The more you fight, the more you will die.

Maybe in battle, you can throw out a level 100 super beast to kill the whole world in seconds, but in daily life, you may just be a breakfast mess, occasionally live in a luxurious villa, fight with dignitaries from all sides, and occasionally sleep in the open air, fight criminals in the nature, and sometimes, you may even take a level 30 Pokémon and play a friendly match with some new trainers who have just debuted, teach these ignorant little cubs, and attract the admiring eyes of countless lolita.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's take a rest here."

Ye Xuan and Alice walked a lot of distance, but this trip is quite far from the next town, so the two plan to camp in the forest for one night and continue on the next day.

Ye Xuan called out Dragonite, Latias, Gardevoir and Diancie, and began to let them prepare dinner for today.

Soon, Diancie used her rock-type skills to create a pile of earth on the ground to place the iron pot.

Gardevoir cleaned up the surroundings, and then wiped the table and made a word. Dragonite and Latias could fly, so they took the food and tableware to the nearest river. Dragonite had to wash the food, and Latias had to wash the dishes.

Of course, Alice and Ye Xuan also had to work, they had to pick up firewood.

Those who don't work, don't eat, this is a traditional virtue, and it has nothing to do with status. Alice and Ye Xuan are not squeamish people, and the two even competed on who picked up more firewood.

The result is of course beyond doubt, Ye Xuan, who has superpowers, crushed Alice, who has small arms and legs.

"Foul! Foul!"

When Alice saw the result, she protested strongly: "This is unfair!"

However, as Dragonite cooked the soup and made delicious dishes, Alice immediately forgot about these unpleasant things and started to fight for her stomach.

"Swish, swish."

Drinking the soup, Ye Xuan savored it carefully, and naturally did not forget to praise Dragonite: "Your skills are getting better and better. I feel that if I can't make it as a trainer in the future, I can open a restaurant and make a fortune."

"It's not as good as Xuan said."

Dragonite is still very shy. She walked away a little embarrassedly, and then prepared tree fruits as dessert after dinner.

After the meal, Latias and Gardevoir packed up, Dragonite set out to wash the kitchen utensils, Ye Xuan drank tea and watched the setting sun. As for Alice, the little girl stood up very actively this time and expressed her desire to repay Ye Xuan.

As for the way to repay...

She built a tent that was not very beautiful, but barely usable.

"You are quite talented to build a tent like this, Alice."

This sentence made Alice blush: "This, this is nothing, I just made a slight mistake, and why is it so beautiful, flashy, mine, I am going for the durable route!"

After following Ye Xuan for a while, Alice also learned a lot of jokes and routines in this world, I really don't know whether it is good or bad.

Ye Xuan remembers that people in the Pokémon world are very simple, right?

Unexpectedly, Alice will also learn bad things one day.


Just when Ye Xuan was about to talk about this little girl, a loud cry came from afar, and Ye Xuan quickly activated the wave power.

"I thought it was something else," Ye Xuan: "It turned out to be an armored bird."

Armored bird?

Hey, it seems not just an armored bird.

Ye Xuan sensed a group of people, or more precisely, a group of people riding flying Pokémons rushing towards this side, and the leader was a young man in his twenties.

How should I put it, he looked quite charming, the kind of man with fair complexion and more feminine than a woman.

"Sir, we have found a trainer ahead."

A trainer riding a Toucan said to the leader using a communication device: "Preliminary confirmation shows that there are three humans, one man and two women (Latias human form), one Gardevoir, and an unknown Pokémon (Dianci)."

The young man took a glance and found that although Gardevoir was rare, it was not worth his attention. As for humans, he ignored them directly.

'Huh? What Pokémon is this? '

However, when he saw Diancie, the young man was completely attracted by her dazzling appearance: 'What a beautiful gem, this is the old man at home who doesn't have such a beautiful collection, right? '

In an instant, the young man made a decision. He

I must get this Pokémon.

You ask, it belongs to someone else, and I can't use it even if I snatch it?

What do you want to use it for?

After snatching it, put it at home as a collection. Even the League can't convict you. Anyway, as long as you don't take it out to play in the game, who can control him?

What's more, the young man is not an ordinary person. The League is powerful and very righteous, but no matter how powerful the League is, it can't do anything to the local snakes?

"Land down and take a look."


For a moment, six or seven flying Pokémon landed in front of Ye Xuan and Alice, and the huge gust of wind directly blew the tent, which was not very beautiful, crooked.

It even raised a large piece of dust and rushed towards Ye Xuan and Alice.


Without waiting for Ye Xuan's order, Garnado had already set up a telekinetic barrier to directly isolate the dust.

Ye Xuan glanced at the tent next to him and the mess on the ground. He felt bad for these people. If they didn't have a good reason, Ye Xuan didn't mind teaching them a lesson and letting them know what politeness was.

"What's wrong with these people?" Alice looked at her tent and was a little angry: "I finally set up the tent."

"Who are you?"

The charming young man in the lead questioned her as soon as he came up, which made Ye Xuan feel even more unhappy.

"Do I need to tell you, pretty boy?"

Ye Xuan is not a difficult person to get along with. Although he occasionally has a temper, most of the time, he will not be too much, just like Bai Kongtan and Shu Weng. Although they pitted him in the gym battle, Ye Xuan knew that they were testing him and letting him gain experience. Even if he called them stinky old men on the surface, he respected them in his heart.

But the man in front of him really aroused Ye Xuan's anger.

"Who are you calling a pretty boy?!"

Before the young man spoke, a young man in a white uniform behind him said, "Do you know who this is? The one in front of you is Chen Bei, the fourth young master of the Chen family, the Fourth Young Master Bei!"

After hearing the lackey introduce himself, Chen Bei jumped off the armored bird and acted like he was the boss: "I am the inspector of the Fourth Brigade of the Elf Alliance. I am now hunting down an international thief. I now suspect that you are related to him and are his contact person. Now take back all the elves and accept the investigation!"

That's what he said, but Chen Bei's eyes looking at Diancie were extremely hot...

Ye Xuan also noticed this. Of course, Diancie also noticed Chen Bei's eyes, and then timidly hid behind Ye Xuan: "Xuan, that person's eyes are so scary..."


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