Pokemon: Taking Stock Of Ash’S Eight Masters’ Peak Battle!

Chapter 70 The Inheritance Of Waveguide! Riolu!


Riolu's Pokémon egg was placed on the table in front of the bed by Ash.

After Ash and Pikachu fell into a deep sleep.

The Pokémon egg exudes a little bit of blue light.

The light was weak at the beginning and gradually became dazzling.

Until later, the light on the Pokémon egg was like a bright eye in the dark night.


The Pokémon egg's case began to shatter after the light reached its extreme.

Riolu is about to Shell Smash.

The figure of the broken eggshell wakes Pikachu from his sleep.

Its sleep was relatively light, and this movement aroused Pikachu's alertness.

Seeing the glowing Pokémon egg, Pikachu rubbed his eyes.


After confirming that it had read correctly, it quickly woke Ash up.

After pushing Ash's head a few times, Pikachu found that Ash didn't move at all.


"Pika! Chu!"

"Ahh! I told you not to wake me up with Thunderbolt!"

After a while of Spark, Ash sat up from the bed skillfully.

Practice makes perfect, Pikachu has been able to use Thunderbolt and Thunder Shock Ash without accidentally damaging other things.

"Pica! Pica!"

Pikachu didn't have time to explain, and immediately pointed his finger at the Pokémon egg on the table.

Ash, who was originally burnt, immediately Smelling Salts over after seeing the glowing Pokémon egg.

Shake off the burnt blackness on your body.

Ash came to the table in one stride.

Looking at the cracked Pokémon egg, Ash's eyes immediately turned into stars.

"You...are finally hatching!"

New life is coming, this is the most beautiful moment.

No matter how many times you see it, it's always shocking.

Especially this Pokémon egg was particularly familiar to Ash.

But before hatching, all that was just Ash's guess.


"Pikachu thinks it's beautiful too, right?"


Pikachu nodded seriously.


The sound of the eggshell breaking became more and more obvious.

Until the end, the dazzling blue Lucas enveloped the entire Pokémon egg.

After the light passed, a blue and black dog that was only the size of Pikachu appeared in front of Ash and Pikachu.

"Beep, Rotto, Riolu, Ripple Pokémon, Riolu size..."

Rotom's mobile phone, which had been silent for a long time, promptly reported Riolu's information.

Ash and Pikachu were immediately fascinated by the cuteness of the Pokémon in front of them!

It's really...so cute!

The moment he saw Riolu, the words Lucario said when he parted with Lucario came to Ash's mind.

One day, you will get your own Lucario.

Looking at Riolu in front of him.

The corners of Ash's mouth couldn't help but rise.

What was a comfort at the beginning has now become a reality.

Ash still hasn't forgotten an experience from that year.

Just like Lucario said, he will meet his own Lucario.

But after so many years of traveling.

Both Riolu and Lucario Ash have seen too much.

But these.

But none of them could resonate with his waveguide.

Just like when Ash met Lucario.

The familiar waveguide connected the two of them smoothly.

Although things and people have changed, waveguides will always remain.

And after the Riolu in front of him hatched.

Ash then felt the familiar waveguide, and it came back again.

Unlike Ash's relief.

The first moment Riolu opened his eyes.

There was no relief in Ash's eyes and the joy of seeing each other again after a long absence.

Instead, it is doubts and vigilance about the new world.

Especially after seeing Ash's very close face, his sense of vigilance reached its peak.

Riolu raised his hand and waved it out.

The powerful cyclone pushed Ash away.

Caught off guard, Ash was pushed directly to the bed behind him by the cyclone.

Riolu also took advantage of this gap to jump from the window.

The sudden change caught Pikachu off guard.

Standing on the table, Pikachu looked at the window for a while, and then looked at Ash who fell to the ground.

I ran out of ideas for a while.


But after seeing Ash's frown, Pikachu resolutely ran to Ash's side and comforted Ash.

"I'm fine, don't worry."


"It's really okay. Don't you understand me? There's no way you can harm me with an attack like that."

He said so, but Ash's frown still betrayed him.

As a newborn, Riolu didn't know how to use his powers.

The move he made contained a very strong waveguide.

"You are really talented. You can use Vacuum Wave since you were born."

Ash slowly stood up while rubbing his abdomen that had just been hit.

Riolu, who is so talented, does have that reincarnation style.

The attack just now and the look in Riolu's eyes also made Ash understand something.

Some things have changed, but nothing has changed.

Lucario's life is indeed over.

But its waveguides survived, and Riolu inherited Lucario's waveguides.

But the memory was not inherited with the waveguide.

"Let's go, it's so late now, we have to get Riolu back quickly, it's too dangerous outside.

Looking at the Moonlight outside the window, Ash whispered to Pikachu beside him.

[Yu Longdu: There seems to be something wrong with the development of things. Didn’t the memory just now say that this Riolu and Ash had a relationship in the past life? Why did it run away immediately after hatching? 】

[ Lucian: It should be because he was just born and was wary of the surrounding environment, and Ash was too close just now, which made Riolu instinctively feel that this was an enemy, so he attacked. ]

[Sabrina: It’s interesting, isn’t it said that the power of waveguide can sense good and evil? This kind of thing can actually happen. 】

[Cynthia: Riolu is just a ripple Pokémon, not Lucario. The power of the waveguide hidden in its body is still in the ripple stage and should be uncontrollable. ]

[Professor Elm: Although I don’t know whether there is such thing as reincarnation or inheritance, Riolu’s performance is very consistent with the Contest Condition of a newborn Pokémon. 】

[Professor Elm: Newborn Pokémon are full of unknowns about the world. Usually, after hatching, Pokémon will become close to the people closest to them, but there are exceptions. Just like this Larvitar, many Pokémon have a passive protection mechanism because they are born to survive in the wild. They like to be alone after birth and will not easily come into contact with other Pokémon. 】

[Ash: Is that so? It seems Larvitar has a pretty good temper, and he was very well-behaved after hatching. 】

【Misty: So is Togepi! I love Togepi so much!】

[Ash: But I think my character will not give up Riolu, and even if I still go through those things now, I can still feel the bond between me and Riolu. 】

[Professor Oak: Yes, the bond between Ash and Pokémon is very pure. 】

When the audience saw Professor Oak's speech, they also thought of the scene played before the light curtain.

That one photo.

It's the past of Lucario and Ash.

Just because the waveguide has the same power doesn't mean it is what it is.

Otherwise, this would be too cruel for the new Riolu.

But even if this Riolu is not the Lucario he once was.

With Ash's ability.

Riolu can also be easily impressed.

In the screen——

It was so late at night that Ash didn't have time to change clothes.

He walked out of Sakuragi Laboratory with Pikachu in his pajamas.

Neither Koharu nor Professor Sakuragi live in Sakuragi Laboratory.

So apart from the researchers who are still working overtime along the way.

No one had any doubts about Ash's sudden appearance.

After leaving Sakuragi Laboratory.

Ash immediately rushed towards the direction Riolu left.

"Pika pika!"

"Is it this way?"

Pikachu acts as a police dog at this time.

Although the electric mouse's nose is not particularly powerful.

But it's much better than Ash searching with his eyes.

For this reason, he also specially released all other Pokémon.

Especially Dragonite, when it learned that the Pokémon egg hatched at noon, it ran away from home.

Dragonite was very anxious.

It hasn't had time to hug the cute Pokémon yet!

The same is true for young general Teng Cui. As a senior sister, naturally she cannot watch her junior brother run away from home.

Ash walked like this and entered a forest.

But the path through the forest is complicated.

The Pokémon then split up.

Even Pikachu found a path alone to search for it.

Ash, on the other hand, followed his intuition and walked in one direction.

at the same time.

The newly hatched Riolu has a strong desire to fight.

While passing by a pond, I came across a large circle of mosquito-repellent frogs.

As soon as they met, Riolu gave the other person a Vacuum Wave.

The mosquito-repellent frog, which was sleeping soundly, was very agitated by the sudden attack.

How could the newly hatched Riolu be their Rival?

As for the result, one can imagine it.

Riolu, who had been educated a lot, had no intention of repenting.

On the way to follow your instinct.

Riolu challenged Butterfree, Raticate group, and Diglett group respectively.

The results are without exception.

Riolu was beaten until he ran away.

The ups and downs and hardships along the way prevented it from winning.

But dragging such a heavy body, Riolu keeps moving forward.

Until I climbed a high mountain.

Even though I met a very burly Onix here.

Riolu still started the fight without hesitation.

See this scene.

The audience was numb.

What is this Riolu doing?

You, a newborn Pokémon, are not at home drinking moo milk.

Run out to challenge Pokémon in the wild?

It's a one-on-one challenge.

But most of the time, a group of Pokémon fights it alone!

Riolu had no room to fight back.

[ Bruno: The more you are frustrated, the more courageous you become, and you fight after repeated defeats! This is indeed the character of Fighting Pokémon, but at your age, it is better to drink milk at home. 】

Look at the scene of Riolu fighting Onix in the picture.

Bruno thought about the time he met the giant Onix.

At that time, he proposed to fight with him on his own.

He must have been as embarrassed as Riolu is now.

However, he was confident of winning before he challenged the giant Onix and successfully conquered it.

…………Please give me flowers 00

But in front of Riolu, Bruno did not think that the opponent had the strength to defeat Onix.

[Ma Shide: No, even Fighting-type Pokémon can’t

It was so irritable when it was born, and it seemed to be looking for something. 】

[Dandi: Master, it should be said that Riolu has forgotten something and is looking for what he lost. 】

[Madison: In the legend of Orudran, Yalang once deceived Lucario into betraying Orudran and then imprisoned him in order to prevent Lucario from being harmed. 】

[Madison: Perhaps it was because of time that Riolu forgot everything, and his memory stayed at its most profound place. 】

Madison's words left the audience in deep thought.


Regarding the past between Lucario and Ash.

They became more and more curious.

When will that past be revealed?

In the screen-

Originally this Onix was still in Rest.

Riolu just ignored it and hit Onix on the head with a Vacuum Wave.

You know, Onix is ​​four times weaker than Fighting.

Although this blow did not cause much damage, it was extremely insulting.

Not surprisingly, Onix was outraged.

Rage's Onix roared angrily and launched a Rock Slide directly at Riolu in front.

Everyone gets angry when they wake up.

Not to mention the already hot-tempered Onix.

Countless rubble floated beside Onix, and then hit Riolu heavily in front.

Faced with such an attack, Riolu tried his best and only managed to break a piece of Rock.

But the continuous Rock made it impossible to parry.

Seeing that long-range attacks were useless, Riolu stepped forward decisively and wanted to fight Onix in close combat.


Why does Onix spoil it?

After easily knocking Riolu away with his head.

A Dragon Tail hit Riolu.


The next moment, a figure in blue clothes blocked the front and ate the Dragon Tail alive for Riolu.

Naturally, it is not someone else who can appear here.

Ash used his body to bear the fatal blow for Riolu.

But even though Ash was hurt so much.

Ash still knelt down gently and stroked Riolu's head.

"It's okay."

Riolu looked at Ash blankly.

Naturally, it will not forget this figure.

Ash is a human who has appeared in front of it since he was born.


I don't know why, but tears fell from the corners of Riolu's eyes.

But such a warm scene in front of him made Onix, who was attacking Smack Down, very unhappy.

There was a fierce look in its eyes.

The surrounding Rock floats again.

Remember Rock Slide is brewing!

"Pika! Pika!" "Rabbit~" "Kou Jie!" "Hoar!"

Four voices sounded at the same time.

General Tengqi jumped from the cliff, Pikachu quickly climbed up from the cliffs, Dragonite swooped down from Soaring in the sky, and Gengar came out of the shadows.

The four of them stood in front of Ash resolutely.

Facing four Pokémon that suddenly appeared.

Onix, who originally wanted to launch an attack, was instantly stunned.


Onix still wanted to beg for mercy.

But the attacks of the four Pokémon have already arrived!

Pikachu's Iron Tail! Tengcui's Flame Charge! Gengar's Shadow Ball! Dragonite's Hyper Beam!

Seeing that the situation is not good.

Onix turned around and wanted to run away.

But with the continuous attacks, where can it escape?


An Onix just lay on the cliff and lost the ability to fight.

"Don't worry, no one can hurt you."

The crisis was resolved, and Ash reached out to Lucario, who was still crying in front of him.

And on its hands, there are circles and circles of ripples that are invisible to the naked eye.

This is the power of Ash's waveguide.

A waveguide connects the two people.

Ash's emotions were also conveyed to Riolu's spirit at this moment.

"Come home with me, Riolu.

The tension in Riolu's mind suddenly broke.

Something seemed to flash through his mind.

How can a newborn Pokémon withstand such pressure?

As expected, Riolu fell down.

Ash quickly held Riolu in his arms.

The moment he hugged Riolu, Ash's waveguide experience probed Riolu's body.

After confirming that the waveguide in the other party's body is stable.

Ash breathed a sigh of relief.

When seeing Riolu unconscious, Dragonite was the first to become anxious.

Dragonite quickly patted its back to signal Ash to come up, and it sent them to the Pokémon Center.

Ash first took the other Pokémon back into the Poké Ball, and then took Pikachu and Olu onto Dragonite's back.

Vermilion City, Pokémon Center.

After treatment by Nurse Joy.

Riolu successfully regained his health.

And after Riolu recovered.

The first thing it did was put its hand on Ash's.

Seeing Riolu move like this.

How could Ash not understand what Riolu meant?


The power of waveguide! Turn on!

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