The old man was very surprised.


How should I put it?

This sounds a bit strange.

"What Pokémon did he use?"



Charizard? !

The trainer who uses Charizard, a man, wearing a red jacket, this appearance sounds familiar!


Ye Xuan asked hurriedly: "Is that person wearing a cap on his head, red and white, the kind that he has distributed before."


Alice said immediately: "Brother Ye, do you know that person?"

Know that person?

More than just knowing each other, if Ye Xuan guessed correctly, the guy who defeated his five Pokémon with Charizard might be the legendary undefeated legend in the Pokémon world, the invincible Chi Ye!

It is hard to describe how strong Chi Ye is. To put it simply, he is lonely as snow.

Yes, lonely as snow.

Although in the animation, Xiao Chi was cut off by the animation, and in fact, Xiao Chi is just a character from a not very formal comic. As for the one in the game, it is no different from the protagonist of each generation and has no reference significance.

However, even if Ye Xuan ignored these, Xiao Chi's achievements were quite amazing.

Xiao Chi once helped Professor Oak complete the collection of Pokémon No. 151. In other words, he captured 151 Pokémon, all living in Kanto, including Mewtwo and Mew.

'Although I said before that I wanted to fight with Xiao Chi, that was just a joke, brother! ’

Ye Xuan was not afraid of any other trainers in the original novel, but he was a little stressed when facing Xiao Chi, after all, Xiao Chi’s legend was too awesome: “Is he still in Pallet Town?”

If he is, then there will be a fierce battle next!


But Ye Xuan was not weak either. He just captured Lugia and made it reach the quality of Rainbow. There was no reason for this 85-level Rainbow Pokémon to lose.

“He opened the space-time turbulence, that is, Advent, and took Hanako and Professor Oak away.”


Opened Advent?

Xiao Chi also has this ability, it’s too amazing, right?

"Can he still open Advent?"

"I don't know how he did it, I just know that he seems to be very familiar with this kind of thing, and more! And more!" Alice thought of a very crucial point, she said: "That person's fire-breathing dragon is very strange, with a black aura all over his body, just like the blackened elf you once told me about, brother Ye!"

"And the man named Xiao Chi seems to have traces of blackening on him."

Blackened elf?

What's going on? Why does Ye Xuan feel more and more mysterious the more he listens?

‘According to Alice, the person who attacked them is suspected to be Xiao Chi’s man, with a blackened Charizard, and can freely start the advent, and he himself is very conscious when he is suspected to be blackened...’


“What’s the matter, Xuan?”

“I have a question for you,” Ye Xuan contacted Lugia in the sea of ​​his home through the power of waveguide: “Will the elves who have been blackened have self-awareness?”

“Very difficult!”

Lugia said: “Blackening is divided into two stages. The first stage is like what I was before, eroded by blackening. The elves in this stage are still themselves, and in the second stage, the previous elves will die.”

“What do you mean?”

“In short, if I didn’t survive the blackening before, then I would die, and replaced by a monster like an undead.”

In other words, Lugia’s self-awareness completely disappeared, and his body was completely dead, and the so-called blackened elves were actually monsters similar to zombies. This point is no different for legendary elves or ordinary elves.

"So dangerous?"

Ye Xuan had always thought that the blackening was just a state similar to the berserk state, but he didn't expect that it was actually a monster that was resurrected after death, and the previous Pokémon had already completely died and no longer existed.

And the previous Gyarados seemed to be like this. After being defeated by Ye Xuan, its body dissipated like ashes.

After thinking about it carefully, Ye Xuan found that Lugia's statement was correct, because the blackening itself was eroding life, and complete blackening also meant that life had come to an end, and what was left was naturally just an empty shell.

"I didn't expect that even the mythical beast

This is the end of all, blackening is really scary. "

After Ye Xuan finished speaking, he asked: "What about consciousness? Will blackened elves have self-awareness?"

"It depends," Lugia said: "I met a blackened flame bird before, and I can feel that it has thoughts."

Blackened elves do have their own thoughts, but it seems that not all blackened elves have normal consciousness. Most of them will become pure beasts.

"What about humans?"

Ye Xuan's last question: "Can humans also be blackened?"


Logia was silent for a while and said: "I haven't heard of it. I have been in the previous cave for more than half a year since the blackening broke out. Because of injuries and the erosion of blackening, I have no chance to go out, so I don't know much about these."

"Okay, then, thank you Lugia."

"I'm glad you can help Xuan."

"Have a good rest. "

Ye Xuan severed his connection with Lugia and thought carefully about what Alice said. Xiao Chi showed signs of blackening, which meant that humans might also be eroded by blackening. After all, humans are also part of the natural life.

Thinking about Hunter J before, Ye Xuan seemed to be able to feel that disgusting breath on her body.

Of course, there was also Hunter J's Bloodwing Dragon (Violent Salamander).

'The world of elves is getting more and more complicated...'

"Brother Ye," Alice interrupted Ye Xuan's meditation: "What should we do now, Aunt Hanako and the doctor..."

Unfortunately, the system did not issue any more tasks, and Ye Xuan was not a person who was only led by the system. The most important thing was that he had no way to save the two people now.

Well, even if there was, Ye Xuan had to at least ensure the safety of himself and Alice before he could act.

Although Ye Xuan was very familiar with Hanako and Professor Oak, they were just people in the animation after all. He was not such a bad guy to let Ye Xuan risk his life to save them.

"The plan remains unchanged. "

Ye Xuan made up his mind: "In the absence of sufficient information, what we can do is to remain unchanged in the face of change. Now we don't know where they went, but what we know is that the road from Pallet Town to Viridian City is open."

Yes, this is the only thing Ye Xuan can think of now.

Since there is only one road, what else is there to consider?

"Well... okay, let's go to Viridian City."

Alice was a little disappointed, but she didn't force it. She was not the kind of saintly bitch. After all, when she was in the Dragon Country, she saw too many people and elves being killed.

The experience of these days has made Alice, the girl who dreamed of becoming a dragon master in the original book, change a lot. She has become more mature and realistic.

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