Pokemon: Taking Stock Of Ash’S Top Ten Most Famous Scenes!

Chapter 49: Dual Alliance President Competition Ash! The Mythical Beast Dakdo Appears!

[ Steven: I am also willing to go to the Earl Dervish Tree with Ash. I am the son of Dervish Company and have rich archaeological experience. I can definitely help Ash! 】

[Cynthia: Don’t you guys just want to go to the Earl Dervish tree to catch some legendary Pokémon? Ash, add me! 】

[Karuni: Ahem! Don’t expose us! Miss Cynthia, after all, even Brandon has a legendary Pokémon, so it makes sense for us to have one! 】

[Ash: Don’t worry, everyone, the Earl Dervish Tree is too far away from me. I’d better get the eight Badges first! 】

Once the contents of the chat group were exposed, viewers around the world were stunned.

Oh my god! The Region Champion actually wanted to go to the Earl Dervish Tree with Ash.

Flying Elite Lance actually wants to be Ash's bodyguard, my God! What kind of treatment is this!

The Region Champion serves as a bodyguard. I’m afraid even President Damalanchi doesn’t have this kind of treatment!

After all, going to the Earl Dervish Tree is full of dangers, and there are a huge number of legendary Pokémon. Taming even one legendary Pokémon is a very good reward for the Region Champion!

That’s right, it seems that even Mr. Dante doesn’t have a Legendary Pokémon! Legendary Pokémon are so rare

The audience looked at Ash in the light curtain and couldn't help but feel envious. The ten-year-old Rainbow Hero, the one who carried the torch, and the Region Champion as a bodyguard, this treatment is simply unprecedented!

At this moment, Ash was also extremely excited. He never expected that the Region Champions would be willing to go to the Earl Dervish Tree with him!

"Although they all have some goals, if a powerful Trainer like the Region Champion comes to help, then I won't have to worry about going to the Earl Dervish Tree in the future."

Misty sighed, what would the legendary Earl Dervish tree look like?

At this time, Emperor Dan, who had not appeared in the light curtain for a long time, suddenly spoke.

[Dandi: Ash, President Roz wants you to join the Malokmon Group and will breed you into a powerful Trainer! 】

[Cynthia: What? Malokmon Group, that is the energy giant in the Galar Region! It seems that Mr. Dandi also became the world champion with the sponsorship of President Roz!]

[Dandi: Yes, if Ash joins the group, his future achievements will be no worse than mine!]

[Lotz: Yes Ash, your talent is the Alchemy Emperor of the new era! Our Galar Region needs talents like you very much! 】

[Damalanqi: I disagree, Ash is a talent from our Kanto Region, so what about your Galar Region’s involvement? 】

[Lotz: Humph! Our Galar Region is booming. Both in terms of strength and potential, it surpasses your Kanto Region. It is the best choice for talents like Ash to come to 988 Galar Region! 】

The audience was stunned to see that the Alliance presidents of the two Regions actually started to argue over Ash.

The Alliance President is a level higher than the Region Champion. He is in charge of the entire Alliance's operations. I didn't expect that the two of them would actually quarrel over Ash!

Unbelievable! It’s unbelievable! The Alliance president, who is the most powerful being in the Region, would actually quarrel over a boy!

Huh! President Roz is so generous. He actually came to our Kanto Region to snatch humans. He is afraid that Ash will surpass Alchemy Emperor in the future!

The tactical talent Regice displayed in that Ash vs. Ash battle was really scary. After all, he was only ten years old and he defeated the Legendary Pokémon using Pikachu.

The audience immediately started talking. It was terrifying that Ash, a young man, could attract the attention of big shots!

"President, calm down. Roz is also the president of the Galar Alliance. If this happens, it will affect our relationship with the Galar Region!"

Lance couldn't help but murmured, but President Damalanqi yelled loudly.

"Ash's talent is only one aspect. The most important thing is that he is the chosen one, as well as the two brave men of Rainbow Hero and Wave Guide Hero! And he is also a Kanto person. He is the absolute pillar of Kanto in the future. He must not be pried by this guy Loz. gone!"

President Damaran is well aware of the importance of Ash. In the current Pokémon battle, Dandi is the strongest Trainer [while the veteran Pokémon League Region has been overwhelmed by Zhoudi.

There is an urgent need for fresh blood to break through the blockade of the Galar Region.

Moreover, Ash has been named as the torchbearer of the Indigo Plateau Conference. You, Lord, are going to poach Ash away from you. Are you looking down on Kanto Alliance too much?

Of course, there is another reason and that is the Hero of the Rainbow, Ash. However, he has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving the world and saving the Kanto Region. Ash cannot be allowed to go to Malokmon Company under any circumstances.

However, Ash still has the final say in all this, and President Damalanqi is not so tough to force Ash to stay in the Kanto Region. Everything is his own choice.

[Damalanchi: Ash, it’s all up to you! Anyway, Kanto Alliance really wants you to stay in the Kanto Region and become the strongest Trainer in the Kanto Region in the future. 】

[Ash: Of course I want to win honor for the Kanto Region, but I still want to travel to other regions. 】

[Damalanchi: I won’t restrict your freedom, I just want you to join Kanto Alliance in the future. 】

[Lotz: Kanto Alliance is already an outdated Alliance. Our Malokmon Group is the new force in this world! As long as you join, your treatment will be second only to me in the entire group! 】

President Roz has spent a lot of money, and this time he will dig Ash to the Kanto Region no matter what.

Ash was immediately confused, but he thought of Professor Oak and his mother Delia in Pallet Town, as well as Misty, Xiaogang and Pikachu, and then said resolutely.

[Ash: I yearn for freedom! I have no plans to join the Kanto Alliance! Nor do I plan to join the Malokmon Group! My goal has always been only one, which is to become a Pokémon Master on my own! 】

【Delia: Since Ash has chosen freedom, I will fully support Ash!】

As soon as these words came out, audiences around the world were once again surprised. They did not join the Kanto Alliance, nor did they join the Malocmont Company.

What did this kid Ash think? Malokmon Group is the top group in the world! Ash actually chose to refuse!

Malokmon Group has created world champions like Dandi. Don’t you want to become a Pokémon Master? Why would you refuse this generous gift?

This opportunity is simply amazing for ordinary people! Why Ash would choose to reject it is simply unbelievable!

"I knew you would choose this way, kid. After all, you are Ash!"

Misty on the side couldn't help but smile. Ash was a born traveler and didn't want to be a caged bird. Moreover, he wanted to become a Pokémon Master on his own.

"Of course you have to be free to travel. If you join an Alliance or a group, you won't be free at all."

Xiaogang murmured, and Ash nodded. He was going to the Earl Dervish Tree and the Indigo Plateau Conference! He must not stop here.


President Damalanqi laughed with relief, while Lance on the side was a little confused.

"President, what's wrong with you? Didn't Ash refuse to join the Kanto Alliance? Why are you still laughing?"

President Damalanqi said as he had expected.

"Ash is the Hero of the Rainbow! If the hero who saves the world in the future is really restricted, it would be completely inconsistent with his character!"

Ash is a pure traveler and adventurer. He wants to travel and see the scenery of the world, and does not want to stay in one place. This mentality of yearning for freedom is the real Ash!

"Idiot! What an idiot! How many people want to join the Malocmont Group! You brat actually chose to refuse! You really have no vision!"

President Roz suddenly became furious, which made Olivia feel incredible. After all, the president had always been calm and calm, how could he suddenly become violent.

And there is Ash. President Roz offered a very generous treatment, but Ash actually chose to refuse! It’s completely unreasonable!

"Olivier, I need to be quiet. Please postpone today's meeting to the back!"

President Roz gritted his teeth. After all, if Ash joined the Malokmon Group and tamed Wujitana, the energy of the entire Galar Region could be stabilized.

But now that the only hope was shattered, President Lotz became furious.

After the light screen was black for a period of time, the colorful light of inventory appeared again.

[Ding! The next round of inventory is ready!]

"Are we going to start taking stock again? Last time we were against Mewtwo, who is Rival this time?"

Cynthia looked towards the light curtain and expected the chosen one, Ash, to create another miracle.

"Wait a minute, this person is! How could it be this guy!"

Cynthia stood up suddenly and saw a man wearing a black robe and wavy hair appearing in the Rock Gym.

"I didn't expect that (bfbf) today's gym leaders are still so weak."

The man smiled disdainfully. This man was Dakdo, a secretive cultivator in the Sinnoh Region. He came this time to challenge the Lily of the Valley Conference for the Gym Badge.

"You're too arrogant! Go Onix!"

Rock Gym Leader Roark was angered by Dakdo's rampant attitude and directly sent out his Trump Card Pokémon Onix.

Darkrai, on the other hand, threw the Poké Ball lightly, and the legendary Pokémon Darkrai was instantly summoned from the Poké Ball.

This scene made everyone in the chat group stunned.

[Brandon: What is the origin of this man! He actually has the nightmare god Darkrai!]

[Dadi: Is there anyone other than Brandon who owns legendary Pokémon? And I don’t even know this person! 】

[Cynthia: He is the hermit Dakdo from the Sinnoh Region. This guy is rumored to have six legendary Pokémon! 】

[Lance: Six legendary Pokémon? Cynthia, stop teasing me! Is the Trainer who owns six legendary Pokémon an unknown person? 】

[Professor Rowan: The Sinnoh Region has much more legendary Pokémon than other regions, and Dakdo has been tracking legendary Pokémon since he was a child. There are indeed six Pokémon now! 】

Even Dan Emperor was amazed when he said this, because there are only legendary Pokémon! One Trainer has six legendary Pokémon.

"How is that possible! There is such a powerful Trainer in the Sinnoh Region! Why can't the six legendary Pokémon just push the gym all the way?"

Dandi was shocked. Although he had a quasi-god Pokémon called Bart, the legendary Pokémon had never been tamed. Dakodo had six legendary Pokémon.

One Legendary Pokémon can crush a large group of ordinary Pokémon. If all six Legendary Pokémon are on the field, they will be able to kill them indiscriminately!

"How come there are such ruthless people in the Sinnoh Region! The six legendary Pokémon already have the power of a region champion!"

Lance was surprised. He didn't expect that in addition to the female champion Cynthia, there was such a powerful werewolf in the Sinnoh Region. God Region is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!

Darkrai in the light curtain completely defeated Onix in front of him with just one move of Shadow Ball.

"Kill it instantly! Oh my god, is the legendary Pokémon Darkrai so powerful?"

Roark reluctantly handed the Stone Badge to Dakdo, and Dakdo chuckled and left the Rock Gym directly.

Then he came to the grass-type gym.

The Fighting Gym and the Water Gym were destroyed and all three Badges were collected within a week.

Moreover, Darkrai only used one Darkrai, and all the Pokémon in the three gyms were defeated on the spot by Shadow Ball.

So far, Dakdo's strength has only revealed the tip of the iceberg. No one knows how strong the remaining five legendary Pokémon are.

"Although the gym leaders are not very powerful, Darkrai killed them instantly. This is outrageous!"

Bruno couldn't help but marvel, and President Damalanqi said solemnly.

"Dakdo's level of training for legendary Pokémon is no worse than Brandon's! It's not that difficult to push the gym with legendary Pokémon!"

Lance suddenly became unhappy when he heard this and couldn't help but yelled angrily.

"This guy is a monster! Six legendary Pokémon. Isn't this a pure beast man? Ordinary people can't even fight!"

The strength of Dakdo is really outrageous. If this kind of Trainer participates in the competition, it will be an instant kill!

[Dakdo: I didn’t expect that I would also be exposed! It seems that I am the chosen one! Hahaha! This time, I will defeat all opponents with one Pokémon in the Sinnoh Region’s Suzuran Conference Champion.


[Cynthia: You are too arrogant! Although you have powerful legendary Pokémon, other Trainers are not necessarily worse than you! 】

[Dakto: Miss Cynthia, you know the strength of Legendary Pokémon! Except for you, Trainer, no one is my Rival! 】

[Lance: Just relying on mythical beasts is nothing! There is a way to participate in the competition with ordinary Pokémon!]

[Dakto: No, no, no, Dodo, why don’t you use legendary Pokémon to join the battle! But it’s a pity that you don’t have one! Hahaha! 】

[Lance: Dodo? I am also the Kanto Region champion after all, but you are so arrogant! 】

Lance was angry at Dakdo's words. He did not have the legendary Pokémon himself, but that didn't mean that Lance was weaker than Dakdo.

As the fourth-ranked Trainer in the world, he has quasi-god Dragonite and four quasi-god dragons, as well as extremely strong fighting experience. Even if Dakdo has six legendary Pokémon, he can't

Will definitely defeat Lance completely!

"It's a one-on-one challenge! I want to show you the strength of the Kanto Region champion!"

Lance couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said, while Dakto in the light screen was still extremely rampant. After taking four Badges, Dakto continued to fight.

It was still Darkrai, the legendary Pokémon, who defeated the three gym leaders with overwhelming force. At the remaining electric-type gym, Darkrai directly took a badge at the door.

Zhang then gathered together the eight major Badges.

This scene made the audience in Sinnoh Region feel incredible!

The eight major Badges were taken down by Dakdo so easily! Even with only one Pokémon!

In less than a month, Dakdo has collected eight major Badges. This is incredible!

An ordinary Trainer can collect eight Badges in one year, which is considered extremely powerful. Is the strength of Legendary Pokémon so terrifying?

The audience was in disbelief, and Dakdo openly came to the chat group of the light curtain and laughed.

[Dakdor: You ordinary people are worthy of being compared to me! This time I will defeat Cynthia and become the champion of the Sinnoh Region! 】

[Dakto; As for the so-called Suzuran Conference Champion, hum! I put it here and only need one Legendary Pokémon to defeat all Trainers! 】

As soon as these words came out, the audience in Sinnoh Region suddenly became excited, but they were helpless.

Damn it! Why is this guy Dakdo so arrogant? Is the Beast Man so awesome?

Damn it! It’s so arrogant! This guy doesn’t have any tactics and can only use Legendary Pokémon to push!

Miss Cynthia, you are the female champion of the Sinnoh Region. The world’s number one female champion must never let this guy win!

The audience became excited.

"Dakto, you are so self-righteous! Just having a legendary Pokémon doesn't mean you are invincible!"

Cynthia looked at the light screen and said excitedly. .

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