The two of them were so strong that they had to fight.


"Well, I didn't expect Ye Xuan to be so strong. I didn't even test his strength and it was over."


Xiao Fei snorted coldly and was about to leave. Huang An was anxious: "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xiao, you promised me 10 million..."

"You are such a waste, and you still want 10 million?!"

"Xiao Fei, you!"

Huang An and Xiao Fei are both professional second-stage trainers. There is no difference in essence. He can't beat Ye Xuan, and Xiao Fei can't do it either!

"I've already taken care of it. The people in my group will definitely give me the spot to compete." Xiao Fei said, "As for Ye Xuan, he met Li Ke. Even if he can't beat him, he can still consume one of his elves. When the final is six to six, he only has one elf. How can he fight me?!"

Even if Ye Xuan's elf is strong, two elves that are almost out of energy are still garbage.

Unknown to the two, Ye Xuan used the power of wave guidance to hear Xiao Fei's words: 'Yes, yes, that's it, very jumpy, very swollen, jumping is good, swollen is better, if you don't fight me and run away, I still can't kill you. ’

“The next match is between Ye Xuan and Li Ke from Kunming City!”

“By the way, Li Ke is a talented trainer who is a professional 4th dan and will soon become a professional 5th dan!” The host said: “Although Ye Xuan, the blue player, is unknown, he won the game all the way today and is simply unstoppable. So, let us look forward to what kind of sparks these two players will create?”

“What…” Meng Meng: “How can such a guy be compared with the uncle.”

“That’s right.”

Ke Ke also said: “If the uncle’s main Pokémon is here, He can easily kill that Rico. "

"Well, Rico is a professional 4th level, and he is also the young master of Kunming Gym."

"Kunming Gym?"

"That Kunming Gym?" Meng Meng: "The strongest bug-type gym in the country?"


"That uncle..."

If Entei Kyogre was in hand, Meng Meng felt that Ye Xuan would definitely be able to beat up the other side's crappy young master, but now...

"Come out, Lucario!"

"Shelling Ninja!"

Rico threw the Poké Ball, and then a wasp-like Pokémon appeared in front of Lucario.

"Shelling Ninja, use Sunny Day."

No hesitation at all, the first move was a field skill.

'Sunny Day? Then the next move is probably to be followed by Sunshine Blaze (also known as Sun Beam). ’

“Lucario, Bone Strike.”


A light blue stick appeared in Lucario’s hand, and then split into two.


Lucario’s figure suddenly accelerated, and no one could see his shadow.

“Watch your side, the Shelled Ninja uses Shadow Ball.”

Li Ke’s strength is far superior to that of Huang An, a half-baked professional player. Almost at the moment when Lucario was fast, he noticed Lucario’s trajectory and made a prediction.


Ye Xuan looked at the Shadow Ball flying towards Lucario and smiled: “Hit it back.”




With a swing of the bone stick, the Shadow Ball was actually hit towards the Shelled Ninja. With a ‘bang’ sound, the Shelled Ninja immediately made a painful sound.

"Shelled Ninja! Hold on!"

At this time, both of them noticed the moon ring above the Shelled Ninja, which was glowing.

"It's time!"

"Lucario, get ready," Ye Xuan: "Incantation bomb."

Li Ke: "Shelled Ninja! The most powerful Sunshine Flame!!"



The yellow incantation bomb collided with the pure white Sunshine Flame (also known as the Sun Beam), and this time, the skills of each other were deadlocked for a while, but soon, the incantation bomb overwhelmed the Sunshine Flame and hit the Shelled Ninja.

"Shelled Ninja!!"

Li Ke didn't expect that he would lose in a big move collision. This is definitely not the effect that can be achieved by training: "The quality of that Riolu is probably much higher than my Shelled Ninja."

You have to know that his Shelled Ninja is level 50, which has reached a new height. In addition, the best of the blue quality, even if it is purple quality, it has hope of fighting with Pokémon above level 50.

Moreover, the duel of elves is not just about quality.

It is an orange level 50 Pokémon. If it is attacked by a blue Pokémon of the same level, it will also lose a lot of HP.

After a few mistakes, it will be defeated.

Therefore, any trainer should not be too reckless. The result of recklessness is likely to be a windfall.


According to Ye Xuan's request, Lucario began to pant. Seeing this, Ye Xuan said, "Come back, Lucario, you have worked hard."


Rico did not hesitate because of the defeat of the Shell Ninja. He quickly threw out his second Pokémon: "Fretos!"


Ye Xuan was stunned. Fretos?

He didn't quite understand why Rico sent this Pokémon up: "Then I'll send her up. Go, Kirlia!"


"Fretos, big explosion"


When Ye Xuan heard the big explosion, he was completely sick. Damn, he was going to die with him!

Not only Ye Xuan, but the audience around him were so scared when they heard the explosion that they retreated four or five meters away.

"Chirulian! Use telekinesis to cover its explosion!!!"

Seeing the light bursting out of Forettos' body getting brighter and brighter, Ye Xuan quickly asked Chirulian to use telekinesis, and saw the light blue telekinesis wrapped around Forettos.


The telekinesis barrier suddenly expanded.

"Open a hole on it, Chirulian."

However, in just a moment, the destructive power of the explosion was discharged into the air by the chimney-like telekinesis barrier.

"Aren't you too cruel?"

"Forettos can understand."


Well, fortunately it was Forettos's explosion. Anyway, this guy would explode at any time before his evolution, and he must have gotten used to it.

"You are really strong."

Li Ke took Foretos back and asked Foretos to self-destruct. To be honest, he was reluctant to do so. Although Foretos's self-destruction would not endanger his life and lifespan, it would still be very painful. He felt a little guilty for letting his elf endure such pain.

"But I won't give up," Li Ke threw out the last elf: "Go, Scorpio King!"

"You'd better leave here. I'll wait for a while, but I still have things to do."

Ye Xuan said: "Qirulian..."

"Scorpio King, hold on!"

Li Ke thought that he had just asked Scorpio King to use Hold on in time, but he didn't know...

"Predict the future!"

[30 seconds]

"How is it possible?!!"

Hold on, but it didn't cancel out Predict the Future!

Looking at the countdown of the top, Li Ke felt that he was not feeling well: "How high is the quality of this Kirlia? Even if King Scorpio used Guard in advance, it was useless!"

Predicting the future is to turn the entire venue into a future attack state. Therefore, if Guard is used after Predicting the Future, then when Predicting the Future launches an attack, Guard cannot defend. But the problem is that King Scorpio's Guard was launched before Predicting the Future. So according to the order of precedence, Guard only defended Predicting the Future, not Predicting the Future's attack.

But why?

"I said, you are not my opponent, even if I don't use my main force, you are not my opponent."

Ye Xuan is not arrogant, but telling the truth. With the system behind him, if he can still lose, this is the most bizarre thing.

"Then I will finish you within 30 seconds!"

Li Ke: "King Scorpio, use..."

"Mental strength plus mental shock."

Kirlia's eyes flashed, and the invisible force instantly enveloped King Scorpio.

The Scorpio King was only at level 50. At Rico's age, it was already amazing that he could cultivate such a strong elf. Unfortunately, he met Ye Xuan.

"Crush it!"


The Scorpio King fell on the beach, crushed by two skills.

"Scorpio King, stand up!!"

Seeing that the Scorpio King was still struggling, Ye Xuan said, "Double the power."

"Yes, Master!"


"Scorpio King!!!"

"The Scorpio King has lost his ability to fight. The winner is Ye Xuan from Jiangnan City!"

Ye Xuan won the battle of the top eight, and the layout was almost ready.


However, at this moment, a white light emanated from Kirlia.

"Evolved again?" Ye Xuan thought about it and thought so: "Well, that's fine."

Larulas is already level 41, and it only takes level 30 to evolve to Gardevoir. Logically, it should have evolved a long time ago, and now, after three games, it's time to evolve.

Now, the only thing left is Alola Vulpix.


They were all at the same level and were captured together, but her two best friends have evolved, leaving her with Vulpix. I don't know what she will think.

"Master, Gardevoir has evolved."

"Well, congratulations," Ye Xuan still likes Gardevoir very much, but the Gardevoir Maid Group has a long way to go, because Gardevoir is a very rare Pokémon, and there may not be too many in the world, not to mention that it has to be female: "Then, let's come back first."

"Your name is Ye Xuan," Li Ke said, "You are really strong."

"Didn't I say it a long time ago," Ye Xuan smiled and shook his hand with him: "In addition, you are also okay, just barely."

This sounded a bit arrogant.

"If it was before the game, I would definitely make an enemy of you when I heard this, but now," Li Ke smiled and said, "You are qualified to say this, you are really strong."

This is how the trainers in this world are. Before the fight, they may be enemies, but after the fight, they will be impressed by the opponent's strength.

And this is exactly the charm of the elf duel!

After advancing to the semi-finals, Ye Xuan finally met Lan Ling, who also entered the semi-finals.

In addition, there is another person, Xiao Fei.

At this time, Xiao Fei was secretly staring at Ye Xuan fiercely: "Wait, I will return the humiliation you suffered before, let you lose in public, and humiliate you. '

It's a pity that he didn't find Ye Xuan's elf ball, otherwise, destroying it and releasing the elf inside would be better.

But it's not a big problem. The hotel is so big, and so many people have been sent to find it. Sooner or later, they will find it.

Xiao Fei can't wait to see Ye Xuan's angry expression after losing his elf.

"The semi-finalists have been decided!"

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