be friends in the future?"

In the screen——

"It turns out that if you like making friends, you can be friends with legendary divine Pokémon like Ho-Oh."

Professor Sakuragi murmured to himself on the side, his eyes flashing as if he had discovered a new continent.

The sun has set.

Going to Galar, I definitely won’t be able to go today.

Ash rested for the night and got up the next day just ready to go.

But when he walked to the research room of Sakuragi Laboratory, he found that Professor Sakuragi had already gotten up early.

In front of him, a report was displayed on the machine.

A report about Dragonite rescuing crew members.

Professor Sakuragi turned around and met Ash's eyes.

Ash secretly thought, this is another task to be assigned to him.

as expected.

Professor Sakuragi immediately asked Ash to help explore Dragonite Island and collect some information.

After all, Dragonite is an extremely mysterious Pokémon, and no one has ever discovered the legendary Dragonite Island.

Due to technological development in recent years, the area where Dragonite Island is located has also been shrinking.

Professor Sakuragi sent the circled area to Ash's mobile phone.

Finally, he made a cheering gesture to him.

After Ash briefly read through the information passed by Professor Sakuragi, he decisively chose to give up.

It’s too complicated, and there are things like charts that I can’t understand.

Fortunately, with Xiaochun's help, I could barely understand the chart.

But here comes the problem.

Among the Pokémon that Ash captured, there was no water Pokémon that was large enough to carry two people.

This is the problem Ash and Koharu faced after arriving at Harbor.

After all, no one expected that there would be no ships leading to that sea area.

Xiaochun pulled Ash's clothes.

"Ash, what should we do?"

On the pier, Xiaochun looked at the endless sea and felt at a loss.

They can't let Lugia give them a ride again.

[ Ash: Who says I don’t have Pokémon that can carry people on a voyage! I tamed a Lapras when I was in the Orange Islands before! 】

[Xiao Gang: Speaking of which, I also remembered that Nurse Joy from the Orange Islands is really sexy. Ah, my love has already been lost before it even started. 】

[ Misty: Xiaogang, please be more serious! 】

[ Misty: Didn’t you release that Lapras? I remember you didn’t put him in Professor Oak’s backyard. 】

[Ash: Lapras had something very important to do at that time, so I put it back. 】

[Gary: Then it’s better to let him go. What’s there to say? 】

[ Lorelei: Maybe Ash can call it back with just one voice. 】

[ Bruno: Lorelei, don’t be too outrageous. Is it really possible for humans to do the kind of thing you are talking about? The Orange Islands are very far away from Vermilion City! 】

[Daye: How do I feel that what Lorelei Elite said will really happen? 】

In the screen——

The endless ocean is filled with sparkling waves.

Wingull hovers in Soaring in the sky, occasionally landing next to a fast food restaurant in Harbor to take a bite of French fries.

at this time.

Ash moved.

In Xiaochun's surprised look.

Ash put both hands to his mouth and then used Snarl against the sea.


The breath was gentle and melodious, and everyone at the dock was stunned by Ash's voice.

Forget about these fishermen.

Even people watching the live broadcast were stunned.

Ash, don't be too outrageous!

This is Vermilion City, not the Orange Islands!

"Ash, is this Lapras of yours stored in Vermilion City?"

"No, I left it in the Orange Islands."

"Is this really a problem?" Xiaochun said he didn't understand, but respected.

"Of course, no problem, this is the agreement between Lapras and I!"

Ash turned around and gave Xiaochun a firm look, while showing a thumb towards the sea.

In fact, at this moment, Xiaochun was a little worried about Ash's mental condition.

You know, the edge of the sea is infinite, and the propagation of sound cannot reach the end of the sea.

Could it be that all the Pokémon in the sea are Ash's mouthpieces?

As long as Ash yells casually, it will soon reach the ears of Lapras in the Orange Islands.

Time passed minute by minute.

Xiaochun became less confident, but she saw Ash staring at the sea with bright eyes.

For some reason, Xiaochun suddenly felt confident again.

at this time.

The sound of breaking the waves gradually came.

Xiaochun looked up.

I saw a Lapras heading here on the wind and waves.



[ Diantha: It’s really possible! Ash, are all the Pokémon in the sea your friends? 】

[Ash: Actually, it’s not that exaggerated. This is all an agreement between Lapras and I. We agreed at the beginning that no matter where we are, as long as I call its name, it will definitely appear in front of me. 】

[Lusamine: So touching. If Lapras were human, this would be an extremely beautiful fairy tale. 】

[ Lillie: Mom, you’re old enough, so don’t read romance stories. 】

[ Lorelei: No, I have to slow down, this already involves my knowledge blind spot. 】

Lorelei, who has dyed long orange hair, is lying on the beach in the Orange Islands and basking in the sun.

In order to be single as soon as possible, she even put on a very sexy swimsuit.

However, no one on the beach looked at her on the light screen above their heads.

The divorce plan was a big failure!

Helpless, Lorelei could only look at the sea.

She also has a Lapras.

At this time, Lapras is communicating with another Lapras in the sea.

The other party looked exactly the same as the one in the light curtain.

Lorelei people are dumbfounded.

This Lapras really came from the Orange Islands!

Why is this?

How could Lapras hear Ash's cry across such a long distance!

She was dressed so sexy that even a handsome guy wouldn't look at her.

This is not fair!

In the screen——

In full view of everyone, Ash took two steps forward, leaned against Lapras' head and rubbed it hard.


Seeing Ash's actions, Pikachu immediately joined in.


"I missed you too Lapras."

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