The betting is still going on.

But this time, the previous bets have already reached 8 billion US dollars. Who knows how high it will go in this last one?

"Ms. Honglian."

Shackle: "You still don't understand."


Honglian: "What do you mean?"

"This is a fight between him and me, it has nothing to do with winning or losing." Just like Shackle wanted to test Ye Xuan's ability, Ye Xuan also wanted to test him to see if he was worthy of being his opponent: "As a dealer, Miss Honglian, what you should do is keep silent and wait for the two of us to decide the winner of this bet!"

Honglian wanted to maintain a balance and not offend both sides, and if someone had to win, it had to be Ye Xuan.

This was the original plan, and Honglian was very confident in her superpowers.

But now, because of Yuna's appearance, Honglian knew that it would not be so easy for him to control the overall situation, so just in case, Honglian still hoped that these two big guys would give the gambling king some face and let it go.

But is this possible?

Absolutely impossible!

"What else do you want to bet with me?"

Xia Keli didn't understand what Ye Xuan's ceremonial card was. His trump card had been replaced. Basically, he had already lost. But now, looking at Ye Xuan's confident expression, Xia Keli looked at Yuna on the side with some doubts: "Are you sure, the trump card..."


Yuna wanted to use her superpowers again to see through Ye Xuan's trump card, but this time, a superpower that was enough to compete with Yuna enveloped her, which was Honglian's.


The blonde beauty shook her head helplessly at Shakeley: "There was interference, but I did change it before."


Honglian hated cheating, and of course, she herself was also a cheater: 'Mr. Ye's trump card...'

Honglian knew that Ye Xuan's trump card was Caterpillar, but it was not yet. She also wanted to confirm it, but unfortunately, she was also stopped by Yuna. Similarly, Shakeley's trump card could no longer be seen by the two.

But before, the four people knew that Shakeley's trump card was a Pidgeot.

Although the elves in this world are not quite the same as those in the animation game, some of their evolution levels are still quite similar. Pidgeot evolves into Pidgeot at level 36, and Caterpillar can evolve into Metapod at level 7. In other words, Pidgeot is at least level 36, while Caterpillar is at most level 6.

So, this is very embarrassing.

If it is really a Pidgeot card and a Caterpillar card, then even if it is a white quality Pidgeot and an orange quality Caterpillar, Caterpillar probably can't beat Pidgeot.

Moreover, the probability of this is too low.

Neither Ye Xuan nor Xia Kelai would care about such luck. If they really play like this, then the gambling king would probably offend Xia Kelai and Ye Xuan at the same time, because this is obviously the result of backstage manipulation.

"Are you sure you want to bet with me?"

"It has come to this point," Ye Xuan: "If you are scared, I'm afraid it will be very embarrassing."

These words touched the hearts of most Chinese audiences. Chinese people don't fight for bread, but for face. You can lose, but you can't be scared.

To be honest, even if Ye Xuan loses here, he is a hero who dares to challenge the strong. But if he gives up voluntarily, he will be criticized by all kinds of people, such as being a shill, specially used to support Xia Kelai. Although Ye Xuan doesn't care about this, he is also eager for victory.

"Then come on," Xia Keli said to Honglian: "Miss Honglian, can you activate the card-sealing device made of special materials?"

Card-sealing device made of special materials? ! !

When Honglian heard this, her face changed a little, but she couldn't refuse, so she could only look at Ye Xuan helplessly, saying that she was really helpless: "Okay, come on, seal the cards!"

What is the card-sealing device?

Ye Xuan saw that it was a very ordinary lid-like thing, but when Ye Xuan used the power of waveguide to sense it, the information he got made him feel a little surprised: 'This thing can actually isolate a certain degree of superpowers? '

And the degree of isolation is not ordinary, just like Ye Xuan's current feeling, although he didn't try to see through, he felt that he was afraid that he would not be able to use superpowers to interfere with the things in this lid.

Even Ye Xuan was like this, let alone Yuna and Honglian.

"Now, do you still want to follow?"


Ye Xuan was so direct that Xia Keli was really a little weak. Before covering the lid,

, Shakelai also looked at his own trump card and confirmed that it was undoubtedly Pidgeot, but Ye Xuan's trump card...

It was Caterpillar before, but now, will it be again?

Shakelai is not sure...

"What about you?" Ye Xuan: "Are you following?"

Shakelai doesn't care about money, but he doesn't want to lose. As for losing without a fight, that's even more impossible: "Follow you!"

"Do you feel it?"


"Mr. Ye seems to have suppressed Shakelai."

"It seems..."

"Wait!" A certain audience suddenly realized something: "It seems that Mr. Ye has been on the offensive since the beginning!"

"He has never been scared!"


Suddenly, a thunderous shout broke out in the audience, and the reason was a document that Ye Xuan took out, which was a document that symbolized the ownership of the world-class luxury cruise ship, the Eda.

"It's, it's the Eda!!"

"That world-class global ship?"

"Mr. Ye actually put it all out for gambling. No, Mr. Ye is the owner of the Eda!!"

"Look carefully, it's not just Mr. Ye."

There are two names on this document, one is Ye Xuan's, and the other is Emilia's.


At this moment, the Eda is playing a live broadcast from the Macau Casino, the mysterious trainer Ye Xuan vs. Asian champion Shaklai, such a big news, it is impossible not to spread everywhere.

Although Ye Xuan's appearance is a little blurry, Emilia knows very well that he is her Ye Xuan.

"Did you really sign it?" A crew member said, "This is Ada. If this deal is made, what if..."

"No ifs!"

Emilia looked at Ye Xuan on the screen: "He never fights a battle without confidence. Since he dares to gamble, there is only one result, and he will win!"

What's more, Emilia herself was eaten by Ye Xuan, so Ada is Ye Xuan's.

"In addition, get ready, turn Ada around, we will set off to Aomen, and we will be there in three days to meet our champion challenger!"

Emilia trusts Ye Xuan very much. When the halo of Hoopa appeared, indicating that Ye Xuan wanted the ownership of Ada, Emilia gave it to him without saying a word.

Hoopa is Ye Xuan's symbol. Emilia naturally knows this little guy, so she signed her name very simply.


Shackle did not expect Ye Xuan to make such a bet: "You are giving me a headache."

In this world, ordinary real estate cannot be compared with Eda. Shackle touched his chin and thought for a while. He seemed to have made up his mind and said, "Ordinary things cannot be equal to your Eda, but this thing, I think, is qualified to bet on your Eda!"

What is it?

A bet that can be compared with Eda?


Shackle called out, and the blonde beauty quickly took out the elf bracelet, found a world map from it, and then zoomed in on a specially marked place.

Soon, a bird's-eye view of the island appeared in the air.

"This archipelago is called the 'Amon' Archipelago. It is located in the core belt of the Pacific Ocean and has four safe routes connecting Asia, America, Austria and Africa, with extremely convenient transportation." Yuna introduced: "Nowadays, it has established its own international port. At the same time, as the hub of the United States, Sakurajima, China and other countries, it plays an extremely important role in material transportation and passenger transfer."

"In addition, it is very close to the headquarters of the Elf Alliance and the Pink Cross Organization. It can be completed by air within two hours."

Ye Xuan listened to Yuna's introduction. In fact, he was quite satisfied. This archipelago is indeed qualified to bet on the Eda. Of course, it may even surpass Eda in value and potential.

But as I said, Shaklai is the Asian champion, and he can't show ordinary things.

"Not only that, there is also a very special area here," Yuna zoomed in on a certain archipelago: "There is a very strange temple on this island, where elves often descend, and occasionally rare elves and special props appear here."

At this moment, Ye Xuan and Alice looked at each other, and they both had an idea.

'Unstable space-time node! '

Alice told Ye Xuan that the name of the elf world for the advent is a special phenomenon caused by the disorder of space and time, but this is probabilistic time. In theory, a place where a descend has occurred once will almost never have a descend again, because space and time itself has the ability to correct.

But now

Then, an island with advent phenomena appeared in front of Ye Xuan.

What does this mean?

‘Entrance! ’ Ye Xuan pondered: ‘There is a great possibility that you can enter the world of Pokémon through the power of the mythical beast! ’


Ye Xuan said simply: “I bet with you!”

Not to mention the island, even after hearing this news, Ye Xuan felt that this bet was not a loss.


“Then next, I will be your notary, is that okay?”

The door of the room opened, and an old man in his eighties controlled the wheelchair with superpowers and came between the two. Honglian gave the seat to the old man very simply.

"The Gambling King!"

"It's the Gambling King!"

"The witness is the Gambling King, so it seems that this time they are really going to gamble to the end."


"Long time no see, Senior He."

"Nice to meet you," Ye Xuan also nodded to the old man: "Senior Gambling King."

"Then now, open the sealer." At the same time, an invisible superpower enveloped everyone present, including Ye Xuan: 'What a strong superpower! '

If Honglian and Yuna's superpowers are 1, then Ye Xuan's superpowers are at least 3, but the Gambling King's superpowers are extremely terrifying, reaching 10, or even more!

'Sure enough, you can't underestimate the people in this world,' Ye Xuan's superpowers are only elementary after all, and the Gambling King's superpowers are probably equivalent to intermediate: 'Fortunately, I was prepared for this superpower before. ’

“I have already used my special ability to interfere here. Please rest assured that there will be no unexpected situation in the next opening of the cards.”

Although Xia Keli does not have superpowers, he still believes in the words of the gambling king. After all, the old man has lived an upright life and has never broken his promise or even stabbed someone in the back.

"Finally, this moment has come."

Shaklai said to Ye Xuan: "Mr. Ye, how do you feel? Are you a little nervous?"

"Confident people never get nervous," Ye Xuan said: "But you, the value of that archipelago is more than three times that of the Eda, right? If you lose, won't you feel bad?"

"Very bad!"

Shaklai said, and smiled: "But if I can use it to fight a trainer of your level, it will be worth it."

"Even if I lose?"

"I won't lose!"

"Confidence is a good thing, but..."

"Sometimes you have to pay attention to your opponent!" Ye Xuan said, and immediately picked up his Pokémon card and slapped it on the table: "My trump card is this!"

The Pokémon card fell to the ground.

At the same time, the audience, as well as Honglian, Yuna, and Alice, all exclaimed.

In the whole audience, only three men remained absolutely silent...

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